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mt Oct 2013
Smelly feet
Walking across its own callouses
Creator of worlds
Perfect inscriber of nameless wonders beyond mere
Conception and discrimination
That permeates the minds of men
Misguided across the arc of ages
Leading only to cycles of
Hollow pain repeating itself
Lacking substance but appearing
Like unmovable boulders perched
Atop greener mountains
That whisper using their voice,
The wind
Carrying its message in its form
Disappearing but never gone
The homeless,
Not content to trap two sided
Ideas of being in overflowing
Homes filled with the true
Forms of out sourcing
The spirit, torn for
Perfect packages to be sent
To faceless names to further
The collection of vessels
The wanderer,
Unhappy with goals
Moving towards the never ending
Journey of perfection
That ends nowhere but travels
Everywhere leaving no quarter
Uninvaded and sadly ringing
In transcendental ears
The lonely,
Unwilling to spread their
Personal pain
From personal failures
To any one but themselves
Using the compressed aggregate
Sickness in scientific lobes, only
Representations, to create faucets through which representations
Of the unrepresentative
Eek out an existence
Among glaring, modern edgy
Movements in endless circles
That sear images into retinas
Working their way to ******
Thoughts, deflowering the only
Worthwhile virginity in the sad reflections of experience
Called man.
The ******,
Never fulfilled from false conceptions
Or the self materializing aspect as
The passage of time
Looking to capture the eternal moment and ****** of the Now
Lasting forever but done long
Chasing the end of self
And forgetting the body for
Higher realms untouched by lazy
Thoughts and repetitive notions
Creating the mundane
The un-mundane is furthur up than most of us can see
Even if touching it is
The experience
Not different from the life you will
Live for a million regressions
The contemporaries
Never travel the
Path of the Mountain
First camels, then lions
Finally to turn into godly offspring of
Flowering being at the peak
Standing above ubiquitous faces
But contact on level planes
The mountain of self
To create a new identity divorced from the diseased blockage
Flowing through humanity's veins
Only to tumble down
Into the pulsating
Heart filling, disintegrating
All in one undiscriminating
Destruction unborn from the
Young universe only
To lose the conception
And absorb the absorber
Forgetting that once,
A young man carried all the
Pain he had handed to himself
In shiny packages
Pretending that the others
Ever even existed.
Geno Cattouse Sep 2013
All of gods children.
                                                    Wal­k by faith. Not by sight.

Blessed is the meek.  Love your enemy I know that sounds weak.
It is the context.                                   An eye for an eye. Doublespeak ?

I am learning to live and ÷ I live to learn.
Learn to forgive or you surely will burn.  I am a skeptic by trade
A realist by nature.

Deeper still
Deeper transcend.deeper.

The surface lies deeper and furthur below.

To err is human to transcend, devine.
So. Seek within . Conjure without.
Heal your heart with love.
Love. Deeper.
Give. Deeper.
Cast your bread. Furthur and abide.

Deeper without and deeper inside.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2012
this will be an off the chest one,
a long one,
a crazy (and) derisive one for
who once were
are now foregone.

we sit here
writing -
startled by the addition of
music(?) to my library;
not my taste -
pink floyd
leaks through my
head phones from
the coffee shop speakers.
tea scalded tongue,
she did
warn me,
did she...

- a break,
thats where we
ourselves and
wondering what will come
of the fu-
furthur out from

we quiet now,
find ourselves
lulled through
another plane
of which -
break end.

this year -
bitter winds find
necessitation in
fixation -
as last year
as next year,
til time

we write with open head
and fluid mental
a reality
from each of ours
and one into
the next;
'our universe is
some cry,
of course we
it is.

tea no longer
to burn
the flesh away
as twangy
guitar follows
snappy snare,
tap tap
blues wail

- - - to take a ****
to take a cigarette
to take a lover - - -

lover missed,
so did the
currents retain

we're done.
Absent Minded Sep 2010
Good Lord I loved those old days.
They way that life it glowed.
West Virgina misty mountains-
a girl I used to know.

All the people I done roamed with.
oh the songs that we all sung.
In that subtle little accent-
the sunrise always young.

Thank you for your time Sir.
Pleasure to meetcha Ma'am.
Here's a kettle full of memories-
and a vessel to be manned.

