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The tractor stands frozen - an agony
To think of. All night
Snow packed its open entrails. Now a head-pincering gale,
A spill of molten ice, smoking snow,
Pours into its steel.
At white heat of numbness it stands
In the aimed hosing of ground-level fieriness.

It defied flesh and won't start.
Hands are like wounds already
Inside armour gloves, and feet are unbelievable
As if the toe-nails were all just torn off.
I stare at it in hatred. Beyond it
The copse hisses - capitulates miserably
In the fleeing, failing light. Starlings,
A dirtier sleetier snow, blow smokily, unendingly, over
Towards plantations Eastward.
All the time the tractor is sinking
Through the degrees, deepening
Into its hell of ice.

The starting lever
Cracks its action, like a snapping knuckle.
The battery is alive - but like a lamb
Trying to nudge its solid-frozen mother -
While the seat claims my buttock-bones, bites
With the space-cold of earth, which it has joined
In one solid lump.

I squirt commercial sure-fire
Down the black throat - it just coughs.
It ridicules me - a trap of iron stupidity
I've stepped into. I drive the battery
As if I were hammering and hammering
The frozen arrangement to pieces with a hammer
And it jabbers laughing pain-crying mockingly
Into happy life.

And stands
Shuddering itself full of heat, seeming to enlarge slowly
Like a demon demonstrating
A more-than-usually-complete materialization -
Suddenly it jerks from its solidarity
With the concrete, and lurches towards a stanchion
Bursting with superhuman well-being and abandon
Shouting Where Where?

Worse iron is waiting. Power-lift kneels
Levers awake imprisoned deadweight,
Shackle-pins bedded in cast-iron cow-****.
The blind and vibrating condemned obedience
Of iron to the cruelty of iron,
Wheels screeched out of their night-locks -

Among the tormented
Tonnage and burning of iron

Weeping in the wind of chloroform

And the tractor, streaming with sweat,
Raging and trembling and rejoicing.
Stranger Blue Jun 2016
I'm no man of steel,
But my love is strong, my heart real.
Into the, I'm unable to fly,
But  would take a bullet...
For you i'd die.
I can not see through walls or any such thing at all,
But I'd surely catch you if you should fall.
I can not leap a tall building in a single bound,
But believe me, no harm shall be fall you when I'm around.
I'm not strong enough to bend steel with my bare hands,
But I am strong enough to be your man.
While I do not possess laser beams that shoot from my  eyes,
I do have two lips to kiss you tenderly I'll tell you no lies.
I can not out run a speeding train, break the sound barrier like
a supersonic plane.
But I will be ever quick to ease all of your pain.
I do not have super ears with which the faintest sounds to hear,
but have no fear for I am always near.
I can not withstand the fieriness of the suns heat or bone freezing cold.
But I will love and honor you even as we both grow old.
I am not the bravest man nor have I ever been bold.
But I mean these words with all of my heart...all of my soul.
And know this, come what may... I shall never falter, I shall never fade.
No matter how heavy the weight, I will not fold.
I will always be here for you to have and to hold.
No...I'm no man of steel, but I'm real.
I want, I need, cut me, I bleed.
I laugh, I cry, I live and I shall die.
With each passing day I shall love you more.
Together forever our hearts will soar.
From beginning to end, you shall always be my best friend.
Though I may not have telescopic site.
I'll keep you in my minds eye,
For you are my kryptonite.
What I feel is real but...I'm no man of steel.
No I'm no man of steel.
William A Poppen Dec 2013
Sprinkles shower backyard fescue

Fighting against dry August air

Still days

Smiles cross aging cheeks

Love’s invasion flows upon


Chest rises, bolstered anew

Expands with


Fieriness slithers away from

Heartbeats no longer on the prowl


Cardinal chirps as if

Aware of a simmering fire,


Sprinkles immerse damp grass

Fighting against diminishing daylight

One more hurrah
To a passer-by
Whose eyes are as blue as the sky
whose grief is maddened, whose cries are silenced
but whose joys are quenching;
The hiding sun is on your lips
As beguiling as the sky-lark's song:
thy movement left me fainting and murmuring all along!
That roaring sea of blueness - glistening in the wintry throng;
endless and limitless in its own fieriness, which thy gracefully bestowed upon me!
And the bronze of thy hair, thy smooth, cloudless hair!
How unsorted this gleefulness is, upon harking to thy voices!
Yet shadowed by the fitful trees,
Murky is their grin, greedy is their rind
Oh then how I had to leave thee; for the slim but fleeting rain!
No, how I longed for thee, thee with me!
Oh the dear, dear love of my life! How sought is thy presence, how cherished it is in my fair chest!
Had I then to relent,
I sprang from my lavished comfort, I retreated to my creaking den
And wanly blent myself into the scenes, again.
Farah Hizoune Apr 2014
you asked me long ago why every time we ******
it was 'so passionate'
today it hit me,
as i was reading tropic of cancer for the fourth time
it's because i am passion,
i am passion embodied
your other women,
they may give you something else individually,
but they are not the look in my golden eyes
as we both stand on our knees
and devour each other hungrily
they may be beauty or intelligence or a simply good ****,
but they are not passion
i realized that it is not the **** that you crave,
but the characteristics that you lack, you take from us
you need my passion to stay sane and whole
i gave it freely because it is all of me
i have an endless, abundance of passion
a depthless well of fieriness
you pay me in faux love and deep friendship for the dedicated doses
of passion that i put into your soul
your words stick to me because they are my words
i gave them to you with each passionate ****
and you spit them back in just the way i loved
the more i ponder our coup the more i realize
the ******* was for me to unload the heavy burden passion brings
you needed it to fill you and i have a surplus
as each day ends i find more clarity
you are a hollow vessel and your women give you your character
they are all loved and unloved by you
they all give you what you need to feel human
but i must start rationing my passion
i need it for my writings
i need it for my living
i need it for my sanity
perhaps to hone it so that at a simple touch i can ignite sparks
in every beggar, aristocrat, country-man
rather than to fill up your empty chest where love is not welcome
this is not about you. that is sarcasm.
NicoleRuth Sep 2014
Every time I see you
There's this feeling of giddiness
rising slowly inside my lungs.

Every time I touch your skin
There's this softness like cream
that inflames my fingertips.

Every time I hug you
There's this safety from my world
your body exudes.

