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Nuestras vidas son los ríos
que van a dar a la muerte
que es la vida
Tu muerte más bien divertida Merton
                            (¿o absurda como un koan?)
tu muerte marca General Electric
y el cadáver a USA en un avión del Army
          con el
humor tan tuyo te habrás reído
vos Merton ya sin cadáver muerto de risa
también yo
Los iniciados de Dionisos ponían hiedra...
            (yo no la conocía)
Hoy tecleo con alegría esta palabra muerte
Morir no es como el choque de un auto o
                                    como un cortocircuito
                      nos hemos ido muriendo toda la vida
Contenida en nuestra vida
              ¿como el gusano en la manzana? no
como el gusano sino
la madurez!
O como mangos en este verano de Solentiname
amarillando, esperando las
                  los hors d'oeuvres
nunca fueron en los restaurantes
como anunciados en las revistas
Ni el verso fue tan bueno como quisimos
o el beso.
Hemos deseado siempre más allá de lo deseado
Somos Somozas deseando más y más haciendas
              More More More
y no sólo más, también algo «diferente»
              Las bodas del deseo
el coito de la volición perfecta es el acto
de la muerte.
                    Andamos entre las cosas con el aire
de haber perdido un cartapacio
muy importante.

Subimos los ascensores y bajamos
Entramos a los supermercados, a las tiendas
como toda la gente, buscando un producto
                  Vivimos como en espera de una cita
Infinita. O
                que nos llame al teléfono
lo Inefable.
Y estamos solos
trigos inmortales que no mueren, estamos solos.
Soñamos en perezosas sobre cubierta
                  contemplando el mar color de daikirí
esperando que alguien pase y nos sonría
y diga Hello

No un sueño sino la lucidez.
          Vamos en medio del tráfico como sonámbulos
                          pasamos los semáforos
con los ojos abiertos y dormidos
paladeamos un manhattan como dormidos.
No el sueño
la lucidez es imagen de la muerte
                      de la iluminación, el resplandor
enceguecedor de la muerte.
Y no es el reino del Olvido. La memoria
              es secretaria del olvido.
                    Maneja en archivadoras el pasado.
Pero cuando no hay más futuro sino un presente fijo
todo lo vivido, revive, ya no como recuerdos
y se revela la realidad toda entera
en un flash.

La poesía era también un partir
como la muerte. Tenía
la tristeza de los trenes y los aviones que se van
                              Estacioncita de Brenes
                              en Cordobita la Llana
                                de noche pasan los trenes
el cante jondo al fondo de Granada
En toda belleza, una tristeza
y añoranza como en un país extraño
                        MAKE IT NEW
                                (un nuevo cielo y una nueva tierra)
pero después de esa lucidez
volvés otra vez a los clichés, los
Sólo en los momentos en que no somos prácticos
concentrados en lo Inútil,                         Idos
se nos abre el mundo.
 La muerte es el acto de la distracción total
 también: Contemplación.

 El amor, el amor sobre todo, un anticipo
 de la muerte
          Había en los besos un sabor a muerte
                          es ser
                                    en otro ser
          sólo somos al amar
Pero en esta vida sólo amamos unos ratos
 y débilmente
Sólo amamos o somos al dejar de ser
al morir
        desnudez de todo el ser para hacer el amor
                          make love not war
                que van a dar al amor
                que es la vida