As we ride across the channels.
All our demons strong in tow.
Its every tiny morsel-
that gives us strength to row.

Downward way past furthur.
Always fresh right on the mind.
Is the way the forest parted-
when we left it all behind.

Ah but never to be forsaken.
Somewhere on a shelf.
Is a little piece of all of you-
and a shadow of myself.

Holding a candle tightly.
Keeping up the pace.
An empty highway driving-
simply searching for some grace.

To keep up with ocean.
Then ride up with the wind.
Just to get up in the morning
find another place to swim.
Zigmaz F Feb 2015
Ancient explorer
Self reliant
For new adventure

Seek higher recognition
With utmost valor,
While racing time
In a silhouette

Surpass judgement
With proper measurement
Proclaiming an elevated peak
Reclaiming innocence
Left behind
In solitude

Tread lightly
On unstable ground
Lose yourself until furthur notice
Rise to the occasion
Encompass a new vision

Positive approach
Brain enhancement
The destination recalls
What the journeys about

Next stop...
The finish line
End the process
With a bold victory
Its the final chapter
Based on recovery
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
On hwy to hvn.

Dicey spot. The drivr is a sott.

Take a chance on happenstance for.
Furthur up the road..

Pull to the curb.
And toss out cookies.
Peal off aginn.
Pulled from poems scrap heap.
Did not feel it when I wrote it.
Probably rite first time around.
Liliana Sep 2011
I feel the darkness slowly creeping in as I cry out for you embrace but my cries fall upon deaf ears. The darkness takes hold... I weep and plead for your attention and affection but still you turn your cheek and allow the darkness to take hold of me. The sickness that ails me has becomes my demise as the darkness drags me furthur into its lair. All I wanted was your embrace, to be held with true wand and compassion. Now that you have shunned me so fiercely, I fear this day the darkness has aquired my sanity once more.
Jesibell arz Mar 2015
I'm here with writers block not knowing what to say or do, you got me ****** up and a little confused.
    I really like you a lot I don't know why, cause you always somehow leave me unsatisfied. And I'm not talking about *** so get your mind out the gutter, I know we're not in a relationship but somehow I feel like you have another. You make no time for me not even a little bit, sooner or later I will get tired of this ****...

For now let's leave all the negativities behind, I appreciated the first day I met you because who knew down the road we would intertwine. You caught me by surprise with just the look of your dreamy eyes, starring back at me I must admit you had me mesmerized. Your smile is the cherry ontop, those beautiful soft lips that I can kiss non-stop..
    Not going to get into furthur details beause from this you should have a clue, the feelings that I actually have for you.

just for you xo
Got asked on the spot to write a little something.
Brooke Davis Feb 2014
"I was not there, yet I was there"
For someone to be there,
Its a wonderful thing.
Most of us go through our whole life,
Not being there.
We experience things based on our own selfishness that covers our sight,
Our feelings begin to fade as we float,
Further away from there.
You draw furthur away from there as you get older and realize,
Everyone else has too.
Some people reflect and wonder,
How do I get back to there?
But most don't even care.
They decide to bow their heads,
And settle with here.
Faan Oct 2017
I like you and I think you are my friend,
from now on I will treasure you until the very end.
days has past and we have chat, I think we like eachother
so I went ahead and got comfy, and thought to myself that we are finally friends.
the amount of fun I've had with you is imeasureable,
the nights we've talked, the games we've brought, all the things we've thought.

a year has past, and our friendship ever tight, shops we have went,
jokes we have made, movies we have watched.
but I am a fool, I did not know the things that is to come
the betrayal, the heartbreak,
the lonliness and doubt.

why would you not answer me, is it because my fear?
my changing attitude towards you, my insecurities?
answer me, please, I beg you, I thought we were friends,
why are you talking to other people, when here, you have me?

Look at me, I am your friend, you one and only
don't do this to me, I like you,
but now I think you're loss.
Pleading, Scream, everything,
I tried whatever I can
But this apititude of emotions only strayed you
furthur away form me.

