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brandon nagley Jul 2015
Opulent expatriate of mine vision's,
I delayed for thee on a timeclock not known to terrestrial creature's...
I hath seen thy feature's
Whence I was perched upon the lozenge conduit,
Henceforth knowing it was thee,
Mine other half....
Mine anodyne of high godly class.....
Mine spirit without thee is halfed,
Like a split down mine center.....

For thou hath entered me
Through the eye's
And into mine conscience!!!!
For thou feeleth as if thyself hath no worth,
But I remembered thee at ourn spiritual birth
From whence we were covered in blankets!!!
Warmed by eachother's skin...
Caught beneath the carpet floor
Lies the crumb of a biscuit wanting more
Lay in a packet for most of their life
Only ever halfed with a butter knife
If the world is a carpet, crumb you know
Savour the sugar of our biscuit dough
Blessed in life with many a crumb
Some in friendship, some even as mum
We gather together in a sweet cookie affair
Experience our life together then disappear
Some make speeches, some make mumbles
But my dear that's the way the cookie crumbles
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
prolific bending( )you,re an over counter top
upper halfed
                                and i was tired knees
grousing with the unstable permanence of
weary laminate
with oral benedicting
a plush whip
                                                               of crashing plump

             on the alabaster cavalcade of your innerest thigh

i tend the heaving bloom
     of thy impossible salt
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
piano, portraits, pyres
milking the celestial wellspring
notes, have and have-nots, halfed
alms, imperfect time
exchanged for dignity..a
knee takes score,
chant resounds, the portraits speaks
its crown, robbed of maven grace
defaced by scorn... reborn in
a pyres burn, a pianos key
and  the composer's fear
of obscurity
copyrighted 2010 by bkmackenzie
It seems to be.
At least to me.
That time will tell the tale.

But until then.
Should I pretend?
These things that time cannot mend.
Kit Scott Mar 2019
Sweat rolls down my back and my stomach swirls in agony
Oh that I am ill for you
Sick for your pleasure
My sweet lilac lady, purple princess of the pyre
Where my body burns and buzzes for your gentle love

Bane of the wolf and you chase the creature from my heart
I snap my teeth no more
The hood of the holy brother who looks over me
But you are the one divine

I cannot move for your care, numb of mind to your affection
Delicately lulling me into restfullness

And oh! There is pain
And I am frozen in place

But you sing my softly to sleep

My lips fail and stutter as you halt me in my breath
I am halfed now, never complete
You my other part, my other half
Stealing away my soul from the pit of my lungs
Your astounding beauty takes over me and
I am gone on you
Gone for you

And I drift- drift away with

My darling aconite who stays with me till the end
Just some practice, as opposed to anything particular inspired. I haven't written in a while and I've been reading some older poetry so the tone here is a little different than I'm used to, a little aged maybe? Anyhow, I hope you like it.

I suggest looking up 'chinese aconite' if you want to figure out just how uncreative I was with more than half of this.
Buzz Jan 2014
Is not my fault that I'm a maniac
As time goes by, my mental conscious seems to fade
The memories that have accompanied the lyrics so far
......What a catch

Are we growing up, or just going down?
I remembered the time that we used to be alone together
Now, where did the party go?
I know I'm halfed-doom and you're semi-sweet
But sugar, we are still going down swinging

So, douse yourself with cheap perfume
Because I will raise you back like a phoenix
Eventhough I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match
I promised you anything for another shot at life
For all the times we had together
.......Thanks for the memories
Tribute to Fall Out Boy. This is made by a bunch lyrics from their songs.
Edgar Jun 2014
That morning wasn't like any other.
I saw her and knew we were meant together.
We talked for the first time.
We were young and in our prime.
"Hi", I said.
"Hi", she replied.
I faltered mentioning her name.
For she wasn't like those i regard as mere game.
"Do I know you?" she asked.
And just like that my confidence was halfed.
But I knew I just couldn't give up.
Maybe a chance, then later a breakup.
I still see her sometimes.
With such passion, it never dies.
This day i write hoping to let go forever.
To this, i'm still an unbeliever.

— The End —