la ciudad bajada del cielo que no es Atlantic City
      Y el Más Allá no es un American Way of Life
                    Jubilación en Flórida
o como un Week-end sin fin.
La muerte es una puerta abierta
al universo
              No hay letrero NO EXIT
y a nosotros mismos
        a nosotros mismos
                  no a Tokio, Bangkok
                                            es el appeal
                        stwardess en kimono, la cuisine
es el appeal de esos anuncios de Japan Air Lines)
Una Noche Nupcial, decía Novalis
No es una película de horror de Boris Karloff
Y natural, como la caída de las manzanas
por la ley que atrae a los astros y a los amantes
-No hay accidentes
        una más caída
del gran Árbol
sos una manza más
                        Dejamos el cuerpo como se deja
                                        el cuarto de un hotel
pero no sos el Hombre Invisible de Wells
              O como fantasmas de chalet abandonado
                              No necesitamos mediums
Y los niños muy bien saben que NO existe
que somos inmortales.
¿Pues puede el ****** matar la vida?
                                        ¿De la cámara de gas a la nada?
                    ¿O son los evangelios ciencia-ficción?
Jesús entró en el cuarto y sacó las plañideras
              Por eso cantan los cisnes dijo Sócrates poco antes de morir
                            Ven, Caddo, todos vamos arriba
                                    a la gran Aldea (bis)
-Hacia donde van todos los buses y los aviones
Y no como a un fin
      sino al Infinito
      volamos a la vida con la velocidad de la luz
Y como el feto rompe la bolsa amniótica...
O como cosmonautas...
                      -la salida
                                          de la crisálida.
Y es un happening.
el ******
de la vida
                                          dies natalis
                      esta vida pre-natal...
Dejada la matriz de la materia
                                        Un absurdo no:
                                        sino un misterio
puerta abierta al universo
y no al vacío
                      (como la de un ascensor que no estaba)
Y ya definitivos.
                      ...igual que el despertar una mañana
                      a la voz de una enfermera en un hospital
Y ya nada tenemos sino sólo somos
que sólo somos y somos sólo ser
                                                              La voz del amado que habla
                                                      amada mía quítate este bra
La puerta abierta
que nadie podrá cerrar ya
                          -«Dios que nos mandó vivir»
aunque anhelamos el retorno a
                asociaciones atómicas, a
                        la inconsciencia.
                  Y las bombas cada vez más grandes.
Necrofilia: el flirteo con la muerte. La pasión por lo muerto
                                (cadáveres, máquinas, diner, heces)
y si sueñan con una mujer es la imagen
de un automóvil
          La irresistible fascinación de lo inorgánico
                        ****** fue visto en la I Guerra
                        arrobado ante un cadáver
                        sin quererse mover
(militares o máquinas, monedas, mierda)
cámaras de gas en el día y Wagner por la noche
«5 millones» dijo Eichmann (aunque tal vez 6)
O bien queremos maquillar la muerte
Los Seres Queridos (no diga muertos)
  maquillados, manicurados y sonrientes
 en el Jardín de Reposo de los Prados Susurrantes
                            cf. THE AMERICAN WAY OF DEATH
                1 martini o 2 para olvidar su rostro
relax & ver tv
                  el placer de manejar un Porsche
                  (any line you choose)
tal vez esperar la resurrección congelados
en nitrógeno líquido a 497°
(almacenados como el grano que no muere)
hasta el día en que la inmortalidad sea barata
después del café, Benedictine
un traje sport para ser jóvenes, para alejar la muerte
mientras nos inventan el suero de la juventud
                    el antídoto
para no morir.
Como el cow-boy bueno de las películas, que no muere.
Buscando en Miami la Fuente Florida.
Tras los placeres anunciados en las islas Vírgenes.
O en el yate de Onassis por el Leteo...

No quisiste ser de los hombres con un Nombre
y un rostro que todos reconocen en las fotos
de los tabloides
su desierto que floreció como el lirio no fue el
de Paradise Valley Hotel
                    con cocteles en la piscina
bajo las palmeras
ni fueron tus soledades las de Lost Island
los cocos curvados sobre el mar
LOVE? It's in the movies
                    las irrupciones de la eternidad
                                fueron breves
-los que no hemos creído los Advertisements de este mundo
          cena para 2, «je t'adore»
                          How to say love in Italian?
Me dijiste: el
      evangelio no menciona contemplación.
sino el horror de Dios (o
            traducimos mejor por terror?)
Su amor como la radiación que mata sin
y un vacío mayor que el Macrocosmos!
En tu meditación no veías más visión
que el avión comercial de Miami a Chicago
        y el avión de la SAC con la Bomba dentro
                los días en que me escribías:
My life is one of deepening contradiction and
                                                  frequent darkness
Tu Trip? tan poco interesante
el viaje a vastas soledades y extensiones de nada
todo como de yeso
                      blanco y *****, with no color
y mirar la bola luminosa y rosa como ágata
con Navidad en Broadway y cópulas y canciones
rielando en las olas del polvoriento Mar de la Tranquilidad
o el Mar de la Crisis muerto hasta el horizonte. Y
como la bolita rutilante de un Christmas-tree...

