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In the valley of the Pegnitz, where across broad meadow-lands
Rise the blue Franconian mountains, Nuremberg, the ancient, stands.

Quaint old town of toil and traffic, quaint old town of art and song,
Memories haunt thy pointed gables, like the rooks that round them throng:

Memories of the Middle Ages, when the emperors, rough and bold,
Had their dwelling in thy castle, time-defying, centuries old;

And thy brave and thrifty burghers boasted, in their uncouth rhyme,
That their great imperial city stretched its hand through every clime.

In the court-yard of the castle, bound with many an iron band,
Stands the mighty linden planted by Queen Cunigunde’s hand;

On the square the oriel window, where in old heroic days
Sat the poet Melchior singing Kaiser Maximilian’s praise.

Everywhere I see around me rise the wondrous world of Art:
Fountains wrought with richest sculpture standing in the common mart;

And above cathedral doorways saints and bishops carved in stone,
By a former age commissioned as apostles to our own.

In the church of sainted Sebald sleeps enshrined his holy dust,
And in bronze the Twelve Apostles guard from age to age their trust;

In the church of sainted Lawrence stands a pix of sculpture rare,
Like the foamy sheaf of fountains, rising through the painted air.

Here, when Art was still religion, with a simple, reverent heart,
ived and labored Albrecht Dürer, the Evangelist of Art;

Hence in silence and in sorrow, toiling still with busy hand,
Like an emigrant he wandered, seeking for the Better Land.

Emigravit is the inscription on the tomb-stone where he lies;
Dead he is not, but departed,—for the artist never dies.

Fairer seems the ancient city, and the sunshine seems more fair,
That he once has trod its pavement, that he once has breathed its air!

Through these streets so broad and stately, these obscure and dismal lanes,
Walked of yore the Mastersingers, chanting rude poetic strains.

From remote and sunless suburbs came they to the friendly guild,
Building nests in Fame’s great temple, as in spouts the swallows build.

As the weaver plied the shuttle, wove he too the mystic rhyme,
And the smith his iron measures hammered to the anvil’s chime;

Thanking God, whose boundless wisdom makes the flowers of poesy bloom
In the forge’s dust and cinders, in the tissues of the loom.

Here Hans Sachs, the cobbler-poet, laureate of the gentle craft,
Wisest of the Twelve Wise Masters, in huge folios sang and laughed.

But his house is now an ale-house, with a nicely sanded floor,
And a garland in the window, and his face above the door;

Painted by some humble artist, as in Adam Puschman’s song,
As the old man gray and dove-like, with his great beard white and long.

And at night the swart mechanic comes to drown his cark and care,
Quaffing ale from pewter tankards, in the master’s antique chair.

Vanished is the ancient splendor, and before my dreamy eye
Wave these mingled shapes and figures, like a faded tapestry.

Not thy Councils, not thy Kaisers, win for thee the world’s regard;
But thy painter, Albrecht Dürer, and Hans Sachs thy cobbler bard.

Thus, O Nuremberg, a wanderer from a region far away,
As he paced thy streets and court-yards, sang in thought his careless lay:

Gathering from the pavement’s crevice, as a floweret of the soil,
The nobility of labor,—the long pedigree of toil.
The one...

the one who will shine  brighter than the sun.

The one I will spend the rest of my life till its done....

The one?

the one and only..

the one and only!

who will be my lover,
will have my heart,
and we will have each others
we will never fall apart,we will break down,but we continue to stand.

The one and only...

the one and only will not just be my wife,but also my homie...

a partner,
a friend,together we will fight for each other onto world ends.

we love passionately,and ride the waves,as we do it,romantically.

My one?

my one,her smile shines as if heavens light is bestowed upon it,her lips so tender and sweet,the very taste of it hard to even speak of,cause each kiss im taking is each different but unique in the same love.

my arms are ment for my one,My lips are for my one  and only.And my one? is the one that is distant from me and my touch.
I want to love her,but her lips are far from my touch.
I want her so bad,cause I love her so much.

the one..
the one who Ived been there for,saved her,bathed her,glazed her with my kisses and riches more than any women in my life.

