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Cecil Miller Feb 2016
This is another set of poems i wrote that I have been trying to turn into a song. It's composed loosely, for that's the way I write - kind of from the center out, and I don't like to rework my words too much because I find that it alters the original intended feeling, so please forgive the grammarical errors and call it creative liscense.

I've been a fool,
I've been a fool, it's true
Now I live without you
Without you by my side
I can't go on
I don't want to go on without you

If at night you hear the wind is moaning
Your lonely soul is groaning
Think back, you'll find
I'm on your mind
There was a time when you were mine

Everytime the phone rings and there's a hang-up on the line
If you search for what is lost it's me you'll find
At the end of the mystery...

Though I'm a poor man,
And I'm tired
I'll never tire of loving you.

If you're alone and you can't stop crying,
cry for me, too.
I'll weep for you.
There was a time when you were mine.

Footnote: This was writen about obssession a long time ago, but now I think it's more about the subject just THINKING he was obssessed. And no, it's not about me but, in my writing I have always been able to empathize with various points of view.
I found this older rendition of a poem I posted on HP last year in my facebook memories. I though people who enjoyed it might like to see this. There have been several versions. I think poetry is alive and ever evolving in our thoughts.
coffee and tea
one dark one sweet

but though out the sea

i finely got my liscense
so lets go have a heart attack

or give me my crack
no lets drink coffee

but there's tea....
but the suarly sea

i got borned.figured make something crazy.
TW Rice Nov 2020
This journey we are on gets harder everyday. I'm loving you more with every hour that passes. But missing you, grows stronger by the seconds. I'm not sure I could explain having you a phone call away and still the longing to have you beside me, holding my hand, able to hear my whispers.  I imagine it's like the dry earth awaiting the rain. Or the beautiful flowers waiting for the winter to be over and the warmth of the sun to bring forth the bloom. Or like the preteen waiting on the drivers liscense. The anticipation and hunger grows stronger every day. Until the day, you walk in and greet me with a much needed kiss and hug. The day I can hold your hand forever. The day I don't stand on my porch with my hand waving until the next time. The lifetime we have ahead helps me to keep on and enduring the loneliness of the between times. My mind wanders wanting to see the distant dreams of our cabin, together our home. The times of the hard days passed. The days I no longer I have to whisper I love you. The day our hands can be intertwined forever. The day our secret is out. Our love can overflow. The day I wake up next to you and hold you a lot longer than I should. The day our adventure begins to take us to far away places only to return to our home.

Dedicated to my forever, my love, my Special K

— The End —