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zandranix Nov 2018
If only
Knew her sheen; the luster

If only
Knew her cherished soul

Our wretched world therein

A single promise
To protect
Such fragility

Where the lilac
Sway lazily

Quick to become ablaze
But swiftly serene

An enigma
Sought out by many
Where the greed consumes

The selfishness
I feel
For her presence

And I thank God
The metaphysical
For this blessing
I will always be there for you.
¡Oh, Señor! Dios de los ejércitos,
eterno Padre, eterno Rey,
por este mundo que creaste
con la virtud de tu poder;
porque dijiste: la luz sea,
y a tu palabra la luz fue;
porque coexistes con el Verbo,
porque contigo el Verbo es
desde los siglos de los siglos
y sin mañana y sin ayer,
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
¡Oh Jesucristo, por el frío
de tu pesebre de Belem,
por tus angustias en el Huerto,
por el vinagre y por la hiel,
por las espinas y las varas
con que tus carnes desgarré,
y por la cruz en que borraste
todas las culpas de Israel;
Hijo del Hombre, desolado,
trágico Dios, tremendo Juez:
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
¡Divino Espíritu, Paráclito,
aspiración del gran Iaveh,
que unes al Padre con el Hijo,
y siendo el Uno sois los Tres;
por la paloma de alas níveas,
por la inviolada doncellez
de aquella Virgen que en su vientre
llevó al Mesías Emmanuel;
por las ardientes lenguas rojas
con que inspiraste ciencia y fe
a los discípulos amados
de Jesucristo, nuestro bien:
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
Ellis Reyes Dec 2011
Smile, Dear Child, smile
Our tears will be gone -
In a while.

Dieu a appelé ton nom
Et les anges t'apportent au Ciel
Ton étoile brillera toujours
Il donne espoir aux rêveurs,
Il nous rappel de ton amour.

Requiem eternam dona ei
Et lux perpetua luceat ei
We will always, always love you,
our dear, sweet Carrie.
Dedicated to Carrie who left us far too soon.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2019
Orléans, the maid Jean (Żąn of Arc)...

i have made peace with the paganism revival
in the medium realm of music,
i once entertained the idea...
but upon watching Floki crawl into the heart
of the mountain
  (vikings t.v. series)...
and seeing a cross at its base,
                   rather than a hammer of a dwarven
master smithy...
  breaking down and crying...
          and then recounting his ambitions?
for a people to adopt an approach of a people
to do not consider revenge?
          him screaming, from the mountain's heart,
which resulted in a volvanic eruption...
what god was he seeking,
to begin with?
             i moved from pop, rock, alt., punk
etc. into pagan revival music,
but i also transitioned from pagan revival
music into the realm of the templar chants,
byzantine chants, the gregorian...
and it was so soothing,
         my faith, my heart lies with the music
that appeases me, my angers and my doubts...
it's not the most spectacular of examples,
but its the only honesty i can ever give,
i cry at beauty...
   when i spent the whole night
watching the indian sea pillage and ****
  the kenyan coast...
when i first heard ola gjeilo's ubi caritas,
when i first heard
vaughan william's fantasia on a theme
by thomas tallis...
            it is so hard to cry when presented
with beauty...

     i side with the christian chants...
akin to the gregorian: libera me domine...

  after all... the post-roman scripts are
not pretty, esp. the english language
pretending to know the existence of orthography...
which it doesn't: given it has no diacritical
marker applicability...
             hardly a diacritical marking system
if...   ȷust so, as ι saιd... and also... they disappear
upon the CAPITAL STATED...

               but at least the post-roman
latιn remaιns allow, more for a language to be
sung... than could ever be saιd...
hardly to claιm... ι, I, L, l...
   (after all... what of the asiatic people?
they have a complex phonetic encoding
   last time i checked...
      they drew beautifully...
     but when it came to singing?
                  i find crows to croack
more beautifully than their peoples singing;
i guess you really need a castrato harem
of choir boys to reach the sort of pop
established by 20th century artists...
     how almost wonderful...
             castratos ascribed the governance
of song, rather than disgruntled harem ******)...
now... please excuse me, whιle ι translate
the lyrιcs of lιbera me domιne
   (in pig latin)...

     libera me domine
                      de mortem aeterna
           in die illa tremenda
     caeli movendi sunt et terra
        dum veneris
                   judicare saeculum per ignem
     tremens factus sum ego et timeo
        dum discussio venerit
      atque ventura ira
                 quando caeli vendi sunt et terra
dies illes dies irae
    calamatis et miseriae
         dies magna et amara valde
dum veneris
                 judicare saeculum per ignem
    requiem aeternam dona eis domine
  et lux per petua luceat eis
  liber me domine
                  de morte aeterna...
in die illa tremenda...

    free me lord
              from death's eternity
into your godliness that's awe inspiring
  (as also terrible)
heaven moves both sun and earth
while love judges heathenism
    by fire
    rest from the eternal gifts as
does the lord...
   and the light from its "petulance"
to continue to shine...

   will gregorian chants be censored?
templar chants? byzantine chants?
                   i tired of pop songs,
of 20th century "innovations"...

                 in english... the word implies:
     et lux per petua luceat eis
   and from seeking advice from the light
that shines!
so much for: petulance...

what a contradictory song...
                                what's next,
they ban gregorian chants,
   and fall flat praising and clapping
the next adhan?!
Jeff Lee Jan 2020
one's life is a treasure
something beyond all measure
and knowing this
they fight, they destroy
so i shall grant them the end to their journey
so they may find rest at last
thus the light shall shine
and the prodigal son returns to the father's side
i assure you, all will be fine

"What is one thing you would change about the world?"

"The strife, the hunger, the sadness.."
                                                      ­              - ?
idek ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

— The End —