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Infamous one Mar 2013
Find courage to speak
Always holding back
Others judgement like a whip lashing flesh
Treat others as equals but taken lightly
Put haters in their place
Make way to success
Stupid look on their face
Voices make stomach turn
Anger within starts to burn
Ruin others happiness
Misery is circulating like blood
Stay away don't burden others
Trouble those treat leass than *****
Act innocent ingnore all th hurt deal
Bhill Jul 2019
Reflections can be seen in our everyday lives
They stare, they ingnore, they reflect
They appear to be in the opposite world
Reflections are looking back at you
Reflections are creating another balance of what is there
Is the reflection you see real
The mirror, the lake, the mist, the camera, your eyes
These are the tools of reflection capture
Are they to be trusted...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 187
What do you see?
Rachel Nov 2013
Look a the eagle digging
His claws into the salmon.
If it was slower
You would notiice
That the tree that
Dies kills the life
That thrivwed on
The unbrella parasite.
The dead kills us.
While we ingnore life saving
The way I see a huming bird three feet away.
Theeres nothing to say ill come again.
To see the world full of noise.
The anthem of love and nature.
Hunts you  down when the unlucky deer.
Feeds the craving I have in winter.
You hate the way we survive.
But after aweekyoue
Achanged antalo9e.
Often the people you love
Forgive ******* lauphs.
Tal Haynes May 2016
You wanna prevent a eruption when it  already happend
Your job has been done for quit some time
Your lingering around
I dont need your pitty
Stay out of my conversations
My thoughts are my own
Teengers talk thats what they do its nothing new
If I think someone is being stupid let me think it
If I get in trouble thats my fault I dont need your help
Some things you just gotta deal with
The  words slip from my mouth easliy because I dont care , I dont care about them
They need no details to explain them because there simple minded
You say ingnore them but how many years did it take for you to be able to do it
Your not fighting my battles so dont tell me its easy
Your not living my life
Your not a kid so you dont know the social competion
Never is there any truth in the lie
Followed by a man created word called sin
You are always as good as your feeling
Get old you lose stay young  you win

Experience counts for everything in life
But to get it you have to live every mile
Enjoy your life ingnore others strife
And walk tall be confident and smile

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

— The End —