Every time I look into your eyes
There's this feeling of confidence
that boosts my will to wake up
                              each morning.

Every time I hold your hand
There's this child-like joy
brought about that keeps a skip
                                 in my step.

Every time I sleep beside you
There's this mix of fear and security
that electrifies my nerves into a frenzy
                                   keeping me awake.

Every time I bring your lips to mine
There's this gentleness of your care
and this fieriness of your hate I feel
                                       flood my brain.

Every time,
                   You ******* away
into a million smithereens of dust.

Every time,
                   You glue back each particle
to fix me, uncovering a new facet of my obsession.

                       Every time there is death
                       Every time there is rebirth
                              of emotions
                              of feelings
                              of pain
                              of happiness.

                       We break it all down
                        and build it up again
                              Every time
                              Every time.
This is basically a mix of all the emotions I've felt and in some cases still feel in different relationships with different people in my life.
did shrink the fullness of your lips
but not the fieriness of your kiss
passion is still dancing
a slow fox now
sophisticated, loving and tender
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna share endless passionate nights
With his top-notch starry boss
Feel how his dramatic dynamic sexiness all over me
His rare thrashing ravenousness
My mad delicious superheated brick

I covet his ***** poetic treasure
His expressive, persuasive freshness
He has me so thrilled to bits
With his dreamy desirous slickness
I hanker to make him mine

To possess his majesticness
To navigate through his sensual sinuous path
Of sinfully steamy seduction
Feel his eruption of measureless heavy delectation
Embrace his unfathomable ruling passion

Tune in to his stunning honeyed words
While I paint wondrously ****** and earthy images
In the innermost reaches of my mind
Let him hypnotize me more and more
Suspend me in his blazing hot maze of dreaminess

Let his unbeatable lethal virility
Thrill through the depths of my existence
Be my poetically appealing muse
And confuse my thought process
Enrapture me with his stellar swirling swagger

His unparalleled invigorating fragrance  
Lingers all over my divine and golden body
Causes me to wander aimlessly in his ecstatic platinum majesty
Make me insane, bliss me out
Check out the wicked fieriness fieriness
In my beguiling lovestruck eyes

My fingers slide up and down
His pleasurably prepossessing biceps
Stroke his dope masculine pecs
His superbly stalwart abs
Cherish his silky sugary sheerness

My dreamy slinky king
His delicious ripping litness
Sings in my underconsciousness
So elegant and shimmering like a grand gaudy chandelier
A pure, mysterious work of bright bewitching art
That makes me feel boundlessly alive
Travis Green Jan 2023
You are my jaunty hypnotic superstar
My marvelous macho man
So chocolicious, prodigious, and vicious
So sweet, dreamy, and fulfilling

Your incredibly fresh deliciousness
Titillates the depths of my inner space
Encases me within your exuberant sensuous winsomeness
Makes my heartbeat rise with exhilaration
Your fragrant sensational manliness
Scintillating before my eyes

Such a smooth, super colossal suaveness
My long and loving addiction
You cop and conquer my mind, body, and soul
Move me to endless steamy dimensions
Where you allure me
With your glorious glory of the highest quality

You are a vision of infinite tempting dreaminess
That makes me have a weakness for your sweets
Feel your legendary masculine passion
Caress your flexing shredded chest and biceps
Your hunky succulent abdomen
Your attractive tattooed arms

I wanna kiss your divine lissome lips
Look into your flashing and ravishing eyes
So enticed by your fieriness and stylishness
You are my ocean of bold, showstopping poetry
A splendid seamless gem, so brilliant and treasured
The choicest royal mandorableness
That holds me in the deepest magnetic trances ever
Samantha Rose May 2019
Shredded by the hands
Of the most tasteful
The slimy texture
Fades from the grill
Firming up
To be dressed
More like doused in a sea
Of smooth,
Spicy sauce

At dusk
The smell strings
Lingering around
My nostrils
The hot, fieriness
My nose hairs
Causes my forehead to
Ever so slightly

The crackling
From the raw,
Chicken cooking
On the grill
Makes me smile from ear to ear
The mixing of the sauce
With the cooked,
Disheveled chicken
Coming together as one
Hearing the sound
Of the chip bag
Makes me feel
Warm inside

The sight of my mother’s
With the delectable
Buffalo chicken inside
The steam
Into thin air
The bright
Consumes my brown eyes
Making my mouth water
With every bubble that forms

The first bite is a
To the heavens
Every bite thereafter is
Simple equilibrium
Whilst it lays
In the heart of
The tortilla chip
The juicy chicken
Between my teeth
The buffalo sauce
Shooting its spice
And lighting up
My taste buds
Flavor embarks
While the chewed-up bits
Go down a dark tunnel
To a large, empty
Travis Green Dec 2022
I am caught up in your fervent
And spectacular suavity
Splendidly serene dream lover
Charmingly ****** and hypnotic showstopper
I am so sprung on your stunningly crunk hunkiness

The way you move with your smoothly
Rude and soothing cool
Deep dreamy supremity
You are so incomparable and magical to me
So rugged, rough, and thuggish

Tall, dangerous, and flaming fieriness
I love your marvelously glossy and chocolate body
Beardalicious, sweet prodigious lips
Thick delicious neck, shiny brown eyes
That keep me boundlessly drowning
In your flamboyantly enchanting
And scintillating engagingness

Thoughts of your top-quality massageable machoness
Creep through my mind
Make me crave for you to *** me
Lay me down on your bed
In your bedroom, pin me down

Take me down, engross my rainbow soul
***** my pleasingly filled-out and honey-soft cantaloupes
Squeeze them hard, kiss them ardently
Make them yours, bite my ripe rigid points
Lick my bare, satin, and vulnerable neck

Give me a hicky, rivet my femininity
While I call you **** tasty Daddy
Feel you rock me steady
Push your beefy belly buster deep into my guts
Give it to me, drive my gayness crazy

Make me cry out loud
Lose myself in your prominent chocolate sauciness
Feel my temperature skyrocket
The more you showcase the contagious greatness
Of your primitively handsome enchantment

Debonair dark-haired splash
You are such a thrillingly slick and wicked ****
That has me confined to your time
Willing to do whatever to be by your side
To feel you lay down the pipe

Make me so enticed by your wild shining invitingness
The way you approach me with your dopeness
So sweet-smelling and deliciously made
So creatively enamoring and gratifying
I hanker to feel your pain

