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Jolan Lade Jun 2018
In here I can breathe freely
In my own little atmosphere
Away from the nasty smell of peoples opinions
In my little-confined space where I can enjoy the clean filtrated air
A world far away from the pollution that is exhaled through the people which opinions reach far into my mind in an attempt to control me
I can almost feel a slight touch of happiness
Clean lungs
Will you give me
a bit of time,
of my own,
nowhere to be found.

Let the Galaxy be at stall
with only me, revolving
about the axis
of my own existence.

So that,I can hear
the drizzle of the raindrops,
pouring from the clouds,
emerged from the evaporated heartstrings.

Feel the water deep, pure
on my roots,
filtrated, tearing the layers
of long accumulated sludge.

Face the sun with naive leaves
drenched in sunlight,
before we both burn to ashes
evolving to dark.

— The End —