              El Tiempo? is money
es Time, es pendejada, es nada
    es Time y una celebridad en la portada
Y aquel anuncio de leche Borden's bajo la lluvia
hace años en Columbia, encendiéndose
y apagándose, tan fugaces encendidas
            y los besos en el cine
Las películas y las estrellas de cine
tan fugaces

                GONE WITH THE WIND
aunque reían todavía bellas luminosas en la pantalla
las estrellas difuntas
el carro falla, la refrigeradora
va a ser reparada
                          Ella de amarillo mantequilla
                          anaranjado mermelada y rojo fresa
como en un anuncio del New Yorker en el recuerdo
y el lipstick ya borrado de unos besos
adioses a ventanillas de aviones que volaron
                                                        al olvido
shampoos de muchachas más lejanas que la Luna o que Venus
                      Unos ojos más valiosos que el Stock Exchange
El día de la Inauguración de Nixon ya pasó
  se disolvió la última imagen en la televisión
y barrieron Washington
El Tiempo Alfonso el Tiempo? Is Money, mierda, ****
el tiempo es New York Times y Time
-Y hallé todas las cosas como Coca-Colas...

                                          Proteínas y ácidos nucleicos
                                          «los hermosos mimeros de sus formas»
proteínas y ácidos nucleicos
                            los cuerpos son al tacto como gas
la belleza, como gas amargo
Porque pasa la película de este mundo...
Como coca-colas
                    o cópulas for
                    that matter
Las células son efímeras como flores
mas no la vida
              protoplasmas cromosomas mas
no la vida
Viviremos otra vez cantaban los comanches
                    nuestras vidas son los ríos
                    que van a dar a la vida
ahora sólo vemos como en tv
después veremos cara a cara
                  Toda percepción ensayo de la muerte
                                      amada es el tiempo de la poda
    Serán dados todos los besos que no pudiste dar
                    están en flor los granados
todo amor reharsal de la muerte
                          So we fear beauty
Cuando Li Chi fue raptada por el duque de Chin
lloró hasta empapar sus ropas
pero en el palacio se arrepintió
de haber llorado.
          Van doblando la ***** de San Juan de la +
                        unos patos
                                                      «las ínsulas extrañas»
o gana decía San Juan de la Cruz
infinita gana-
      rompe la tela de este dulce encuentro
y los tracios lloraban sus nacimientos cuenta Herodoto
y cantaban sus muertes
-Fue en Adviento cuando en Gethsemani los manzanos
junto al invernadero, están en esqueleto
con florescencia de hielos blancos como los
  de las congeladoras.
Yo no lo creo me dijo Alfonso en el Manicomio
cuando le conté que Pallais había muerto
Yo creo que es cuestión política o
Cosa así.
¿Entierran todavía con ellos un camello para el viaje?
•¿Y en las Fiji
las armas de dientes de ballena?
La risa de los hombres ante un chiste es prueba de que creenen
la resurrección
o cuando un niño llora en la noche extraña
y la mamá lo calma
La Evolución es hacia más vida
        y es irreversible
e incompatible con la hipótesis
de la nada
Yvy Mara ey
fueron en migraciones buscándola hasta el interior del Brasil
(«la tierra donde no se moría»)
Como mangos en este verano de Solentiname
mientras está allá encapuchado de nieve el noviciado
                  Pasan las oropéndolas
                  a la isla La Venada donde duermen
me decías
It is easy for us to approach Him
Estamos extraños en el cosmos como turistas
                    no tenemos casa aquí sólo hoteles.
Como turistas gringos
aprisa con su cámara apenas conociendo
                                    Y como se deja el cuarto de un motel
                                        YANKI GO HOME
Muere una tarde más sobre Solentiname
                                          resplandecen estas aguas sagradas
y poco a poco se apagan
es hora de encender la Coleman
                todo gozo es unión
                dolor estar sin los otros:
                                                                            Western Union
El cablegrama del Abad de Gethsemani era amarillo
                WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU etc
yo sólo dije
o. k.
                            Donde los muertos se unen y
                                              son con el cosmos
porque es «mucho mejor» (Fil. 1, 23)
Y como la luna muere y renace de nuevo...
            la muerte es unión y
                      Ya se es uno mismo
                                se une uno con el mundo
la muerte es mucho mejor
los malinches en flor esta noche, esparciendo su vida
          (su renuncia es flor roja)
la muerte es unión
                      1/2 luna sobre Solentiname
                      con 3 hombres
uno no muere solo
(Su Gran Choza de Reunión) los ojibwas
y el mundo es mucho más profundo
Donde los algonquinos espíritus con mocasines
cazan castores espíritus sobre una nieve espíritu
creímos que la luna estaba lejos
morir no es salir del mundo es
    hundirse en él
estás en la clandestinidad del universo
                                        el underground
fuera del Establishment de este mundo, del espacio tiempo
sin Johnson ni Nixon
        allí no hay tigres
                              dicen los malayos
    (una Isla del oeste)
                                                    que van a dar a la mar
                                                    que es la vida
Donde los muertos se juntan oh Netzhualcoyotl
o 'Corazón del Mundo'
            Hemingway, Raissa, Barth, Alfonso Cortés
el mundo es mucho más profundo
                  Hades, donde Xto bajó
                                                  seno, vientre (Mt. 12, 40)
                                                        SIGN OF JONAS
las profundidades de la belleza visible
donde nada la gran ballena cósmica
llena de profetas
                      Todos los besos que no pudisteis dar
                                                                  serán dados
Se transforma
....«como uno estuvo enterrado en el seno de su madre...»