To dive into your lifetime
Of unrestrained and spontaneous loving
Let you introduce me to your powerfully
Explosive and mind-blowing pulchritude
Rearrange my life and dreams

Choke me, smoke me, cajole me
Into the bold, potent motion
Of your sinful invincible masculinity
Make me embrace your glorious ******* storm
As you pour out your salaciously flavorful waves
Of blazing hot man gravy all over my titillating tail-feather
Travis Green Aug 2022
In your utterly unconquerable love
Your lush and gorgeous seductiveness
Makes me increasingly lovesick
Bewitched by your insanely dazzling and prolific litness
Lustful and kissable lips, alluring amorous tongue

Honeyed juicy coup, moist magical hot boy
Your affectionate electric expressiveness
Has me deeply hung up on your measureless sultriness
Cherishable fashionable immaculateness
Your rich, silky deliciousness has me running a temperature

Such sheer spectacular wantonness
Smooth full-blooded thugness
Your fieriness got me unstrung, struck up
I can’t hold it together
You infiltrate my headspace
Drape me in your contagious fragrant manfulness
Travis Green Dec 2022
I yearn to traverse his spectacular masculine world
In the heart of his mad, extravagant city
Your elegant, capital fantasticity
Wrap me in your impassioned, smashing attraction
Surround me in your dangerous, relentless hurricane

Demonstrate your blazing hot A-grade game
Allow your burning hot flame to shine bright in slow motion
Console the eclectic rhythmic flow of my soul
Keep me hella crunk and sprung
On your monster funky succulency

You are the hottest sauciest marvel
The best and most ardent stunner
Unconquerable awe-striking astonisher
Mad passioante rareness
You got me immersed in the fond triumphant melody
Of your warm and exalted masculinity

You upsurge my socking and sparkling world into eternity
Make my homosexualness rush wildly into ecstasy
Make my thoughts and feelings rise
Like a cloud of cigarette smoke floating in the air
I thirst for your stellar treasured impressiveness

Slow dance in your lush, lustrous world
Of hard-driving and striking excitingness
Smooth consummate charmer
You move me deeply like an absorbing
And beautifully shot movie

Inventively eccentric and intelligent flexer
You are a mind-blowing must-see revenger
Shining in the spotlight with incredible special effects
A fantastically crashing rarity
That oozes supereminent beaming brilliancy

So highly shining and spellbinding
You enchant every poetic and graphic inch
Of my serenely stupendous femininity
With your gloriously adroit and remarkable art
The baddest breathtaking bewitcher

I conform to your bright and majestic glory
I dwell on ******* your thick, rude flute
Suffused with hypnotically red-hot hoodness
Let me be your heavenly effervescent pleasurer
Slick your rock-solid, **** stick with spit

Dive into it, let it be my hideaway
A safe, stimulating place to fall in love with
Beguile my mind, let me settle down
With your dreamlike and transcendental profoundness
Trick with your ungoverned monstrous litness

Taste it greatly like a contagiously captivating birthday cake
Let you put it in my noble and most desirable innerness
Fill me up with your dopeness and machoness
Surprise me with your fieriness
Hear me scream your name

Feel your deep in my delightful domain
Dangerously enticing spiciness
Your hardness haunts my heart and soul
To feel you all over me
Take me for a wildly enchanting ride
The hottest long vacation to your man cave

Feel you dig deep into my inhibitions
Elevate my sensations, lapse me into your splashiness
Give your mad nasty love
I wanna be in too deep with your hunky juicy coolness
Treasure your tallness, how you rock me
To the pleasant electric rhythm
Of your hella riveting masculineness

Watch me back my thang up
Make you gasp and flash your eyes
Make you ride deep into my nerve cells
Slanging your flaming piping hot game
Big-time hypnotizing kryptonite

You look so ******* good
When you rob the best of my homosexualness
When you shoot your white, salty, and foamy dude fuel
On my bounteous bounty *****
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna be your **** effervescent *****
In your distinctively dreamy prism
Of impeccable refreshing majesticness
Breathe in your rare earthy spectacularity
Your glowing and smoldering dopeness

Kiss your luscious pink lips
Stroll my hands over your smooth black beard
Feel the depths of your authentically
Adventurous masculinity streaming into my system
**** zesty Daddy, your hotness is so
Emotionally charged and hypnotic
Broad, magical-worthy architecture

I am so under the spell of your delectable sexing flex
Bound to your visually gripping slickness
Your masculineness is a brilliant
And appealing art gallery
Of potent thought-provoking poetry in motion

Deeply thoughtful and remarkable wonderment
Your splashiness impassions me deeply
Awakens my nerve cells
Communicates with my gayness
Manipulates my thoughts and feelings
Reaches the deepest parts of me
Where your alluring hardness reorganizes my core

You scope out my sweetness
Reel me into your hottest heavenly handsomeness
I ache to trace every sector
Of your rare and fantastic shape
Make love to your thugness

Constrain and tantalize your game
Overwhelm your vessel
Hold the attention of your dimension
Give you divine, vibrant, and luscious pleasure
Take you deep into frenzied sensuous ecstasy

Taste your sizzling sweet breeziness
Lick the nape of your neck
Kiss the hardness of your shoulders
Your manly muscled chest
The rock-hard contours of your flawlessly formed abs

I wanna gag on your smoking and swollen poker
Marvel at its smooth and yummy hunkiness
Thoughts of draining it
Caress his big shiny *******
Let it speak volumes to my heart and soul

Ready, ****, and oiled
With your fat and juicy thickness
I wanna **** you forever and a day
Put your massive, low-hanging package in my mouth
Groove on it, lick your full, thick bush

Slurp all around your firmness
Guzzle down your killer-lit muscle
Ride to the beat of your deep ****** heat
Radical rebellious Romeo
Rough robust lover boy
Tall, aesthetic, and grandly gifted deliciousness

You are a spontaneous striking delight
Rife with intense high-energy supremeness
Sexually active and aggressive
Competitive and impressive
You spin me out of orbit
And make my heartbeat soar
To piping hot phenomenal Mars

I stare at your magical, passionate, and intriguing eyes
And I am lost in a starry night
Of mesmerizing and shining bliss
Unrestrained unquantifiable fieriness
You bring boundless solace to my homoness

You are like an enthralling and revolving ocean
That draws me into your *** appeal
Has me weak for your sweetness
The way you sink me deep
In your thrilling and transfixing litness