My one and only,I did everything for her,cause she is my wife.

My one and only,
the one,
she is the start of everything good in my life,she came in wen I had nothing.Now she is my strife,She's the one of mines,her beauty is undefined,And each line read,is all for that one.the one and only,my goddess,my sun,my queen,and my everyday desire.

I long for her,so I wait as the fire,but only grow with heated love and passion for my sun,the one,and only,my everlastin love.
That comforts me wenever im lonely.

-By emmanuel jv Hernandez
Ariel Aug 2016
The life ived has been good to me.

The roads I've traveled, the people ive met. The friends I've made.

But i am still just and outsider.

Wandering the hollow roads of solitude and isolation.

Living a life of lone wolf filled with separation.

My heart has hardened, my eyes are colder.

My lies had gotten a lot bit bolder.

My crys were louder my heart shattered.


Left and abandoned
Destiny Jul 2019

Ever since I was a little girl, I never called anyone old.
I referred to older people as elderly.
One day, out of nowhere I decided that a person is "old" when they reach the age of 70.
My grandmother, who I call nana turned 70 last year.
Now I am morally allowed to call her old in my mind.
She thinks it's hilarious and she loved her mockery of a cake!

All jokes aside though, being "old" scares me. As I'm sure it scares many. To me "old" means; out lived desire. The desire to live becomes almost invisible; non existent. My mother is fighting two battles. Mental and physical. The mental aspect of her brain is fueled by her children's emotions and her physical pain. She is constantly worrying about her children and if they are okay mentally and physically. She has had her share of mistakes but she will always be my momma. Her physical battle consumes her whole body. Pain 24/7 with little to no relief. She is a strong women but because of her mental battle all her life, her body is that of an older woman. Medicine only goes so far and sometimes it feels like my prayers hit the ceiling and fall. My mom is not "old" but sometimes I feel like she "out lived desire." She continues to fight these two battles with a smile on her face [most days.]

Today you are 18,036 days old, but today, you are stronger, braver, and wiser than when you were 18,035 days old!!!
Cherish your family!
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
A brownie being offered him,
the missionary cringes;

he's heard rumors,
messages have been passed on,
Sybils served tea and
chocolatte once fed gods
native to this chapparral where I dwell

with lizards and coyote, yote, like mote in y'eye

don't let the accent fool ya, said the preacher from his jet.
I say,

Wise ***** are not named otherwise, in The Bible, I mean.
lieve me being in the *******
is no missing of the message
in Christmas ribs.

We've come quietly, adverbs being repre-ived,
at the moment
from stupid Tom Swifty readers, ****-flash

I hate lys, not because Stephen King does,
but be cause Herr Dunklesohn
mocked me
forn not recognizing a Tom Swifty as such.

Same guy told me Mrs. Malaprop was named for her
intrusion of forced onset cognition ignition

the technic in fully articulated use of F and N in S
and M toned down to PG

when, gee, I think we're alone.

leaves us dangling near the source of Jonatan Edwards
the thread that holds us, for all we weigh in worthiness,

nada, right? so we ain't heavy. riiiight. bro. sos ye know,
this ain't me, we integrated, we crazy voices in the readers mind

we all sound the same so some same same-same
life goes down the drain

in one swirling direction from a solar POV, but bacwards,

not *******, blowing, in the wind, the answer,
my friend,

stupid chant an encantation from the substrata

think nothing
of it

squirm and be a kid. You made it. This is the rest in the story.
Ah, that felt wonderful.
Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
At last I feel safe and sound                                                                                          I live alone and that is fine                                                                                                    Have no one to answer to                                                                                                     Am my on boss                                                                                                                I still have friends and go out and have fun                                                                      But dont come home to a controlling one                                                                                Come home and its just me and the cat                                                                          She is happy and dosent answer back                                                                               I used to be so afraid,always scared to speak                                                                   When I lived with you I felt weak                                                                                Looking back I think you were the weak one                                                             You could not bear to see me have fun                                                                          Now your gone Ived got my like back

— The End —