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Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2016
While you paint I hope you remember that you're more beautiful than art
for the bitter sweet truth that streams from your heart
few have laid eyes upon your heavenly beauty
and I strongly believe finding you was my earthly duty

you speak and leave me in labyrinthine mesmer
and I think your scent must be sweeter than any freshner
you're a treasured secret hidden behind closed doors
that's returned me to God, desperately begging to be yours

never knew finding such obsessive passion,
just needed an encounter with the right person
I've never wanted to hop onto the next flight
never felt stuck in darkness,yet a minute away from light

*my only consolation is our existence under the same sky
it's my hope and breath of patience each day that goes by
Fausto Patiño Jul 2017
Primero vino en forma de la brisa del ambientador
Odiaba cuando entraba
Su sonrisa en las puntas de el holor
Era color naranja y prometía darte la illusion de un paraiso
Lo unico que me daba eran suspiros
Y esperanza que pronto se me quitara el hechizo
Lekha Nath Sep 2018
Mi casa su casa
i believed those words
when you whispered
your whispers still tingle
you are home
your embrace is my weakness
your smell is my room freshner
your arm my pillow
your soft kisses my lullaby
your hand my teddy
you eyes my drug
your smile my light
and you as a whole
my home.

— The End —