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Audrey Jun 2012
You sat by my bed everyday
You kept me spirit happy, gay
You gave me a reason to fight
Because if I died I wouldn't see your sight

You knew when I was in a rut
You knew when I had started to cut
You never judged
By my side, you never budged

You are the reason I now thrive
When many thought I would not survive
Now I start over in Oregon, Eugene
You saved my life Jeanine
Jeanine Azzo Aug 2015
أغتنم هذه قبلة على جبين !
و ، في فراق منك الآن ،
وبالتالي السماح لي الكثير avow--
لم تكن خاطئة ، الذين يعتبرون
التي كانت أيامي حلم ؛
بعد ما اذا كانت أمل قد طار بعيدا
في الليل، أو في يوم واحد ،
في الرؤية، أو في لا شيء،
هو بالتالي أقل ذهبت؟
كل ما نراه أو يبدو
ليست سوى حلم داخل حلم .
أقف وسط هدير
من شاطئ - المعذبة الأمواج ،
و أحمل في يدي
الحبوب من sand-- الذهبي
كيف قليلة! بعد كيف زحف
من خلال اصابعي عميق،
بينما أنا أبكي - بينما كنت أبكي !
يا اللة! لا أستطيع أن فهم
منها مع قفل أكثر تشددا ؟
يا اللة! لا أستطيع أن حفظ
واحد من موجة بلا شفقة ؟
هو كل ما نراه أو يبدو
ولكن حلم داخل حلم ؟
I’d only been home for a week or two
And Jeanine was acting queer,
Each time she’d pass the mirror she’d stare
And I heard her say, ‘Oh dear!’
I’d been away for five long years
But she hadn’t changed a bit,
Each time I’d ask, she’d cover her ears:
‘I have to go to The Crypt!’

I thought that she meant the local club
Where they drank and danced all night,
‘Aren’t you a little too old for that,’
I’d say, and her face turned white.
‘You’re only as old as you feel,’ she snapped,
‘If only,’ was my reply,
‘Whether we like it or not, we age,
And then, we finally die.’

She put her hands to her ears, and shrieked,
‘Don’t ever say that to me!
You can die, but I’ll still go on,
I’ll be what I want to be.’
I stood quite shocked as she raved, she cried
And turned and ran from the room,
I didn’t know what to make of her,
So sat, half stunned in the gloom.

She’d always worried about her looks
Had made up her face for hours,
I’d said, ‘You’re really compulsive, Sis,’
She’d take innumerable showers.
I said, ‘You’re washing yourself away,
There’ll be no oil in your skin.’
‘But don’t you think that I’m beautiful,’
She’d say, with an evil grin.

She’d never married, but dated men
Who would compliment on her looks,
‘He said I’m like Cleopatra,’ or,
‘Like Helen of Troy in the books!’
‘Words are cheap,’ I would say to her
And she’d fly right into a rage,
‘You’re always trying to put me down!’
‘You’re like a bird in a cage!

Always fluffing your feathers up
To say, ‘Hey look at me!’
Don’t you care for the things in life
That are not complimentary?’
But she would shrug and ignore me then
She was vain beyond compare,
I didn’t know that she’d signed a pact
With the Devil, in her despair.

The weeks went by and her mood got worse,
She was nervous, I could see,
Her hands would tremble and she would curse
Applying her toiletry.
The wrinkles set in around her eyes
‘So much for that cream I bought!
I’ll have to go to The Crypt,’ she cried,
And burst in tears at the thought.

One day I spied her out in the street
Down by a ruined church,
She forced her way past the battened door
And disappeared with a lurch.
I waited hours, out there in the street
To see when she’d reappear,
Then realised she’d gone to the crypt
In the bowels of that church, in there.

She came out walking, as in a trance,
So beautiful, redefined,
I couldn’t believe the change in her,
I thought that I’d lost my mind.
The girl I saw was only a shell
Of the woman who once was whole,
Whoever she’d met in that evil crypt
Had walked away with her soul!