                          a Keeler un cacique cuna
La vida no termina se transforma
                          otro estado intra-uterino dicen los koguis
por eso los entierran en hamacas
en posición fetal
una antigua doctrina, d
Here I sit in a shed,
fueled by an appetite un-fed.
Unfortunately not for a burger and curly fries
But a distinguishable visage who tells no lies.

But then again if I continue to wait,
everything will be simultaneously late.
So I guess it's time to get off,
of an image more fictitious then something by Boris Karloff.

Just a Frankenstein of my own creation,
seeking some known relation.
While inhaling more than air.
Taking an unformulated dare.
Cody Edwards Mar 2010
"This s.o.b. has got Tourette's.
Who knows what he might say? We'd better
Get him under before he rises.
Sterilize something fast!"

I'm awake for the time being. When sleep comes
I shall play the perfect display of my bacillus. Reposing
On the white table like a necrotic pieta. Off to my
Left I can hear those touchstones spinning in fine sockets,
Sterilizing my hands by binding my feet. Soon I will be
A paragon of grunting celluloid, clutched at by
Heated hearts to wrinkle and shear.
I can already taste the cleanser.

Rubber foam, steel clamp and tongue depressor.
Excise the black portions with a serrated life,
You might as well. Because it doesn't matter
How much morphine sits in the delirium drip.
I'm still alive: the crush and blink in Boris Karloff eyes.

When I gather up my self in the morning.
I will be instructed to take all Ten a day
And check in regularly. Despite the cold,
Despite the heat, the embryo has quite failed.
© Cody Edwards 2010
A L Davies Dec 2011
jesus i hate
          christmas readings --

low intonings,
bursts of song,
prayers -- so many
       ******* prayers ...

all in name of th'
                          "wonder & mystery"
of christmas,
                         the birth of
                               holy babe.
                                                  nativity story spoken
true   granite   fact
heads all nodding..

Caesar Augustus, yes,
the census -- oh good!
                   ... some lady doing a
Mary monologue ...
                                   my own father playing Joseph!
(lumbering Boris Karloff father of Christ)

-- grandmother!!
quit jabbing my shoulder
                 as i        
put pen
to page!
              these hands
              are not
              the hands
of a devotion blinded
(blasphemous thoughts do i write!) (poems on *******)

here is
a woman in white!
very performance art
with that lighting
i'm not convinced ...

advent candles on
the altar ......
when the last is lit will a
heavn'ly chorus
                            ring out?,
blue flame batonning round
the sanctuary? orderly little halos.

-- grandmother get your
uplifted hands out of my face!

am i doing my part by
                                        holding this candle
        & singing hymns? ...

       (my arm is being twisted) (i call this penance/comes once a year)

                                                            where is my eggnog & ***??
a friend / hiding behind some poinsettias (****** good idea)
supplies a fitting finish. garnish for my thoughts:

           "man ...
i want
christmas h
    panky. "


*"****.                            that
fit under a
confessions/of a 21st century grinchola
Paula Swanson Oct 2011
There's a party going on upstairs,
your invited, to come and have a scare.
H.G. Wells, will meet you at the gate,
costumes required, hurry don't be late.

Vincent Price will be tonights D.J.
Halloween is his favorite Holiday.
He's spinning "Thriller", while dressed up as "Kiss".
Watching Claude Rains do the "Transylvania Twist".

Steve McQueen came dressed up as the "Blob",
he's serving up the zombie shish-ka-bobs.
Elsa Lanchester placed real bats within her hair.
While Marty Feldman keeps yelling "Frau Blucher".

At the stroke of the witching hour,
St. Peter amps up all the power.
A disco ball drops down from a cloud.
Out on the dance floor, forms a massive crowd.

Michael Jackson then leads them all in dance,
while Lon Chaney and Karloff take their chance,
to join the angels in harmony,
While "Monster Mash" is sang by Lugosi.

