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Ashwin Kumar Oct 2023
At a time when I was held prisoner
By my shy nature
Especially when it comest to talking with girls
You put your best foot forward
In order to break the ice
Which was doing its best
To try and freeze me to death
As though I were but in Antarctica
So, I thought you my friend
Mind you, an assumption it wasn't
You called me your best friend
Not once or twice
But many a time
You even called yourself my sister
A trusting person that I am
I took you at face value
Which was probably one of the biggest mistakes
Of my life in entirety
If Australia dominated cricket
You were my dominator
Your name stands for desire
And all you desired
Was getting your way
When it comest to anything and everything
You were such a drama queen
You put the Kardashians to shame
Only your "bestest friend" escaped
From your terrifying glare
Which burnest everything in its path
Much like Lord Shiva's third eye
You were always right
We were always wrong
Again, with a notable exception
Your precious little "bestest friend"
What he saw in you
Only God knowest
Marking you absent in the attendance register
Which was but my duty
Turned out to be a crime
Fouler than ****** itself!!
How dare I mark the "Queen" absent
Even if she were indeed absent!!
How dare I support Chennai Superkings
Even if I were but from Chennai
Not to mention, a huge fan of MS Dhoni!!
East or West, North, South Or Central
Mumbai Indians were always the best
All other teams were trash
You and your whims and fancies
Driveth all of us mad
Quicker than a tracer bullet
As Ravi Shastri would say
Even to this day
But you were my best friend
Not to mention, my sister!!
So mum I kept
As would a fiercely loyal dog
Even when ignored by its master
After our college days endeth
I stayed in touch
As would every friend in the world
In particular, a best friend
But best friend you were certainly not
I can forgive even an enemy
But not a friend who cuts me off
For the flimsiest reason in the world
To you, I was wrong
Though reality speaketh otherwise
But hey, why would I want to lose my best friend?
So did I apologise
Not once or twice
But many a time
Though for the kind of response I receiveth
Might I have spoken to the wall instead!!
After ages and ages
Cometh your response
As arrogant as James Potter in his school days
You showeth me your true face
Nothing but a jumped up rich Punjabi Brahmin
Who thinkest she were the best
In not just India
But the world in its entirety
Gone was your sweet tongue
In full display was a mini Bellatrix Lestrange
Ready to **** even her best friend
As the real Bellatrix did
With her cousin Sirius Black
Well, I would rather I died
Than maintain a friendship
With a cunning ***** like yourself
You deserve not
A single true friend in the world
Not even your "bestest friend"
You smashed my self-confidence
Into a billion little pieces
Pieces that I continue to pick up
Even to this day
Something I could but have avoided
Had I not taken you up
On your offer of friendship
Which was but as fake
As the smile of a Kardashian
I endeth on this note
It is but a lesson to all
Not to get swayed by sweet tongues
Scratch beneath the surface
Then only showeth up the true character
Poem dedicated to my first female friend, who cut me off because of a comment on one of her Facebook photos.
Liis Belle Aug 2015
I wonder about the most peculiar things
Impossibilities and ludicrousness
Like, what if hell was good and heaven was bad?
And how the world would be so ugly
If no one was just a little bit mad.

I fall in love with peculiar people –
In books and in movies, but in real life too
Like the mad character, Bellatrix Lestrange
I find it beautiful how she is
So completely deranged.

But nobody sees me as peculiar
It makes me wonder how much we hide.
Hence, the way others think of you is not who you are
There is so much they don’t know
They’re only judging from afar.
Daughter of Death Eaters
By Gemini Lestrange

My name is Gemini,
I am the daughter of a death eater,
And another one,
I grew up only being told that pure-bloods were better,
And that muggle-borns should die.

But I was never given a reason why,

It was always, we are superior
We are better,
We are greater,
We are grander,
I could on with adjectives that they used.

I always would ask why,

I never knew my parents,
They are locked up and the key was thrown away,
When I was young,
I was told the tales of their brilliance,
But I would ask them

How could they be brilliant if what they did got them put in Azkaban?

I was cursed for that,
Because being a child of a death eater,
Isn’t all sunshine and daisies,
We are curse if we dare question our parent’s beliefs
The beliefs that are imprinted on our heads,
From the moment we can start to understand.

It’s all we ever knew.
And then when we turn eleven,
And get sent off to a school,
Where all the things we are told to hate are there,
And when people tells us are beliefs are wrong,
How are we meant to respond?

I’m not saying we are right,
Because we are not,
But choice do we have, but to keep telling our self’s,
That are parents were right,
Because the ones who could help us turn us away,
They give us no choice,
But to go down the path of darkness,
To join the people we despise,

You say it’s our fault,
That we could have chosen differently,
But you don’t understand,
How you made us believe that was our only choice.
I am the daughter of a death eater,
And I will not go down that path.
This was written for a fanfiction, I am writing about Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter Gemini.

— The End —