Now you are blocked,
my heart is gone,
all emotions cleared
you are dead to me,
you're not the friend I thought.
but deep inside I do still care why must you do this to me?
A million broken pieces
make up who i am
you have the glue
the hard part is
finding the fragments

Deciding if i should
give them to you
hoping the super glue holds
hoping we can find all the pieces

Fighting the fear
that you may shatter them furthur
Fighting the fear
that your glue
may not hold
them together
Fighting the fear
that the sum of
all my broken fragments
may not be something
you would want to keep
Fighting the fear
that even i
won't want to keep
the finished project
we have spent
so much time and effort
putting back together again
Filmore Townsend Oct 2012

We all slept together. Not that it was weird or anything, but mostly for warmth. There was a lack of insulation and that wrecked hell on the furnace. Half the time it wouldn’t even light, or stay lit, long enough to produce anything more than black smoke. Caustic stuff that flooded the house and left stains on the basement ceiling. So we did what any rational group of communal people would do, we bundled up as in an **** fashion and stayed warm. Stayed alive through a winter harsher than any in recent memory.
There were moments when we were at each others’ throats. Usually happened when someone had done too many hits and were just schizin. Trippin’ a  lil too hard for their – or any one else’s – good. They were just living this experience on a separate plane. We were living it in reality, or whatever word can be put to a subjective group conscious.


Im here again, stuck again. Third time’s the charm, eh? That’s a lie if ever there were one. First time was alright, I could cope well enough; second time, I was numb in entirety; third time is as if I am Dante descending further. Descending further. Each ring of Hell a reality, thorn-bushes screaming and bleeding as their twigs are snapped for fodder. Yeah, that bad - and it's my third time.


**** hot, the kind that turns asphalt to wax. Kinda wanna pick up a chunk and chew it, maybe Rant a little. I swear I could drop a match and the entire road system would blaze. It'd melt cars, and I am sure the asphalt would glow for a while. That'd be a sight I bet, something like a snake writhing and turning in attempts to strangle and consume itself. These thoughts, it's the heat.


I don't know what it is about graveyards and tripping, but there's a weird connection goin on there. I mean, ya know, like all that energy is built up in those hallowed grounds. Hollow ground. And you're all up in the Universe's business tryin' to proposition it with *** for answers to life. Only, I realized, ya know, that like, well, you can't **** the Universe. Be ****'d if It won't ******* without a second thought.


These are quieter days. The kinda days when I wake up exhausted and want nothing more than a coffee and cigarette. Knowing **** well that my sore throat will hate me after. "Why don't you take a flying **** at a rolling doughnut?" and I continue. Sitting in a cold garage, steam collecting on my eyelids as I try to warm up. The smoke doesn't help. Not a bit. These are quieter days. These are the days of less wandering and more thought. Thought processes. And action, I can not forget about the action. Though, there are times when I have a thought and tell myself to act on it that I find Vonnegut coming outta my mouth. "Why don't you take a flying **** at the mooooooooooooon?" Directed at me, at my own thoughts.


She was fine for a while. It wasn't but a few hours before her mind turned. Just a simple conversation, and then the next thing I knew she was trying to climb the wall. Mumbles about a tree-house and saving the Amazon. Comments on the proletariat uprising. Ranting to the CIA, they were monitoring everything and her escape from Communism was of particular interest to them. "It's alright." Her eyes met mine. "It's alright, they know I am for the good of the common-wealth. For the good of the People." What light hit her eyes sank into the abyss that were her pupils. Green halos, the color more pronounced as her mind turned furthur.

june 16th

We built the fire up to the point where a person might have felt they were at a pow-wow. Could barely stand within five feet of it unless someone had a point of barbecuing their flesh. It was a tiny fire to begin with, and as we went off adventuring we would haul back giant logs. All of it driftwood, that meant it was quite a bit lighter. Meant that the wood was quite a bit dryer and would burn down fast, and that was the whole point.
Zoe Grace May 2019
Most people dont believe me
When i tell them something isnt quite right
When i tell them i got overwhelmed
That one dark night
Alone in my room
Nobody answering my calls
I did something im not proud of.
And since then,
Ive done it again
And again
And again
And again
I cant seem to stop
But thats not what people dont believe
They dont believe me when i say
There is no blade involved.
It is still just as harmful
Its just easier to conceal
Easier to hide.
In public, it helps me
In the dark, it helps me
In the noise, it helps me
In the light, it helps me
I can hide it
Tell people its simply a bad habit
That i can stop easily
When in reality
It couldnt be furthur from the truth.
People ask
But how can there be scars if there is no blade?
And i say
There are thousands upon thousands of ways in which to inflict harm
I simply picked one.
I picked one that gave me pain
I picked one that teaches me strength
It makes me cunning
It isnt healthy, what i do
But it wouldnt seem that bad to you
After all, its just a tiny scratch.
Only a little pink scar.
For me,
Its how i deal with everything.
Its just a tiny scratch
Just a few pink scars.
After ive covered it to the best of my ability
When its fresh
People dont need to see
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Two Friends
Out for a Smoke
Share a Cigarette
Sudden desire
Share a Beer