David Lewis Paget
Neville Johnson Jul 2021
Savvy and sultry
Jeanine is such a beauty
Paul — lean and lanky
Both of them free
And single
Let’s see what happens
When happenstance arrives
Paul likes her personality
They meet at a job in the nice part of town
He’s the handyman
She plants flowers
They chat so pleasantly
Share some lemonade
They both think
“It’s been such a long time
Since I went on a date”
It was time to give it a chance
Yes, they could relate
So Jeanine asked the house owner
For his number
Immediately called
They’re down by the lake right now
Each enthralled
Martin Bailes Mar 2017
Giulani ...

looking much like

a radiated & mutant tortoise

from the walking dead,

& the always golden-hearted

Judge Jeanine Pirro

casually chat

on Fox News

all chuckles & smiles

about Muslim bans

& refugees,

while youngsters

languish in camps,

die in cities,

get cold

in mountains.

Chuckle on
you two
chuckle on.
The passengers from the ‘Bold Dundee’
Were sick as they crawled ashore,
Tossed about in an angry sea
By the God that they knew as Thor.
He’d beat his hammer along their hull,
He’d roared as the thunder clapped,
And ripped the sails from the forward stays
As the sheets and the masts collapsed.

The tide had hidden the rocks from view,
A mist had obscured the shore,
The captain thought he was sailing free
As he’d always done before.
But the ocean swell in its mystery
Hid atolls of murk and myth,
That never appeared on a sailor’s chart
Where the Gods of old still lived.

The ship had shuddered and holed the bow,
Rode up, and sank at the stern,
The swell burst over the after deck
Drowning the crew in turn.
The passengers on the steerage deck
Were swept clean over the side,
Onto the rocks of a thousand wrecks,
But only a few survived.

By dawn that few had struggled ashore,
But the rest of them were dead,
Were floating out on the turn of tide
To rest on the deep seabed,
But Robert Young and his wife Jeanine
Were cast right up on the land,
And so was Emily Wintergreen
And the lad called Adam Shand.

They woke to an alien sunrise,
In a strange, pale purple mist,
And a sound came down from the mountainside
From a thousand years of myth.
A pale white horse bore a surly man
Who was ten feet tall to his head,
And roared, ‘Now bow before Woden, or
By Odin, you will be dead!’

Then striding noisily through the trees
That grew right down to the shore,
Came a giant man, a hammer in hand
Who roared, ‘You can call me Thor!
What brings you here to our hideaway,
To disturb our God’s redoubt?
We left you, hundreds of years away,
Yet now, you seek us out.’

Each one of them bowed, and touched the sand,
‘We don’t know why we’re here.
We didn’t plan it,’ said Adam Shand,
‘It wasn’t our idea.’
‘You turned away from us,’ Woden roared,
‘Sought other gods to please,
Once you were praying to us for help,
Would beg of us, on your knees.’

‘I swear we’ve never forgotten you,
You’re with us, all of our days,
For Woden, you are our Wednesday now,
And that is eternal praise.
While Thor is our every Thursday,
Every week that he comes around,
And Tiw, well he’s become Tuesday
So you’re lost, but you are found.’

The Gods stood back, and then conferred,
‘We’re going to let you go,
But only because you honour us
With your calendar, if that’s so.’
A longboat, free from the wreck came in
And the four of them climbed aboard,
Then waved goodbye to the Isle of Gods,
But at sea, they thanked the Lord!

David Lewis Paget
Cave Painting
Prof. Jeanine Kowalski, PhD, Anthropology:
“I write until very late in my parents’ farmhouse, in my old bedroom.
I am visiting at Thanksgiving, writing my research.  
I love my parents, to be here, my work.

“When I was seventeen, here, in my childhood bedroom,
Threatened with boredom, which my parents implied was the Prince of Darkness,
And to be fair I believed it myself, independently,
I did not honour the life and love commitment I made to a seventeen year old boy.
I gave up, temporarily, the love-courage of girls.