Even the Devil made it through the door.
He's the one sporting an Elvis pompadour.
So much fun is had by one and all,
at Heavens Annual Halloween Ball
She was a crazy catholic lady
With a crucifix dangling from a chain round her neck
Cheap Jesus pieces in her earlobes and
On her fingers, twisted against her wrist
The symbol of Christ's suffering and death
Molded in less than precious metals
To show allegiance to the cause
To prove membership in the club

I told her I was an alien
From a planet I pointed to
(Which was actually a star but she didn't know any better)
I gave some obviously typical dry science fiction name to the orb from where I came
A red planet,heated year round by hell fire
And the coup de grace
The people from my planet worship Satan and God

She took most of what I had to relate in comparative stride
Until I got to the part about worshipping the debbil
Then she began to moan ang groan about second thoughts
But second thoughts weren't part of my plan

"It's lunch time ,guys. They've got liver and onion on the buffet and it's going to be delicious"

"But O Holy One. We are not carnivores. We are Here to feast on all the bugs that have made themselves comfortable.

O Holy One did yet another double take and saw me bending down seeking out insects.
What she didn't see was Neolithic alone In the grounds area planting gummy bears and gummi worms and other insect  like critters. Insects like you .

When the arbolic lady sits I the grounds shelter she can't help but spot some of those cray college pestle shoot firsrms inside their belly
Just looking for tha pillowcase. ( that's where it was)

Catholic lady stared into that uncanny stew I did, too, and all the aliens with perhaps we shouldn't have been so cocky at first we soo began to respect the wagonmaster

One last gesture for the catholic lady
She sat across the room obviously devising plans of what to do when we got home
Home sweet himi took a magic marker
And drew a huge upside down pentagram acroo the whole of my palms
They didn't look like tats that were inked for fun or for hell
Theft tats. Were reminders of to WHOM you belonged.

I opened my hand, turned around and waved. It at her, a beautifully drawn Baphomet head smack dad center of my so realistic it looked like it might slide off of my skin and back to the loving arms of Boris Karloff.

The gummi bears were delicious
It was hard to pretend I was chomping a nasty X Y or Z, which were made an entirely horrendous smelling concoction for their entry but had almost become disqualified when it was found that she harbored secret  ideas. She's willing to talk about them on the phone.

Now he's here 5:00: o'clock early making soft, simple subliminal suggestions lull in conversation and I don't think anyone is individually off the hook for this nonsensse.

Catholuc girl saw his pentagram palm and almost had heart attack as well,I don't want to di early of hreart disease so I  hope it's some good old marihuana that gets us thru this hellish lost weekend

He didn't want to go stay with his parents but he did anyway dragging corpses behind him and begging the "old boy" to show him again how the **** never goes down. He heel used, martyred, confused

Catholic girl told my whole routine to the doctor. He thought it mildly humorous but felt obligated to be with
Her, she sufferers and her mind really reeled...she thought I ate bugs for dinner, what else was I telling the truth about?    Casting Crowns couldn't stay for our encore. We didn't expect them to,

10- "Mama ToldMe Not to Come" Three Dog night
9.- "The Pusher" - Steppenwolfe
8. - Goodnitr, Wake  Up Stonef" - Blind Society
7. "Madonna and the pope, swinging from arope" - my brother's least favorite band name
6. "1/3 of the Beast" the Beales
5. - Let's make this a short one
4. Dive hound ***** fu ka someone's in the house... I'd daddy, but your gun durum I'm only five and I don't know what thr g be this -
Goodnight I should have betcha can't limnnn