Checked their Wallet
Counted the Notes
Money Suffice
Bike Ride

Liquor store
A little away from home
Ordered the drink
Sat in the bar
Crowded affair
Table had to share
Strangers Across
Felt lost
Finished the Whiskey
Out in a jiffy

Stopped at a Shop
Bought two smokes
Lit them up
Opened a jar
Took a groundnut bar

Shop owner raises voice
Tells the boys
Not to touch the jars
Asks the quantity
Boys jokingly
Repeat the act

About to make payment
One slips on the pavement
Falls on an Old Man
Standing behind
Cigarette in one hand

Sudden Slip
State of Shock
To prevent tumble
The other extends arm

Moving away from Counter
Cash yet to be handed over
Shopkeeper raises Alarm
By standers loose their calm

One down on the man
He screams foul play
Owner screams same play
Hell in store for the boys lay

Eve teasing and Stealing
Accused of crimes
They did not commit
Evidence to contrary
Repercussions out of the ordinary

Charles and William
The Lynch brothers
Started the practice
Alleged offence
Without trial
Rope around neck
Before eventual burial

Lynch Mob
Named after them
Gathering of men and women
Cought in the middle
Nothing but death
Issue considered settled

Two encircled
Without provocation
The shop owner
Grabs  one by the collar
Hard slap on the face
Friend tries to retaliate

Both genders gathered
Man tells tale of woe
Friends at Recieving end
Held by hair
Dragged to corner
Death much Simpler

Man from behind
Swings helmet
Magnitude and direction
Head injury requiring Attention
Back Skull fracture
Pain to endure

Policeman  passing
Stops for questioning
None done
Joins the group
Takes his Stick
Takes a swipe
Repeats in succession
Brain concussion

Gang closes furthur in
Boys dragged from site
Rest wanting piece of Action
Takes the bottles
Goes full throttle
Breaking them on the head
Bleeding profusely
Begging for life
To flee they try

One with Fracture
Other with Concussion
Mayhem and Confusion
All join in
Clenched fist Open fist
Free for all Attack
Every part of body targetted
Verge of fainting
Mob no signs of relenting

Four Guys join hands
Divide in pairs
One holds them
Under the arm
Other swings at the jaw
Knock out punch delivered
In succession
Jaw broken
On the ground

Smelling of liquor
Last need of the hour
Consumption questioned
One says Beer and other Whiskey
Branded liars
For differences Answers

Tie them up
Shouts one
To the nearest pole tied
Baseball styled bats held
Near by sports shop the Sponsor
Ten of them swinging together

Their bike vandalized
Petrol pipe cut with knife
Matches lit
thrown into gas tank
Burst into flames
Nothing left to Claim

Knocking at Deaths Door
Fainted while tied
Heads fall below
Bleeding toe to head
Broken bones and Hair turned red

Noses jammed
Eyes sunk in
Face faced blows
Teeth shattered
Disfigured and Maimed
Left for Dead

Death Penalty
Without enquiry
Human life
Treated with disdain
Query none
Injustice done
Benefit of doubt absent
Lawlessness present
Despicable Mentality
Two lives lost
Along with dignity
In totality

Consciousness regained
Injury Sustained
Both remain
Numb  in body and brain

Dead of the night
Not a soul in sight
Unable to walk
Stripped of their clothes
Gather what's left
Silence more eerie
Than the Violence
Wear the torn
Begin their walk home

Break of Dawn
Knock on the door
Parents agonized
At boys night out
Shocked and Awed
Disfigured faces
Unable to recognize
State of freeze
Shaking from the trauma
Too weak to explain the Drama

