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Marigold Jun 2013
I once saw a Maori woman standing in the rain,
She watched me as i walked by
And smiled a little in her silence.
She has stayed with me since that day,
Follows me still
Smiling and silent
Moko carved on her chin
And greenstone hanging round her neck
Perfectly smooth
as i imagine her skin once was.
She wears a cloak on her back,
Decorated with the feathers
of slow and flightless birds,
It has no hood to protect from weather
The rain freckles her face.
She is worried,
Constantly worried,
Yet she never spoke a word,
Until one day at the beach
I lifted a shell to my ear
And from within her voice spoke to me
You do not own nature,
the Earth owns you.
She smiled and walked away.
CharlesC Jun 2013
Creek trickles under
an old arched bridge
trees rooted feet
have their plenty
on flowing edge..
What is meaning
the synthesis
of these elements
this cool oasis in
afternoon heat..?
A word to satisfy
or simply wordless
each in each
each in all
all in each..
each and all
in other...and...
Historic Manitou
greenstone bridge
built in 1907..
ilo Nov 2019
Gnome baby sits

Gargling it’s mouth with
Gurgles of spring water for clean teeth
Its limestone slits
Are whitestone dreams

small feet
baby feet
tilted eyes
left forever
in an unused surplus
the forest was cut down
now drinking
from sidewalk puddles
Gnome baby’s teeth
turn to graystone greenstone beans
countdown to fall out

tiny feet
to fatten from loss and gain
the fatted patty
drips down poor gnome baby chin
turned gnome babe
fatted too
what once was
forest green
Gnome-esque gleam
Now are leftover food flake
Left as the bookmarks of
Gnome baby side rolls
Like Shar Pei dog skin
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Our voices will be heard,
Your handmade fences can't stop us,
You may come with your galactic force,
But our will cut through your thick head.
Tim Deere-Jones Feb 2021
When I: with small words: bent to whisper
Some of her hairs (bronze and electric)
Touched my cheek.
Adrenalin sang: synapses burst into flower
All awareness flared
Just as she turned her eyes to me

Seen from above: they were a deep green well
Where secrets swam,
The green core at the heart of sunset’s backlit breaking wave
Sunlight through summer’s stain glass forest leaves
Greenstone on the beds of mountain streams
Wide pale emeralds set in the strong and lovely bones of face
Whirlpools in which to willingly spin
Mythic green flash of sun drowning in horizon’s sea

Then, leaning,
Still closer to her hair (because I loved the voltage there)
I gave my words
But closeness was a shock that rocked: then paralysed
A near eternal minute: unfolding time was frozen there.
There was a thing like scent: no musks, no florals nor turpines
But it held me tranced
Cocooned by it I swayed upon my feet
Intoxicant beneath the sun
Enveloped in a perfect moment

Then: stunned: I had to walk away
In to the everyday
"passion is akin to intoxication and madness, out of both come creativity
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2020
Serpentine of hard green sheen
Born in hydrothermal’s spleen
Where pressured, metamorphosed plate,
Converged at boundaries’ Vulcan gate
To lay in tumbled disarray
Where octopi and dolphin play.

From olivine and pyroxene
Derived the crystal serpentine
Through Hellfires’ metamorphic fate
Now crystalized to Greenstone state.

There lying in the golden light
Of mountain stream in tumbled sight
Refracting in the morning sun
That glint of green since time begun.

That glint of green, a jade boulder
in the tumbling mirth of a plummeting
mountain stream in New Zealands'
wild Southwest.
Jacksons Bay
Fiordland National Park
June 2017
A explanation delivered to Karinnjinba of the meaning of this poem.

Convergent plate tectonics cause subterranean layers of mineralization to be exposed in the process of mountain formation.
This poem is a celebration of the formation of greenstone through its transitions from from serpentine a glassy green layer situated twixt the continental plate and the mohorovic discontinuity...through exposure to intense heat from nearby magma intrusion and the incredible pressure applied in its upward ****** to the light. The transfer through crystalization, in the heating and cooling of the rock through its passage to its discovery as a water worn boulder in an alpine stream...Greenstone or Jade or Pounamu as the Maori call it....A magnificent, translucent, glassy green rock carved and valued, historically by the maori as cultural taonga and weaponry and valued worldwide as a classic gemstone of metamorphic origin.
The painted rock will return to the pool
Through virile eddy and greenstone
In the heat of June , along the autumn smoke -
of November
In the face of winter and -
the torrent , new birth of spring
A jealous sea shall forever beckon
A tempting wind will violently stir the
shoregrass of summer to no end ..
Copyright May 4 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson ** All Rights Reserved

— The End —