Make me dance with your heavy hung hammer in my mouth
How you hijack my throat
Cause me to choke uncontrollably
Creep into my existence and bewitch every inch of me
Take me down with your immaculate mantastic vitality

Deeper and deeper I go as I stroke
And ******* your soul
Take all of your slick riveting machoism
In my prism of feminine tenderness
As your sinful steamy ***** stream down my throat
And make so smitten with your aesthetically pleasing exquisiteness
Travis Green Sep 2022
Tall, stalwart, and extraordinary smash
Sublime five-star droid
Bright blazing beige skin
I drift into your suave award-winning pristineness
Indeterminately deep and ardent astonishingness
Inexorable explorable allure
A sexually arousing and mean dreamy fiend
I covet to touch you all over

Rub your rock-solid showstopping construction
Up and down, kiss you all around
Delight in your out-of-sight strikingness
High-level flexalicious aestheticism
Broad and capacious pecs
Powerful and venerable biceps
Considerably irresistible and A-grade abs
I want to delve into your eye-catching earthly rarity

Mellow electric hot boy
You are a rocking shocking hotness
Streaming in my infinitely succulent heartland
Vibrantly creamy beige Samson
I crave to embrace you for days on end
Drink in the richness of your sweetness
In the rapturous black velvet night
My brilliantly golden and flaming dope boy

Radiant breathtaking city dweller
I lapse into your readable breathable exquisiteness
Lost in your orb-shaped captivating glacial blue eyes
Sumptuous sand pink lips
That feel highly satisfying to kiss
Boundless unsurmountable fieriness
Immersed in unabashed ecstatic rapture
Divine refined brightness
Bound to your measureless psychedelic flex
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your dashing strapping smashingness
Tajes me into the delectably magnetic midnight
In the wickedly whirling waves
Of your slammingly ingratiating sensation
Your handsomeness incinerates my gayness
Makes me disarranged and crazy high
In the wildness of your virileness

So alive and hypnotized by
Your highly adrenalizing and mesmerizing paradise
You render my sensual feminine center speechless
When you present to me your magical moist machine
Swing it like an extraordinary slinky toy
Thick, velvety, and sumptuous
Enjoyable milk-chocolate hotness
Extra ****** and hypnotic
Your contagious, salacious, and cognac maple lips

Make me lust for your superabundant crunkalicious drugs
Make me a snowbird over your smoking, showstopping seductiveness
So turned on by your broad-ranging, game-changing invitingness
You stand facing my way, breathtaking nakedness
Mister beardalicious gripping pleasure treasure
Stroking your thickness with both hands
Motioning for me to take over
And without hesitation, I get down on my knees
And please your heavy edible popsicle
Embrace your titillating captivation
So inebriated in amorousness

I kiss your fresh, entrancing, and branch brown flesh
Luxuriate in your greatly flavorsome foundation
Direct my mouth around the slick tip
In my mind-blowingly primal nature
I take down your ultra thugness
Polish your ****, marvel at your remarkable sauce
Give you the highest level of delectation

Do whatever to satisfy your desires
Serve you my mouth and throat
Tell me how far you want me to go
Where do I begin and end
Can I stretch out the limits of time
Take you out of your mind for awhile
Lionize your vital force
Feel your big fat knapsack bounce on my tongue

Speak the scintillating and picturesque language of seduction
Let it stream across my supple salubrious skin
Let me enthrall your tallness
Kiss your blooming tattooed neck
Lick your silky shimmery ears
Give you all of my fieriness
Make your resplendent skin tingle

Be at the head of your flex
Caressing your strong, passionate, and relentless canvas
I open my mouth wide and take you in more
Feel your engorgement traverse down my throat
I take a gander into your tantalizing dark chocolate brandy eyes
Drown into your enchantingness
So unbelievably blitzed on your bangingly blazing hot bulge

Inch by inch, I drench your dreams
I swallow your mean-slinging grandness
Hear you moan hard as I delve deeper
Into your hypnotic homeland
Move to the wild and impassioned cadence
Of your warm and alluring manfulness

Taste your debonairness drifting into my system
So effectively prodigious and thrilling
So harmonious and state-of-the-art grandiosity
I **** you madly and faster
Feel you grasp my luscious lascivious briskets
Gorge on my torrid points
Push my head forward more into your allurement
Pour out effervescent love liquor
On my stunning plump lips
Travis Green Aug 2022
The way you move your tall, sparkling, and red-hot body
Makes me rise to the sensation of sliding in
Your untouchable sultry seductiveness
Feel your lewd true-blue hoodness
Suffusing my life and dreams
Rigid slick smash hit

Long throbbing machoness
Low-hanging treasured *******
Flaming virile spice
Impossibly hard and rippling chest
Extraordinary and incomparable abs
So overwhelmingly manlicious and swaggalicious
Smoking ferociousness, dope soul king

I wanna be down with your profound muscle-bound grounds
Gawk at your superbly noteworthy beard
Flavorous maple syrup lips
Dangerous dark chocolate eyes
You make my feminineness moist
Make me want to exalt in your mantastically unraveling passion

Venerate your captivatingly ingratiating foundation
Confiscate and dominate my senses
Skin pressed to skin, mouth to mouth
Mind-changing psychedelic freshness
Raw saucy thoughts rocketing
To astonishing and piping-hot Mars

I need you, chocolate chad splash
Need you to shake up my structure
Manhandle my heavy-breasted velvet headers
Bite and squeeze my turgid, tingling tips
Stuff my guts with your *** lover monster
Take down my gayness
Encase me in your smashing capital attractivity
****** your hot quality headpiece deep in my moist vault

Feel every burgeoning pulse of your bulge
Revamping my rainbow hole
Let me flow into your unsurmountable untamed fieriness
Fall apart in the presence of your humongous hungry gun
How you swirl it in my inner world
Make me obey its every command
Take me to the other side of imaginative, enthusiastic ecstasy
Make my mouth water, ablaze in your formidable frenzied heat
Travis Green Jun 2022
Whenever I behold your treasured
Glowing soul, your dope macho flow
Sweetalicious manlicious lips
Got stellar hot paper to savor
Authentic street hotness
That has me so soft
On your sharply delineated creativeness
Ardent self-confident machoness

