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All my life I've searched
for the kind of connection I saw
in Disney movies I grew up with
in the books I clung to so desperately to escape reality
in the eyes of my grandparents when they spoke to one another...

I fell into the trap of my past
with abusive lovers of all kinds
giving my heart to those who threw it aside
to shatter into shards like a thousand sparkling rubies
without a second thought

You came into my life as a cloud passing across the sky
adding something new to my horizon
without me knowing just how much you would grow
to influence my life

Over time we grew to be thick as thieves
you became my closest and dearest friend
I didn't know that whole time you were falling in love with me
patiently waiting for me to see what you already knew

Three years you waited
battling your problems as well as mine
staying by my side through the worst of storms
ever waiting until my past finally cleared
and recognition occurred.

My heart and soul recognized yours
in the way I'd always been told would happen:
I just knew.
I finally opened myself up to the purest, deepest emotion I'd ever felt
and let you in.

Deep in my bones
I know
I will spend my life with you
laughing, playing, adventuring, growing
carving our friendship, our love, into the fabric of this world
and creating a path together through sun and storm.

I will love you with every fiber of my being
in this life and the next

I've given my heart away for the last time
to my best friend
to my dashing rogue
to my lifemate.
Jenn Coke Jun 2016
He was never my classmate,
Neither was he my schoolmate,
As we have met on OkCupid,
Which is where we got suited.

He soon became my tablemate,
Then got promoted to bedmate,
Ranging from late-night nosh
To some naughty oh-my-gosh.

He was my almost-roommate,
Now, a hopeful housemate,
Since he would visit me daily
And keep me company gaily.

He was frequently my seatmate,
As well as invaluable playmate,
For we traveled places together
And cloyingly wrestled each other.

He has always been my helpmate,
And is presently my best teammate,
As he has cheered me up from afar,
As we chat as if there is no au revoir.

He will one day become my inmate,
Plus my hard-working workmate,
Since we will both have mini-me’s
Forcing us to slog away on our knees.

He is undoubtedly my soulmate,
One who is to become my lifemate,
For he is a romantic yet **** geek,
A keeper with charms all too unique.
Mr Bigglesworth Mar 2013
Largely loathing laborious loveless life
Lustless, listless lacking lady lifemate
Semerian Perez Aug 2012
We all have
Someone we
Would do whatever
It took
Your breath
Your very life

You never doubt them
I have been there
A few times before
And each time
I ended up crying
Until I became aware
Of one
Fragile yet determined
Heart showed me the way
From Darkness to Light

I cant turn back
Not now
So with these words
I call you
By name
In my own way
Best friend

These are the words
I call you
And with this
I close my eyes
And die
In order to be
In Your Love.
Semerian Perez Aug 2012
Red crimson flows
Through my veins
Soft like your fingers
As they glide over my skin
Molding me against you
Taking full control
As you become more
I look into your eyes
Is that lust I see there?
As you continue
Your nails drive deep into my skin
As you bite down into my neck.
I feel the blood rush forward
As you hold me close
Both bodies shuddering
As I go almost lifeless
You give me your blood to save me
Is it lust you feel twords me
As I change I become angry
All I wanted was blood
Mainly yours
You grab me as I scream
At you
"Why did you turn me...
Was it my blood you wanted...
My body... Was it lust..."
He held me close
Whispered in my ear
"No my dear it isnt lust at all...
It is out of love that I turned you..
I laid claim to your heart, body, and soul...
You are my lifemate
For eternity..."
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
Weight or Wings?

Another day Another night

Wondering if what I am doing is doing is any kind of right

Teaching.. Yes
There are those who still Seek and many more that are genuinely curious.

But time seems too finite for that which needs doing

And today the scales are unbalanced
and so
I too am unbalanced

There are lessons to write and correct
The Circle to tend and a few neighbours to visit
And my own home to tend with 7 wee souls and my Lifemate and his family as well

Responsibilities that most days buoy my steps ... today are just a weight, heavy and dark and unyielding

Perhaps tomorrow once more I will fly

but today ... just today I am finding the weight too heavy and a burden I cannot manage

Perhaps tomorrow I will Fly
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
recorded July sixth nineteen sixty
upon birth of she who doggedly
pursued me to the ends of the earth
and what not take no as an answer.

Unbeknownst to yours truly
a baby girl got born
sixty three years from aforementioned date;
she automatically triggered
excited buzzfeeding murmurs
heard amidst the madding crowd
patiently awaiting to secure their eats
at none other than Horn & Hardart
offering their house special,
albeit free of charge;

the grandfather of present day
food service industry company Grubhub
acknowledged storied birth
with roster of special guests such as:
Connie Francis, Eddie Cochran
(the latter came all the way over
from the United Kingdom),
and even then president
Dwight David Eisenhower
made guest appearance.

Meanwhile, about sixty plus miles away
a little boy, (who lived
in Levittown, Pennsylvania)
experienced a fleeting warm gentle caress
identical to soft summer breeze
linkedin to sugar and spice
and everything nice;
he smiled and unknowingly blushed
unaware his destined lifemate
secured courtesy good housekeeping

seal of approval,
which may seem
like an otter outrageous claim,
but mark my words approximately
thirty orbitz around the sun later
would witness his heartthrob
(currently snoozing away on the bed)
pledging to accept first one contra dance
after another until... death due him part.

I ofttimes sat alone
on the concrete steps
at Summit Presbyterian Church
6757 Greene Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119
perusing contents of reading material
unable to focus on the words,
cuz excitement prevailed
to exalt in an evening of pure ecstasy.

The third Thursday each month
at eight o'clock post meridiem
held special significance
at above named facility,
which constituted kibitizing,
fraternizing, but especially flirting
while contra dancing
usually with no ulterior motive.

Our fate got sealed upon occasion,
when I willingly shared Neptune Salad
(a discontinued product sold at Wawa)
with lass who stood
all of four feet and eleven inches
and sported trademark long thick hair,
whose locks (I dreadfully report
long since got lopped off),
then rivalled those of Rapunzel.

As an introverted generic
long haired pencil necked geeky lad
always awkward in the company of people
(even making small talk),
an eventual comfort to converse arose
with longitudinally challenged referenced gal,
whose buzzfeeding dialogue
indeed jump/kick started
us to exchange tidbits about ourselves,
such as address, age, birthday...
and other general information,
hence bringing to my awareness
regarding special occasion
she made debut appearance
within webbed, wide world.

Said lass subsequently
became dance partner for life
after she found herself with child
we became husband and wife.
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
I love you Baby
And I still do
We've been through hell
But each time I fall again
When you pull your magic wand
And your eyes caress assets

You darkened the sun for me
Right now, I'm scared
You added to my basket of regrets
It hurts to even ruminate over it
I'm sorry Baby
This is where the road ends

There is a Juliet for every Romeo
And a Parloma for every Diego
Goodbye my lifemate
The road ends here
For me, that's closure
"Adios mi amor!"

— The End —