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Akira Chinen Jan 2016
Why art?  I don't know...
Why gaze at the stars
Why sit alone and forget to feel lonely
Why love without needing anything in return
Why breathe
Why exist
Why art?
The why isn't important
What is important is if you're going to do art
Any kind of art
Whether its painting, writing, dancing, music, sculpting, acting, illustrating...
Is to give yourself to your work
Fall into  the middle of the madness
Drink in all its sorrow
Swim in the infintie possibility
Love the beautiful pain of it all
And then do it again
And again
Jami Denton Jan 2012
i worked in the mountains during the hot summer
there were un soldiers there who didnt speak english
rumors of mile-long underground prizons-
who could tell? we didnt speak russian
they were blowing up caves that tunnled deep into the stone earth
the last great sanctuary straight from revelation
silicon chips have been implanted into entire families in california
and the beast truly has many faces.
i remember the day war was declared and i cursed president bush for being such an infintie man
but he shall be remembered forever in history as a brave man (who has only felt the blood of another human on his hands in sadistic ritual) because he was not afraid to fight (unlike our dear sweet kennedy who they killed for not doing the same)
oh life! you have never ceased cleaving the meat that is mankind
and humans, will we ever cease to see that life is before our suffering of birth and waits for us after we suffer also in death?
some say that the world is spinning slower every day and will stop all together in 2012 for three days of darkness. they say in these days we will gain a new dimension and life willl never again be as we have knwn it. and i wonder, will we ever be ready? 5/30/02
Akira Chinen Jan 2017
He walked through the night sky and painted her name and a dream and a wish on every star and told every moon the story that he heard while listening to the beat of her heart and he feed every sun a little of the endless magic that he had found in the infintie depth of her iridescent blue eyes and night after night he swam through eternity and gave a small piece of his heart to the song of beauty that reverberated from her smile and throughout the cosmos and he traded the marrow of his soul for a palette and a brush and the secret colors and shades and hues of love and continued his long walk through forever as he painted her name and a wish and a star on every dream
And the world really did stop.
Haulted at its hinges by an indescribable force.
It steamed and chimed like a machine.
Attempting to break from it's shackles.
Attempting to breathe.
Trying to continue being.
It did not work.
The world was frozen in its feeble grace.

And the world really did stop.
Children turn to men when he went.
Often they viaied for his affection.
Beging for praise from him.
As would to their father.
We worshipped his every move.
Praise his inhuman brillance.
He was a picture of perfect.

And the world really did stop.
Life went on without moving forward.
I could only look behind me now.
Knowing the world won't ever be the same.
Others tried to fill his shoes.
Yet only managed to prove his perfection.
I was there once.
In the midst of my imperfections disgusting nature.

And the world really did stop.
I struggled.
Tosing and turning.
Trying to forget.
And remembering even more.
You face filled my head.
I wished I was dead.
Then kept it quiet.

And the world really did stop.
My mind find solace in another pain.
Trying my hardest to refute the truth.
I spent my days inside my own mind.
Trying to find reason.
In the silliest rhyme.
I'm losing sleep and time.
Contemplating a self destructive crime.

And the world really did stop.
Instead of tenderness for other.
I began to care only for myself.
I hid in the safety of my horrid head.
Escaping existance but not acknowledging it.
I begun to believe in fallacies.
Keeping them inside my heart.
Loving lies in order to avoid cries.

And the world really did stop.
Sweetly in the night it paused.
His boiling blood turned cold.
An arch angel was stolen.
Sweeped into an eternal night.
I live now in an infintie freight.
I do not deserve to cry.
He did not deserve to die.
Please read it.
Solaces Oct 2016
Some of those streaks of blue you see in the sky are not comets are falling stars.  Someone has found their star glass machine, hidden in the darkness of doubt and despair.  They have learned to ride and balance on thought. On memories of light and imagination caught, within a star glass machine the emotion engine starts.  

Endless blue blazing fills my Lightcycle machine, lightning bird wings spread far and wide, I travel at the speed of thought to places unseen.  Across the stars and into your mind.  I find the universe and your beautiful shine.  It is all endless! All forever! Eternal memories, Infintie light melodies.
Ride with me.
Akira Chinen May 2016
Bodies made of honey
Souls rebuilding Kubla Khan
Hearts dripping sweetness
Pulsing gold blood through
Endless rivers of piety
Deep in the chasms
Of forbidden fidelity
A dream made and undisturbed
Between the soft and silky folds
Of sinew and quintessence
Along the edge of primrose path
Trembling hands did stich
Vivacity to consciousness
And gods of nectar pith
Did decree no act of love
Even those of
lewd and shameful tendrils
Could be spoken of as a wickedness
Your whispers rapturous delight
Made thunder bloom and devil cry
As your fingers lightning  
Galvanized the rage within the chambers of my heart
As crested waves did beat and pound
The tissue of my temperament
My soul capsized within did drown
And sank through depths unknown to man
A sinuous dance to madness called
And as Eden and leaf do fade and grieve
In this pulsing gold of honeys blood
By Moira I am bound to stay
Eternity a plaything
Of our love
Free to pleasure of endless flow
No thought or act a sin
Worlds collide and every moons heart do palpitate
To watch the stars rewrite the history of flame
As we walk and burn the surface of the sun with our feet
And our bodies cooled by its flickering tounges of fire
Our two hearts forged to one
And beat a song of huricanes
Engulfing and extinguish its blaze to the core
Collapsing the suns immortal heart
Planets swallowed to the vehemence birth of the black hole left behind
And we swim effortlessly from its rend and tear and pull
The universe ours to make a new
Your name makes ever gods lip quiver
And their eyes jealous and envious in heart
And they dare not speak to you as any less than their queen
In this place where you have
Become the beauty and light
And sun and heart
Of love itself
I am no king
Nothing more than
A feeble fool
Under the gaze of
Forevers sunset and eternities sunrise in the infintie blue seas
Choreographed in your eyes
Just a broken toy
Left to the care and disposition of your whim
To be played with
Or left to gather dust on your shelf
Yours and yours alone
Imprisoned in this resin pulse of gold
Favored by fate
To wear these blissful chains
No desire
Other than to walk
Naked through your incandescent souls scintillating luster
My love for you infused to immortality
My heart to suffer
To spare yours pain
My souls black blood and quill
To write song and prose
Of your pure truth bloomed
Here pulsating in honeycomb rivers flow
My entirety burned to this purpose and desire
My only act to walk through these flames
Only existing to be consumed by the blaze
And to live in your fire
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
Another day has come
Another never never
For the sun
Always always
Burning burning
Its smile
And flame
Dancing endlessly
For the infintie stars
Of your Vincent blues
And I burn in synchronicity
With the blaze and fervor
Of the never never
Ending dancing fires
Of the sun
And I sing all day long
*I Love You

— The End —