There is nothing more glorious
Than your phenomenal unchartable heartland
My flesh pressed to yours
Rub and grub on your seductive nips
Link my hottalicious lips to your neck
Caress your stupendously dreamy ***
Cherish every immaculate fraction
Of your addictively appealing craft
Your endlessly ebullient masculinity

My hands probe your brushed buoyant beard
Ever so slow and  tender, cruising up and down
Your showy golden arms, your sparkling arched arms
I cop your heartland, entrance your ambiance
Sip litness from your deliciousness
Touch and tease you, please and squeeze you
Lace your thugness up with my seductiveness
Make me sweat pure spectacular sweetness

Just let a gay boy show you the way to a sweet escape
Bet you anything I can bring sheer unrestrained
Jubilation to your enthusiastic mantastic creation
I am the illest irresistible G, I can give you what you need
Let my speechless, blissful love flow in your soul
Have you in a hazy ****** trance
Thirsting for my passionateness in the worst way
Feel my immaculate, rhapsodic magic
Let it overpower your frame

Test your game, make your insane
Tour your core, shop on the block of your heart
Give you that smooth hood love
That feels oh so good to your soul
Make your body bounce to every ounce of my fieriness
Spit slick killer **** that leaves your juicy lips wet
There ain’t no one that can compete with me
My flex is stellar top-level ****
Let me slide into your mind
Surprise you with my sublime style
Make it wild for you, put you out of your mind
Let you see how a freaky boy like me gets down
Travis Green Sep 2021
You are my mind-blowing
Afro-soul man
With your smooth grooving soothingness
Your moonlighted fieriness
Your superb stature
Creamy caramel skin
I can taste swirling in my mouth
A grandiose goatee
Your lips of hot loving poetry
Your eyes bright like city stoplights
Travis Green Jul 2022
There was ******* high voltage hotness
In your hypnotic rock-solid  charmingness
Marvelous spotless sauciness
Unfathomably mantastic freshness
You pulled me into your utter earthy fervor
Where your flamingly unbounded power devoured me
Enshrouded me in the seamless, limitless extremes
Of your unprecedented top-shelf dreaminess

Fed me your delectable red-hot confection
Finessed my incredibleness
Placed me in your spacious spaceship
Where you made love to my gayness
Captured me in your unbreakable shackles
Of unmatchable thugtastical passion
Delved into the deepest depths of my vessel
Made incredible *** to my sexually rainbowlicious body
Merged your firm immersive chest against my carressible breasticles

Oiled me down in your gloriousness

Made me worship your wonderfully gratifying muscularity
Your coolness ruled my system
Had me sheathed in your intriguingly thrilling exquisiteness
Made my head spin the more I took in
Your invincible winnable masculinity
There was an intensifying flush of excitement
That rushed through my structure
I was trapped in your swagtastical mad hot spectacularity
Feeling an increasing amount of unsurpassable burning fervor
Surging throughout my innerness
So wild about your strikingly sublime fieriness
Travis Green Dec 2022
Make me yours
Mark my soft sparkling spot
Charm my inner walls
With the way you push
Your firm, turgid disturber
In my luscious treasured guts

Give me a brutal badass smashing
Slap my beauteous ***** cheeks
Make every part of my flawless
Phenomenal body enthralled by
Your explosive masculine dopeness

Hold sway over my gayness
Call the shots over my softness
Be uppermost in my thoughts
Have an irresistible rigid grip on my ****
Make vast, powerful moans
Glide from my mouth

Hurt me, search me, work me
Unearth my heavenly harmonious treasures
Make me cruise out of control
In divergent emerging degrees
Feel you steady slamming
Your untouchable **** muscle
In my slick drip slip

Take me the edge of sloppy wet ecstasy
Show me your mad fantastical tricks
Lick me up and down
Let your hands cling to my wicked unfettered flabbergasters
Sweet juicy lover boy

*** me harder, cause me to shudder
Service my spectacular stacked structure
I yearn to merge with your splashy staggering immersiveness
Your beaming dream-filled sensuousness
Make me hypnotized and traumatized

Put me in an uncontainable flaming trance
Pour out your innermost enchanting delectations
Upon my unparalleled blazing creation
Give me the best loving and *******
Spit in my tunnel of tightness

Cause me to travel in transports of pleasure
As you enrapture my bareness
Render me under the influence
Feeling the relentless intensity
Of your spellbinding power driving masculinity

When I marvel at your marvelous large walnuts
Got me burning up, befuddled, and bouncing off the walls
You grip my finger-lickin’ thick cream stick
Run your lung gun expunger
Further in my underground chamber

Enamor my grand feminine kingdom
Let your sinful pink lips electrify my spine
Delight in my sightliness and sprightliness
My fieriness and liveliness
Set me aflame, mister strikingly streamlined kryptonite

Allow me to lapse into your rare hazardous magicalness
Feel your singularly ideal breeziness
Thrill through my existence
Freak me savagely
Send utter fervent whispers
All over my soft, loving body

Blanket me in your deep, teasing, and thrilling heat
Be my delicious sizzling whip
Disturb my nerve cells
Tear my world asunder
Make me arch into your cold glowing machoness

Never miss a beat when you
Tap my tantalizing backside
Make me overheat in the extremes
Of your wild, overpowering masculinity
Hold on to my scrumptious chicken tenders

Let me embrace the dopacetic electric rhythm
Of your juicy ruthless bigness
Enthrall the excitingly gentle
And feminine contours of my ripe and exquisite body
Conquer me with your brooding brute force
Lean closer into my homoness
Shoot your super silky acid milk
On my fantastically ravishing ***
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your love is a boundless and new-found delight
Ecstatic ****** delectableness
Crisp, earthy sweetness
Utter, passionate lover prodigy
I tremble in the presence
Of your rich and dreamy allure
Immense divine delightfulness

Such enthralling and heart-stopping erotica
In your magically ecstatic and thugtastic palace
Superlative and wondrous art
Profoundly sensual and ultra-muscled ****
I feel so vindicated when you take me in your nakedness
When you flex and spit killer superheated ****

Make me rapt and flabbergasted
Take down my gayness
Shake up my cells
Cause me to crave your saucy, salty taste
Your titillating hotness and rawness
In your thrilling, towering tidal waves
Of roaring sparkling machoness