Families  resourceful
Hospital bound
Whatever was left
Could be set right

Internal injuries
Explain Savagery
Where to begin
Doctors in quandary

Life not in threat
Quality of life in
Intensive care
Treatment begins

Physical and Psychological
Improvement at hospital
Progress very slow
Every Department in Medicine called for

Surgeries over
Had to work together
Body back in order
Months to fully recover

Psychotherapy and Psychiatry
Next departments in order
Body healing faster
Mind healing slower
Petrified at everything
Sweating without reason
Psychological burden
Too heavy to Carry
Sessions in and out
No breakthrough
Long haul recovery
Stability only priority
Life at standstill
Power of Will
Lacking still

Year Calender
On the wall
Replaced by another
Homeward bound
Safe and Sound

Both of same age
Professional life a break
Sympathy of friends and family
Neighbors with them in entirety

Same time Next year
Normalcy getting near
Venturing out slowly
Facing the demons
Face to face
Routine life regained
A year and more
Spent in Pain
Efforts of the Doctors
None in Vain

Looming large
Loss of Pride
Living in Shame
Mob to blame
Feeling the Same
Time the healer
Better than a Doctor
Unsuccessful with the two
Clock stopped
A year back
Time at a Standstill
Strongest memory pill

At home Sulking
At the Ceiling Staring
Never a smile and Brooding
Fun of life taken out
Seldom venture out
Intensity of Incident
Nuclear explosion

Binge watching Television
Thoughts Meandering
Announced on a Channel
Following week
5 movies of Bruce Lee

Although seen before
Both decide to View
Films on the tube
First smile in more
Than a year

Monday to Friday
9pm Everyday
Movies telecast
In order of release

Bruce Lee Blitzkrieg
Big Boss Fist of Fury
Way of the Dragon
Enter the Dragon
Game of Death
Watched keenly
Discussed deeply
Plot and Philosophy
Running Theme
In every Frame
Stand up against
Injustice and Prejudice
Might of  the Enemy
Not a factor
Every deed unfair
Lee reacted like
Blown  Reactor

Inspired by the Action
Intrigued with his Philosophy
Medicine found
To end Atrocity
Staring at Reality
Suddenly a possiblity

Lost in Fantasy
Immersed in Reality
Fighting and Philosophy
Absent the Duality
Fight explained Philosophy
Philosophy explained Fighting
Fantasy merged with Reality
Remained Absolute Clarity

Not over a period
Then and There
Moment of Zen
Happened to them
Spirits Awakened
Mode of Action
Set in Motion

Clock Restarts
Moving forward
Their plan Kickstart
Hold Accountable
Act of Cowardice
Full of Malice

Clear in their Vission
Set forth their Mission
Face their Demons
Ready for Death
Date with Destiny
Decided by the Almighty

Quotes of Bruce Lee
Read  Repeatedly
Fear is for others
Internalized by the
Bruce Lee brothers

Wait patiently
Time ticks by slowly
Boys in no hurry
Mistake could prove costly

Only Philosophy
Absorbed from Lee
Not trained in Combat
Aware of the lack
Tread with tact

Primary Drawing Teacher
Narrate the Nightmare
Lay everything thread bare
Describe the faces
Potraits on Paper
Picture Clearer
Go the Strech
In hands the Sketch

Department of Vehicles
Number of biker
Money transfer
Address procured

Day of recon
Moment of Reckoning
Revisit the locale
Time for justice to scale

Walked past
Every building
Anger manifesting
Familiar faces
A few steps later
Post of postmortem
Images linger

Second Anniversary
Time for justice Delivery
Can of petrol
Filled to the brim
Faces grim
Trip to Cemetry
Walking gallantly

Step into Sports shop
Empty the fuel can
Light the match
On the floor
In flames
Owner in a daze
Runs out in haste
Boys pick up
A couple of Weights
Stare him in the face
Walk away

Main culprit
Reading the paper
Spray of Pepper
Into the eye
Raises alarm his style
Weights on hand
Straight into his Skull
Immobile and in shock
Another weight
Same Spot

Out of his Wits
Guts spilled
The address asked
Of the 4 who took part

High Noon
Search of the Four
Rest of the  Forty Four
Relentless Pursuit
Pursued Pursue
Hunted the Hunter
Hang Em High
Biggest Blunder

— The End —