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Hidden Colour Jul 2021
Rejection, it is painful!

I lauch myself at the idea of hope,
I throw myself into the notion of happiness,
I jump head first into something that could be,

Each and every time all I recieve is REJECTION

The steady reminder that I am not wanted,
The sharp feeling of not being choosen,
The constant pain of being unworthy,

Unworthy of being loved, of being the person that is picked
Being someone that is seen as being desirable, wanting to jump head first with me into something that could be,

But rejection, the reminder that what could be is indeed nothing more than a mere fleeting feeling.
rxsemary May 2014
You see her lauch
But her eyes are dead
You see her smile
But she isn't here
You see her
But at the same time you don't

You can see her dying
Day by day
Our by our
Minute by minute
Second by second

Caught in her illness
You wish you could give youre life for her.
Someone you always loved someone you always talked to someone who never judged you,
And shes going to leave.
She's going to... d
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2018
/                                                             so...
   the flag of the vatican...
                     resembles what i **** out?

   white ****... for watering
entering and leaving me,
without any liver dynamics -
water to water,
  and come the flowered
earth -
    no impurities intact?

but what of the, ammonia-
filled antithesis
of the waterfall bound to
the body?
     yellow ****,
the watered down amber?
  that has impurities
attached to it,
    cleansing compounds
of the sort of stink:
that a dog's breath
might invite to
be in a synonym decipher...

the popes at avignon
launched the teutonic order's
crusade of norhtern europe -
or what became of the prussians...

      some called them
the anti-pope clad -
    others? used a "brighter"
metaphor of calling them
        die schwarzpäpste...

so, cardinal venedig...
   will the rat city ever reach
the globalist concerns for
        uunartoq qeqertaq:
                           if any...

the flag... of the vatican...
why burn it?
         no need - tell them:
there are two colours of *****...
the clarity ****
      of no attached impurites
of a translating liver -
  and then the yell'ah **** of
the liver being involved...

yet... the popes of avignon
were the ones to lauch the northern

and i'm supposed...
to do what? join the "modern" narratives?
i have heard too much *******
about the crusaders in the holy land,
to hear them embark on
recounting a pristine history
in: that other place in the world
where crusades took place,
but muslims, let alone christians,
talk about as much,
  as a gnat's breath of excuses
to make: forwarding justifications
for isolationism...

history is but a cipher of
      what becomes scientific facts -
read to the "illiterate":
or rather, those,
without chandelier lifestyles -
who, currently in england -
are homeless, yet work -
      only down syndrome artefacts
are free, from the stigma,
of keeping a commandment
of: also being able to put together
a bench for the garden with their

    suddenly... i'm down syndrome?!
but i guess, if you want to plague
your parents with adding to
living under a strangers' rent premise?
to be! among y'er peers!

                                       they threw me
into the ****** base for some time -
apparently i must have lost more
than 50 IQ points to end up writing
something like this -
notably: my owd fwend -
       like my neighbours -
who's newborn?
       can't move his legs -
doesn't run around the house -
doesn't run into the garden -
has a right limb use
in smashing a wooden spoon
against his diaper style food station -
cries and begs...
      somehow sleeps during the night,
yet his "english" father doesn't
understand private property rights,
or being free, for someone neighbouring
him, to smoke outside his bedroom window...
because... the smoker?
   is shooting **** bombs of smoke
into his infant's window...

  shared air is... apparently a private
property right...
        it's a big deal:
when my neighbour dictates what i can,
and can't own?
  that's when i smash his private
property, and laugh, while doing it...

he has bigger concerns,
somehow coceiving a child aged 50+
with a bride in her late forties...

  the child can't move his legs!
he's sitting like a half-baked ******!
and i'm to blame?!
how much of a mea culpa am i a culprit
to, make genuine answers of,
when other people make mistakes,
or delayed choices?!

and you know what happens
to those ultra-retards when their parents
   i've seen it...
  cattle are treated better when herded
into milk-bank slots...

            mit nacktaugen:
             the way you can only treat
a complete loss of patience -
     in a sanity of a social nurse -
who can't compensate
a formed individual with cancer
to -IQ points "individual"...
                  after a while it's not surprise
that certain people
take to asking for sympathy with
a cain...
                  at least you can
have a "paranoid schizophrenic"
analysis of a sunday newspaper with
such people...
       but with someone who
has been given an existence
by "god's grace":
    but no concept of differentiating
a consonant, from a set of poorly
expressed vowels?
            grace my ***...
                       god laughs like retards

— The End —