Dangerously mountainous and unquantifiable excitingness
Blanket me with red-hot flaming spice
Wrap me in fierce impassioned magic
In impeccable majestic lechery
Let me kiss your rich misty rose lips
Lick your delicious chiseled face
Piercing nut brown ale eyes
You engross me in your wildness
In your bright, inviting fieriness
Make me vulnerable to your artful carnal gaudiness
Travis Green Oct 2022
You are a macho and prominent prodigy
A harmonious, romantic royal residence
In abundance with essential and incredible hunkiness
Sleek, seamless eminence, the sweetest and highest hottest
More vigorous and poetical than a charming
And harmonious embodiment, tall, broad, and impossibly striking

Wondrous, incomparable, and incandescent treasure
Fantastically enchanting dreadhead
Profound and crowning divineness
Buoyant and exuberant manliness
You set in on my homosexualness
Tear into my submerged mind

Rain destruction on my lushalicious construction
Use my existence for your own ends
Obtain my domain by force
Make me so smitten with
Your overwhelmingly unprecedented
And heavenly machoness

Your entire desirable stylishness spellbinds me
Makes me bow down to your unparalleled
And intoxicating kingdom
Unbounded masculine fieriness
I dig your passionate smashing rareness
Put me in your deliciously lascivious prison

Make me feel your aggression
Every measure of your perfection
Steal away my creativeness
Make my fabulously valuable heartland throb
Enmesh me in your eminently worthy web
Of commanding mouthwatering spectacularness
Travis Green Jul 2022
Insuperable smooth coup
Come swoop me up
In your rude boy whip
Let’s chill and ****
Let’s get lit with it
Spit some deep **** ****
That grips my physique
Unlock my vault
Enthrall my heart
Shock my inner world
Rock my derriere

Let me breathe in your exquisiteness
Take in your lean, clean kingliness
Fresh smelling manfulness
Your allure touches my core
Your red-hot stalwart body
Makes me so naughty
Makes me want to fall
***** deep in your brisk
In your strikingly out-of-sight wildness
Shining intensely in my steamy hot sea
Teeming with invincibly sensual dreams

Your hypnotically harmonious muscularity
Has me so deliriously happy
Wrapped in your passionateness
Thundering melanin prince
You entrance my senses
You entwine me in your fieriness
With a body so solid, so hip-hopping
So stellarly sculpted
You ****** my softness
Your coolness cruises through
The expanse of my gayness
In my flourishing sunshine delight

I am ripe for your spice
To bite into a sweet thick slice
Of your enticingness
In the sultry summer night
Make me overly hysterical
Like a flaming hype
In your earthly spherical paradise
I pine to glide in your vibe
Feel your thugness sliding
Along the sleek surface of my throat
Make me float in your wild psychedelic fantasies
Travis Green Jul 2022
I want to slip into the heat of the night
Take in your deep, hypnotic, and masculine song
Let his stunningly sultry hunkiness
Hunt my homosexualness
Mesh your fragrant, firm flesh with mine
Let me feel your incredible shredded flex
Taste your sexually delectable architecture
Your meltingly mesmerizing machoness

Spread your fire sauce all over my impressive
Unfettered polygons, reel me into your royally
Euphoric allurement, explore the delicate entrance
Of my wildly striking wonders
Circumnavigate my tunnel
With your strong, silky tongue
Run your moistened manlicious lips
All around my slick tight wetness
As I caress your unmeasured prominent chest

Marvel at your bright, breathtaking eyes
Solace your flamboyant aura
While you cause my uncontrolled ocean to grow
And crash onto the shimmering surface
Of your surpassingly enrapturing world
You crown me in your profoundness
Submerge me in your sound brown fieriness
Make my heartbeat rise intensely
As your charmingly top-quality hotness
Roars throughout my body
Travis Green Jul 2022
I indulge in your blissful brilliant sunshine
Enshroud my bright sublime dynasty
In your enticingly astounding playground
Let me rub your deeply defined chest
Taste your thugtastic tattoos
Let your magicalness melt in my mouth
Embrace the captivating contagiousness
Of your ambiance, your ****** flavorful manfulness
Superb earthy fervor, you submerge me
In your bareness and muscularity

Your stellar shredded abs glisten seamlessly
Unbelievably breathtaking biceps
The way your luscious untouchable muscles move
That makes me float in your muscle-bound boat
Spin my senses, send me in a greatastic
Mantastic haze when your advertise your fieriness
When you suffuse my soul with unconditional
Rhythmical passion that elevates my creation

I inhale your ruggedness, your deep hard architecture
Dreamy transcendent prince, you bewitch my existence
You got me so extremely enthusiastic
About your playful, passionate majesty
The way you ooze immaculate swaggerrific attractiveness
Crashing chocolate thunder that lingers
And stuns my lungs, governs my jungle
With  your lush thugtacular magicness
You enrapture and nourish my inner world
You give rise to the brightest blissful wonderment

You make me shine extra high in your immense
Luminescent cloud of rock-hard solid-gold muscle
I am confined to your shining high-profile design
You are my radiant homeland, in your chamber door
I explore your allure, lose myself in your more
You give me the craziest stimulating sensations
Make me feel like I may evaporate in your amazingness
Travis Green Sep 2022
I dream of your golden-tanned manliness
Luscious, smooth, and undisputed pulchritude
Outstandingly glorious and uproarious machoness
Killer idyllic litness, fresh magnetic attraction
You rivet my thoughts and feelings
Traverse deep inside my universe

Move aimlessly throughout my life and dreams
Rain your splashy attention-grabbing passion
On my sweet, sweaty, and lecherous canvas
Profoundly unputdownable divineness
Flawless disarming hotness, full of personality
Soft, spicy, and peanut butter cheesecake pink lips

Let me have a long, hot-blooded kiss
Feel around your full, gaudy beard
How your gleaming coffee bean brown eyes
Exude relentless enchantment
Untamed, resounding, and amorous fieriness
Brutal triumphant renegade

I marvel at you like a mellow sunset sky
Unearth your innerness
Lick your lush, thuggish structure
Juicy, crisp brick, you are to me
The most masterful and rapturous gravity
Rosy copious dopeness

A high-test treasured flex
Rife with rich, remarkable radiance
The showiest smoking Casanova
Strongly built and visually vivid blissfulness
Exuberant luxuriant lover man
Ethereal and iridescent momentousness
You infuse me with feverish and superheated feelings
Make me hot under the collar
Swathed in your immersing ardent allure
Travis Green Sep 2022
Your handsomeness kindles my inner sensuous dimension
Has me lost in your raw macho sauce
Dope, strokable, and ardent marvelocity
Rare impassioned attraction
Dreamy denim blue eyes
Full, juicy, and masculine lips
Bushy beguiling beard
You are forever my lover
You shimmer like gaudy polished chrome wheels