“The combine harvester working by floodlight in the field outside this room, is harvesting soybeans while I write.
The man who was that boy is driving the combine harvester at night, harvesting his parents’ crop, helping his parents.
He is driving back and forth by tractor floodlight and headlights and the headlights of the trucks aimed up the rows.

“I do not have to live without love or happiness or beloved children.
I am pretty, too. I got most of the gifts.
He has a wife and children and a life of his own.
If I was treacherous, I am, I am sure, forgiven, but still,
After even the fullest and truest justification, you must look at the thing itself,
Just the thing itself ….

“And to do that I would need the kind of love poetry which is hardest to find, the love poetry which is all we have left
Of the great art of cave painting, poetry not drawing its power from melancholy, but shining with wanting, with excitement and awe.
He had, of all the gifts, character.”

Paul Anthony Hutchinson
copyright Paul Anthony Hutchinson
A love poem, a compressed novel not melancholy. The Greeks wrote hymns to victory .....
A Pearl she was,
A Pearl she shall stay among the stars,
A Pearl as beautiful as a Ruby,
Deep in the sea only one like her could be found,
My mother shall be my only Pearl forever,
In the Sky till I die she shall shine.
And if they'll say that Pearls don't shine,
I shall answer that my Mother did and does
Happy Mother's Day
Our Shining Pearl...
Janna Lynn Lee Jan 2022
I wanna see Angels like Lorna sees them today
Please give me the sight,  Angel's, please show me the way
Seen puffs of clouds and sparkles of blue and pink
I want to see more please, more distinct.  
I want to see feathers, vivid colors displayed
I want to hear the harps of the angelic music played
I want to see them smiling at me
I want to see one, no two, NOO Three!!
Given the gift to hear spirits from the other side
Want them to come through, please please I cry!!
I have looked in the sky and seen'em lookin down
thru the clouds
I am in awe, and I am just like....WoW!!!!!!!!!!  
I love and rely on my guardian Angel Jeanine
She knows what I do and she has seen what I see
I know she is there about 3 feet behind.
She is so quiet, full of loyality and so loving and kind
To come into this world with me from the womb
Then to stay behind me silently but with warnings of doom
She gives me signs and I know that I receive them.
I feel mine is a female and not definitely a him
Please always Jeanine know that love I have for you
Its for me, soley me that you do what you do.
God assigned you to me and I definitely agree
If you were not here, then I might not be me.
So please let me see more Angels appear
Let me feel them when they are near
I promise I will treat them with all the love in my heart
But for now thanks allowing the puffs of clouds and the pink and blue sparks.
Thank you for the ones that form from the beautiful clouds
and sky
Thank you for letting them be near me hearing their wings when i have cried
Thank you God for the Angels.  I will will say it a million times
I feel them always in my heart when I hear the church bell chime.
I feel them when I have an issue or sick
I feel them when I am happy and feel Good about this Chick!!
I feel they help my family friends and so many Souls
I feel they are in the trees the sky and when the wind blows
So again I wanna see the Angels Like Lorna can
Reach out Reach out and Just hold my Hand!!    
For here I sat for a short while,
Writing few words about what is going on
Across my mind, thoughts of love about
How my lover came to visit me yesterday
And all he had to give me, was a tsunami
Of tender love into which I drown myself
Under his control, just wanting to get lost
In a safe hand, that I had not known since the
Departure of my beloved Mother Jeanine!
Maybe, the invisible hands of God, which I
Strongly believed have had my back, since
Life made that I am some miles afar my
Beloved Family, for some on the same land
That today I am seems to have forgotten all
The meaning and sense of “Unity and same
Blood”. So, here I sat, behind a friend’s laptop
Screen writing the thoughts that are running
Across the channels of my brain… I am envisioning
Myself laying on a beach Isolated by type, and
Enjoying A soft sand on my skin, Loving my Life,
feeling that a day at the beach for me can
Only be a good one…

— The End —