*I feel compelled to point out that this piece was written directly after taking my nightly 10mg dosage of Ambien. I suffer from chronic insomnia and after several years I can attest that it works. I may be addicted but that's better than sleep deprivation, as I see it. If you have taken Ambien, or know someone who takes it, I don't have to tell you that it has strange properties. For instance, I have been known to have complete conversations with people who were not there while Ambien was working and have to beg my wife to tell me what I said because there will be no memory of it whatsoever. It's as if a portion of my subconscious  has been tapped into and what's coming out is stuff I'd never say in my waking moments. Weird things, silly things, funny noises... Lately I've begun typing out poetry on my iPhone before falling asleep. It's a good way to clear my head. This particular poem went on longer than I had planned and apparently I nodded off a couple of times while still in the process of typing. This is why some of the poem seems to make no least it doesn't on this level, I think there are connections to the subconscious being made. It's the closest thing to "automatic writing" that I've ever experienced personally and no, I didn't remember what I'd written until reading it the next day. *
Were so much more interesting when I thought Bela Lugosi was your uncle
And though the tales of summers spent in the company of Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney Jr. were not true
You had me goin', man
You really had me goin'
Until eventually you drifted your way and I shifted mine
You pimped Kiss while I paraded the *** Pistols
You never told me those stories were lies
Then again I never told you that I thought they were ******* either
I can't help but wonder two things
1.) Do you think I'm so naive as to still believe you were related to Lugosi, Karloff, Chaney Jr. (and MORE!)?
2.) What if Bela Lugosi really was your uncle?
No matter, we never could have remained friends
I can't stand obsessive Kiss fans
Paula Swanson Oct 2010
There's a party going on upstairs,
your invited, to come and have a scare.
H.G. Wells, will meet you at the gate,
costumes required, hurry don't be late.

Vincent Price will be tonights D.J.
Halloween is his favorite Holiday.
He's spinning "Thriller", while dressed up as "Kiss".
Watching Claude Rains do the "Transylvania Twist".

Steve McQueen came dressed up as the "Blob",
he's serving up the zombie shish-ka-bobs.
Elsa Lanchester placed real bats within her hair.
While Marty Feldom keeps yelling "Frau Blucher".

At the stroke of the witching hour,
St. Peter amps up all the power.
A disco ball drops down from a cloud.
Out on the dance floor, forms a massive crowd.

Michael Jackson then leads them all in dance,
while Lon Chaney and Karloff take their chance,
to join the angels in harmony,
While "Monster Mash" is sang by Lugosi.

Even the Devil made it through the door.
He's the one sporting an Elvis pompadour.
So much fun is had by one and all,
at Heavens Annual Halloween Ball
Robin Carretti Apr 2018
We are the championships

Dipsy do's soft serve
Just curve your dog

He wants another hug
what heroism

Doggy dog leash pull

The presidential Poll

The bark full of dogs

Back to the future

Dog Bow wow machine


The collie matched the


Barking Dixie to the ward

Being hugged and dodged

The ball in his mouth

We were both doggy tailed

Help me "Honda Accord"

The Waffle bowl meets

his approval dog bowl

The Patriot "Super Bowl"

like the dog dupper

Who really needs to eat

Moms supper
Again what a pain
What remains Hollywood
Hotdogs barkery train

Mr. Snoop-dog big and long

All sporting dogs trampoline

jumping like the Alpha College

scout snapping Dorm dogpiling

Your heart was trapped inside

his bark

Those troops hit a stump


Trumps?? Devil dogs hired
Boot camps

Sylvester Balboa bark scoop

Saint Bernard Knox

Smoochy poochy jet lag

What a watchdog and friend

This is dog La La land

Bagels and those cute beagles

Slurpee lips no cat naps

From there wags and whiskers

I was left with a Soda pop

Three Stooges and cops

Having a dachshund meltdown

Football tackle stampedes

smarty pants

in my dockers seeing

Those cocker spaniels

Elton Johns of Daniels

Why do the humans become

like suckers dogs are the true

pledge hustlers

The Twitter subject became a

Dog Litter

Those dogs bark's Dads with

soda pops do-wops

Feeling nutty professor

my socks in my dresser

The dogs become smarter
than their masters

Someone was barking up the

wrong tree

You're the one who became

the pain can't you see

Diggetty dog house pet ate all

the water bugs happily end

Making a mate four leg friend

Who needs the dog house

Or his bone in T steak teeth

The corndog Kitcat kibble
bailing him out

Basketball he dribbled

Double Taurus dog was named

Boris Karloff so territorial

The Gulf of Mexico became his

surf and turf dog editorial

This was the operation double dip

This pup was the panic button

Her bark his park whistling tea kettl

Flip the house throw
out the sitter

The dogs ruined all the carpet

But you were leashed to him

like a magnet you felt like

Down to your last paws

Golden finger bone fund

You bow to their paw feet

Going to the "Bow Wow"

colorful Parade

Dogs new flash

"Hot dogs devil dogs
Raid bark and purr

Way smarter than you Sir

He bounced to his biscuit

Like a Karaoke dog game

Barking so spot suited

You were watching the

sports game the dachshund

was in a cabbie City

The human or an animal

Snipping your sneakers

Housebreaking a dog to
just imagine
All the people John Lennon loved
his dogs just Imagine