I hanker to devour your immortally tasty ambrosia
Feel your dopeness flow in my heart and soul
Deep in your starry stalwart arms
I traverse my tantalizers on your staggering strapping chest
Meddle with your lickable **** crests
Mesmerizingly commanding and relishable abs and biceps
Flamboyant meaty thighs, firm, lush legs
Such fluid smoothness in full view
Shining superfly kryptonite

You are so totally absorbing
And inspiring to delight in
You preoccupy my unconscious mind
So worthy of note, steamy adventurous winningness
I flourish in your fervidness
Take in your saucy sharply-etched flex
Swagged out brag Daddy

Your groovy high-quality majesty
Has me mad keen on your dangerously tantalizing fieriness
Vibrant viral diamond, with a mad hot jacked craft
I want to bask in your savageness
Caress and impress your electrifying top-flight muscles
Sink deeper into your absolute royal treasure chest
Brimming with the highest eternal bliss
Travis Green Aug 2021
I can greatly gleam
In a stream of dreamily gay hues
Feel the sizzling enchantment
Smoky my soul with a dose
Of rotating romance jams
Take me underground
Where the quaking bassline
Enthuses my movement
Makes my hips sway
With the magic of Manhattan men

Hit the dance floor
And shake the scene
With roaringly hot moves
Timeless rhymes spinning sensually
In boundless brilliance
Gritty ripped hunks
Drumming the rainbow space
With tasteful, exhilarating imagination
As I drown in their paradisiacal platform
Of dancing dream in elevated iridescence

Feel the unceasing horsepower
Rise wildly in your muscled veins
Street-heat beats radiating
Through their rocket launching bodies
fire-flexing chest, trombone bones so strong
I can feel their sleek, fascinating façade
My eyes preoccupied with their feet jumping
Legs bending, towering thighs
In desirous ascension to grander dimensions
Breezy bopping thoughts, heads rocking
Arms drenched in astonishing highs
Hopped up, leveled up with the saucy harmonies
Vibrating through their exquisite steel abs

Let’s jubilantly jam, go downtown
To delicious delights, make me sensationally melt
Into milky sweetened butter
With their thrilling touch on my flesh
Propel me to crash into a splash
Of their ice-cold, dope swag
As they finesse me so bad
****, I’m such a fabulous ***
So impassioned by bright nighttime Adonis’s
Amazingly laced up with black glossed shades
Golden gliss earrings, utterly unflawed beards
Bedecked in mesmeric fieriness

I hunger to swim under their astronomic
Phenomenal oceans of maximum ravishment
Feel their liquid limbs sync with mine
As the smooth dance scene escalate
Into a state of funky flaming wonderment
Sweet salivating syllables oozing
From masculine men lips
Creamy captivating goons
In tune with the gripping street sound
As luscious lampposts glow and flow
With the dopeness of groovy dudes
Displaying their vivacious
Spaced-out vibes under the skyline
Shimmering in the spotlight
Travis Green Aug 2022
You are my light bright sauce daddy
So crashingly ripping and manlicious
So swaggalicious and thugalicious
I dig your slick thrilling litness
The way you flex your luscious crushing muscles
Exhibit your glistening heavy-hitting hotness

Make me sauced up and shot up
So love-struck by your sumptuous untouchableness
So massively beardazzled when I stare at your thugness
When I inhale your dangerously indescribable game
Drown myself in your lank cranked up fieriness
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your stupendously adrenaline-fueled attitude is
So super seductively smooth, so enthusing to groove on
To cruise through the coolness of your pulchritudinous
Such soothingness you bring to my mind, body, and soul
With your heavenly delectability, impeccability, and impressionability

You cast a salacious spell on me, send me into unstoppable
Blossoming raptures, make my senses spin, fence me in
Your dreamy shimmery dimension, put me in a whirlwind
Of monstrously thundering sensations, with your lurid, lucid, and rigid
Exquisiteness, you are a fully loaded dopalicious showstopper

Your verve converses and staggers my inner world
My heartbeat pounds harder the more I delight in your rocket flight
Fraught with your top-notch macho sauce
You are a blazing hot tornado sensation
Armed and dangerous, a flaming radiant maze
Overloaded with top-shelf brick-red fieriness

You entice my emotions, spin me around in circular thugular motion
I drink down your boiling hot potion of alluringness
Feel my mind enveloped in fervent burning smoke
My body longing to lock with yours, let you shock my chocolate box
Make my heartland jostle in your unconquerable astronomical
Astonishingness, astound my sound box, let me drown
In your bounds rife with profound drawing power
Travis Green Aug 2021
The words were there, but I couldn’t
Search for the accurate explanation
For how I was feeling, the harsh taste
Stuck on my tongue, staying there
To remind me that some things
Can’t be forgotten, a creepy sound
In the background that made
My body shake, my lips twitch,
Thinking of how long I could stay strong

I never believed when I began school
I would endure extremely terrible insults
From numerous bullies, the mudslinging
The dark grey diction grasping to my throat
Trying to choke me as I almost wailed
To every aching episode, not knowing
How to be strong on my own
Especially when life passes you by
Every world-shattering moment

The nights that came were drastically
Excruciating and chaotic, catastrophic
Moments clinging tightly to my confused
Chest, feeling the exceeding fieriness
On the surface, the continuous amber pain
That slithered like an enraged and venomous
Snake around my flesh, inflicting thunder
Stunning poetry on my wrecked frame

I was feeling it all, the perpetual pressure
Swelling up in my chest, the powerless
And pale syllables drowning in dejection
The slimy vowels clung to my perished arms
The rundown sentences struggling for serenity
As I prayed I could break free from the weight
Of this brick-breaking bullying, leave the past
Companionless, drift away from the heartbreak
Like a runaway shattered lover

I never believed the bullying could break
My sprightly spirit the way it did, but after
All the years of feeling deconstructed
Like an off-beat, broken clock, flickering
On and off like a worn-out, dim lamp
I didn’t know what was right or wrong
Anymore, all I could feel was indistinguishable
Damaged dreams floating in anguish
Trying to find a brighter place
To claim back its freedom
Travis Green Mar 2023
His rad galactic magic wand is deep in my lucid dreams
Igniting wild high-powered fires and desires
Causing me to dwell on the incredibleness
Of his headline-worthy head
His supersize striking sack

