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Dev Mar 2018
I am broken,
Come name your price

Hidden in the shelter
of a lonely life

Come choose your savage
See their perfect disguise

You could never love me
Cause I live in these lies

I am damaged goods
I’m misunderstood

I come in the perfect packaging
Wrapped up in severed ties

Stamped with a sticker on top
Come, name your price.

I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods.

I am lonely
In this sea of maddening sounds

I am hurt
From those people who aren’t around

I break my happiness
At every chance I get

And then I’ll ask myself
Why I feel so depressed

I am damaged goods
I’m misunderstood

I come in the perfect packaging
Wrapped up in severed ties

Stamped with a sticker on top
Come, name your price.

I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods.

I can’t get out
Fromt this crippling doubt

I feel so empty without
You there beside me

I need somewhere to go
Somewhere in the great unknown

Somewhere I can be alone

I am damaged goods
I’m misunderstood

I am damaged goods
I’m misunderstood

I come in the perfect packaging
Wrapped up in severed ties

Stamped with a sticker on top
Come, name your price.

I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods
I am damaged goods.
Another set of lyrics, new ones this time :)
Jay 1988 Sep 2017
As i walk through the city night
And think about all that's been left behind
You could forgive me for wondering why
Anything that happens, happens in this life
Mother made me promise not to think too hard
About what everything means and how to read the signs
That make me think too long anout what they mean to me
So that all the time i think, my eyes don't see
Everything beneath me that's at my feet
And all of the pain, in the people who walk along side of me

Walk with me through these condemmed streets, ribbons lace your golden hair
I look across from the old schoolgrounds, there's ribbons everywhere
I don't know what those ribbons mean, to mourn a loss or to hope for some freedom
Ribbons, ribbons, just ribbons everywhere i look
Ribbons, ribbons, just ribbons all around us
So let me take out those blue ribbons, that flow freely through your hair tonight
Tie them around a gate post and let mourners flock by candle light
You will still look as beautiful as the ribbon that once held hair from your face
And provide something we could never understand to the pople who flock to this place

Missing people posters
A face thats since been left behind
People knock door to door
Fromt pages of newspapers
Desperation of an unknown kind

If you walk past door at night, yellow ribbons are hope for those who have no hope
People scream lost names at night, their face veiled by candle light smoke

Walk with me through this strange world
There's sorrow everywhere
If it makes you feel better, tie those ribbons through your hair
Sometimes they are all that we have
To show we still think about those.we once had

When it's all over, when it's all said and done
They fly with the wind, like an unguided dove
Clings to branches and settles there
Let someone wonder what it's doing there
They can find in it their own meaning and let it bring what comfort to them they need this time

Walk with me through these condemmed streets, where ribbons lace your hair
I look to the sky each night, ribbons everywhere
allissa robbins Aug 2014
The Moon is yellow tonight. Perhaps from the grey clouds that blenket half of her fragile countenance. Perhaps fromt he fear that the gravitational pull that radiates from the earth may break. But it's probably result of the reflected birth of the Sun. She probably misses the dear Sun with every ton of her being. The Sun fills every crater with warmth. He makes her feel new. He holds her in his light, keeping her safe always. The Moon calls herself "just the moon", though. And much to her protests, the Sun continues to present her in the brightest yellow light every time she's full. He shows off God's creation to the universe. He makes her feel special. He makes her feel beautiful.
Myani Jan 9
I have become a mother
One I wear every color of beret
In congratulatory fashion of motherhood
I have become a mother
One I can say I know this and that
I have been there, done this and that

I have become a mother
One I can attest to the many and few who wouldn't seat back
To the many who challenge themselves to work
To many who load themselves fromt and back and trek long distance
To many who seek knowledge not for themselves but for the safekeep of the future of theirs offspring
To many who are touchy insides ... All ends seem not to connect and the weight of it makes the brain a stone
To many who have sat and bath on the dust of dryness.
To many who want to be heard even when it feels like what the run after is plenty and not fit for a MOTHER OF TWIN
#standup#no impediment #hope# possible

— The End —