Hey it wasn't anywhere near a

dream but so worth it

You reached for his paw

no place like home Dorothy
last straw surrender

But the rewards of having

a dachshund if you only knew

People that don't have dogs

Some of them would not

understand that's OK

Dog spelled backward God

and their paw's with not
one flaw

Now drink your soda pop

at the bus stop all dogs

American flags playing tag

But remember your dachshund loves

to be hugged opening up
your emails

So much compassion love like no

other competition

Those jumps and wagged tails

So loving and running to greet you

and lick you so much to tell you
Just love and think
This is a dog world they have real hearts lets start believing how much love we can give them
John F McCullagh Nov 2014
Most days of the year a visit here
would involve a rinse blow and trim,
but on Halloween it’s a whole different scene
As the Queens of the night wander in.
Our regular staff has this day off-
It helps keep their heads in the zone.
To help “Jason” and “Freddie” get themselves ready
We’ve beauticians from good funeral homes,
If you wish to appear as a zombie or Ghoul
These girls will help get your “Freak “on
By the time you stagger up out of your chair
You’ll look like you’re long dead and gone.
With a wicked gleam they will paint your *** green-
You may fear it won’t ever come off.
Some bolts on your neck and, oh what the heck,
You can tell folks you’re Boris Karloff.
If a ghost is your quest you will be most impressed
You will look just like Lizzie the Queen
It’s quite the parade as they head out our door
To march in the West village scene.
“You look Boo-tiful dears”, I say to all here
As we all celebrate Halloween.

Based on a Greenwich Village Beauty parlor that offers professional make up for ghouls zombies and the occasional goblin each Halloween
nick armbrister Apr 2019
Era's Icon
The man had a certain look
He worked in films
Doing hundreds of roles

Never making it big
Till he was seen
Eating a meal in the canteen

'I can do wonders with your face...'
The words of the guide
Who set in motion events

Something more than special
Creating the icon of the era
The Stein was brought to life

Becoming more than a B-Movie
Or image in words
Lifted from the page

Boris Karloff became the best
Nobody had those looks
Or presence on screen

Or a hundred other attributes
The icon on which others were judged
Now remembered in film

In art and tattoos
The best of the best...

It all started with a meal
And those words:
'I can do wonders with your face...'
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
The game Wii or We_
and never wear me out
You're the roundabout
All He  etc, etc,
It's now or never
No-one ever loved you
As long as me
So SGT. Pepper lonely
We never were
Hearts eating the club

Ringo the drummer
We were never the
noses those yenta's
The fan- open-switch
We could never be his
Manwich go -fetch

Like the Walrus-wish
Our sign was never
The tear-jerker like
Taurus a light match
Matador bull

The ******* Barrel South
witch, this world is a glitch
The dark sunnyside turf
Boris Karloff
I see the moon arising
Wolfe, not Bruce Lee

The Madmen Mr.Softee
For sale
Love notes in San Diego
The campfire with
Eggnog Amazon Congo
We never enjoyed
Eggo well red-breasted
( Robin) took the eggrolls
left her boys sesame seeds
In their hoods

So many milestones
The ringtones new cellphones
((Hello))zip the lip Zorro
Cup of Joes Muffler sounds
of Moes

Beef gravy Sandwiches
- top fries
Oh! Yes Arby's going
beyond a dollar Uber car
Unique breeds of dogs

Became a horse of Oz
The Wiz of frisbees
We never got to really see
What we never were

Not behaving love
Star Wars, No discount on
After Christmas past
coffee ghost the blind host

Forest Gumps Ba Ba shrimp
If this was twenty years ago
I would never see the
mobile phone of Trumps

Like Space Alein ET
Taking the city train
You got taken
From a B.L.T

You're with your wife
That's life she wants all 
Your cards etc
The Cheese Gigilo
The wine's computer
The spouse of the day
websites I smell a rat

How I felt so grieved
Even if I was getting
money how long
I mourned
Your next door
he borrowed money
He said he will give
it back
He will never give
it back
All you could do is
smile back
Her's, Purs, furs, bars
E-bay other peoples identity
Selling your books with
their names
Refurbished cars
His health drinks
We never saw it coming
to his death the last
strawwhat health

Gym with him wealth etc
Pix, Canadian cups
Venus, burn those
Divas leave me
The expensive plastic Visa
The Candy Man Miss barb-wire
barbecue hamburgers hotdog
Eating animals like cannibals

The soul man and he's never eating
The Slim man
The piano when you're a
stranger some enchanted
evening Uptown Girl
Just put your key in
her car and leave her
Flag down someone else's
Zigzags or Jag-Jaguar
Billy Joel tiger fuel
Walk like a man
and women talk
To be stalked
Your  eyes up
Meals on wheels
Candy canes Black/Blue canes
Who wants to be a senior

These discounts are S--T!!
But the senior prom
Were are you from?

Sick-land  meet
Another round
Robin drinkers
Heres to the world
we never were
Go out and celebrate
We never realize
It's never too late
The comical rundown on we never everything is classified with never but please its fun time things will get better

"Tea?" enquired
the Jabberwock

"Thanks awfully!"
smiled Alice politely
pleased to take a break

"One lump or
. . . two?"
growled the Jabberwock

"None, thank you very much!"
Alice replied
in her best mimsy voice

"I keep changing
dress sizes
these days!"

"Blueberry Bakewell ****?"
smirked the Jabberwock

Alice shook her head
trying to rid herself of the thought

"Or maybe...."
beamed the Jabberwock
"Some Callooh! Callay! Cake!”

Alice had no sooner
made up her mind but

she changed it again
as her mind kept
jumping around

"I keep hearing voices
. . .reciting me!"
burbled the Jabberwock

"What! You hearing them too!"
wondered Alice uffishly

"And in languages unknown
'Fushigi no kuni no Aris.'
I can't even speak Anime!"

"And I seemed to be
made more and more of words?"
she stood awhile in thought

"Ok! Mr. Jabberwock...Miss Alice
curtain up in five please
a child is about to read you!"

"Well here we go
it's brillig again!"
whiffled Alice frumiously

"Maybe this time
I'll win perhaps?"
galumphed the Jabberwock

"Ha!" said Alice
"You wish...Ha!"
she haa'd again

and then the child
turned the page
and the poem appeared

for the first time
in her eyes
as new as forever


(ふしぎの国のアリス, Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu) is an anime adaptation of the 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland which ran on the TV Tokyo network and other local stations across Japan from October 10, 1983 to March 26, 1984. The series was a Japanese-German co-production between Nippon Animation, TV Tokyo affiliate station TV Osaka, and Apollo Films. The series consists of 52 episodes, however, only 26 made it to the US.
In the English language, this series is generally overshadowed by the success of Disney's 1951 feature film version of the story; however, the anime series was quite popular in various European countries, in Israel, in the Philippines, in Latin America, in Iran, and in the Arabic-speaking world. The series was also dubbed into Hindi by the national film development board of India and telecast on Doordarshan in the early 1990s.

The language with the most editions of the Alice in Wonderland novels in translation is Japanese, with 1,271 editions.
This was inspired by the photographs on the set of Frankenstein which show the Monster and his creator having a *** and a cuppa and one could imagine somebody calling "Ok guys....back into the scene!" And Boris stops being Karloff and lumbers back into being the Monster whilst still chewing a Custard Cream. "Ok...action...,lights!"

So I also thought that the Jabberwock and Alice get breaks from being themselves in a fictional way until someone somewhere picks up the wonderful book and begins to read the famous poem. The Jabberwocky, his mouth stuffed full of Chocolate Bourbons as he lumbers after Alice and hopes that this time he will come out on tops...not realising he is doomed to fail time after time.
I spent a week turning you down in the hospital, if that's possible &
now I can plainly see that you are dense, even more denser than me
sliding with side-dish gourmands, sliced up in a roped-off boundary
behind cats ready to pounce on cream cake mountain's third bounce
where the future of 4 inbreds untimed challenges cousins unprimed
in the Kmart department of Walmart or the cart section at **** Mart
Like a ****** **** gettin' it on with a white woman, I ate cheese on
a spoon, with a hand throttling my throat so as not to puke too soon
into basins crescent-shaped, like a functioning kidney-shaped moon
You're **** when you cough, sexier than crapped-out Boris Karloff
I spent a week turning you down in the hospital, if that's possible &
now I can plainly see that you are dense, even more denser than me
sliding with side-dish gourmands, sliced up in a roped-off boundary
behind cats ready to pounce on cream cake mountain's third bounce
where the future of 4 inbreds untimed challenges cousins unprimed
in the Kmart department of Walmart or the cart section at **** Mart
Like a ****** **** gettin' it on with a white woman, I ate cheese on
a spoon, with a hand throttling my throat so as not to puke too soon
into basins crescent-shaped, like a functioning kidney-shaped moon
You're **** when you cough, sexier than crapped-out Boris Karloff

— The End —