Feel it dance like a hypnotic hip-hop superstar
On every fraction of my tongue
Licking it on every side
Tracing blazing unparalleled greatness
As my soft glossy lips go up and down his rude suckable tool

Marvel at his exceptionally built and sick physique
His fantastically broad and strapping pecs
Hefty hunky abs that grab my inner world
Rigid magnificent thighs that stupefy my chakras
The way he stands in front of me is so impossibly intoxicating

My hairy charismatic lad, he paints my rainbow playground
In magically picturesque and psychedelic colors
That are beyond compare, that has my beating heart
Longing to lock with him for all time
To exist beyond reality, to interact and rap with his gravity

Lapse into his passionate radical majesty
Feel molten, magnetic, and incandescent lava
Flow into my heart and soul
Render me discomposed, out of control, and rolling drunk
He heightens my wildness, allows his fieriness

To drive deep into my membranes
Hold me spellbound while I go insane
Unleash his enticing and galvanizing game on my life and dreams
Pull me into his blooming whirlpool
Of burningly hot and flaming lust

I **** his long chocolate sausage
So juicy and meaty, so sweet and thick
I wanna lick it all over for months on end
Massage his fetchingly tight and powerful buns
Get a helluva buzz from his rugged destructive thugness

Satisfy my sweet tooth with his insuperable lewd pulchritude
Hear his verbal volcanic language flow in my ears
As I cherish his dark, mysterious spectacularness
The steamy licentious memories he buries in my submerged mind
Indulging in his impeccable treasured delights

Pour out his explosion of growingly uncontrollable emotions
Allow every single sensual one hit me hard in the heart
With his extravagantly compelling and perplexing handsomeness
He has me jumping to the max as he attacks my gaytasticness
Welds me to his ****** electric majesticness

His crashing splash of staggering kick-*** passion dazzles me
His deep, robust moans echo through my soul
His fiery burning kisses are imprinted
On every inch of my bare brown skin
He brands his intensely sensational manliness in my headspace

He brews my pure, singular, and smooth beauty
In his brutal groovy sea of epic demon-red enamoredness
He licks the inner dimensions of my temple
Make me devilishly sweat while his violent
Mind-boggling lightning strikes my frame

And as I ******* his brash, strong, and explosive pole
Take in his dangerously rock-hard and enchanting grandness
His maximum thunderous crunkness
My monstrous supernatural stunner
I get lost in his wild worldwide wonder

Drain him dry, swallow every drop of his frothy milky ****
Let him witness how much I dig his ideal top-level shitLick his sweet and pleasurable poetry
On my exquisitely kissy and silky lips
Savor his richest litness and bewitching slickness
Travis Green Mar 2023
He takes me away to a specially selected location
Where he amazes and tastes me, where he hijacks
And ravishes my gaytasticness, raps with my active, attractive Masterpiece, tackles my thoughts and feelings
Makes me so entranced by his brilliant slinky inventiveness

Face to face with his greatness, in a state of nakedness
He takes me outside of my mind, stimulates my vessel
Flexes his astonishingly enthralling hotness
Opens the walls of my inner world
Where he conquers my warm earthy structure

Make me linger in the adventurous relentless sensualness
Of his stunning heart-pumping thunder
I lapse into his 24-karat strapping masculineness
Hankering to be by his side to allow him
To entice me for hours on end

Let him speak to me with his fervent terms
Of poetically shimmering endearment
Send me in transports of delight
Take me beyond robust hot-blooded Mars
Spark my homoness, make me melt
Into his magically moist magnificence

Manhandle me, regulate me, cause me to be at a stand
Let me feel him inside and outside of me
Wrapped up in his lip-smackingly
Legendary and thrashing magicalness
His grooviness is the smoothest **** that gets to me
That finesses me deeply, makes me so high
On his delightable high-powered invitingness

I am so intoxicated by the way he gazes at me
With his bang-up dangerous fieriness
He is like a shot of whiskey surging through my system
So distinctive, ultra-premium, and mouthfilling
So incredibly sippable, a crazy hot symphony in my throat

All I know is that I wanna smoke his big strong pole
Choke on it, behold its dope growth
Revel in the flavor of its contagiousness
Lick it everywhere, slurp on it, cherish his shiny veiny thickness
Watch him swing it in my eyesight
Guide me in the matrix of his engagingness and tastiness

Carry him deep within my innerness
Feel his broad **** pecs, his killer slick abs
Tongue his long, manly thighs and ankles
Venture into the deep well of his aesthetically
Compelling and flexing impressiveness

Traverse in a circular motion with my yummy lips
All around his brutal bonzer *****
Insert his massive badass ******* in my trap
Permeate me with surrealistic sensualities
Let me seek completion within him

Interchange of new-found desires and powerful smoking poetry
Entwined emotions, solid-gold soulfulness
I **** all over his ferociously mind-blowing bone
Dwell in his mantuary of ****** rhythmic litness
As he forces me down on his solidness
Tells me to take all his **** and spew out
Hot salty juice down the tantalizing trail of my throat
Travis Green Apr 2022
It’s sensational how his wild, thrilling fieriness
Makes me desire him so much more
Such an extraordinarily immersive perfectness
I am sunk in his stunningness, shot to pieces
Deeply frenzied, urgently requiring
His stupendous studaliciousness

I want to grip his smoothly powerful hips
Rub his bare, hairless, and magical chest
His **** solid arms and shoulders
Hold on to his tight, striking backside
Feel the sheer warmth of his erotically
Hard, luscious, and delectable flesh

Lick his ******, thrilling thoughts
Taste his eclectic expressive heavenliness
Put my mouth on the square root of his smoothness
Inhale his dynamic and differential equations
His intriguingly addictive derivatives
His ingratiating integration, his fantastically complex algebra

Swallow his aesthetically arresting decimals
Make the logarithms in his brain swirl around and around
Let me relish the irresistible trigonometry traveling in his vessel
I can take him beyond the reality of time
Open his mind, shuffle his sensations like a deck of cards
Play an intensely strategic game with his mind
Win with a royal flush, take him as my bright, golden trophy
So desirable and creditable, so fascinating and imaginative

His paradisiacal swagger slays my gayness
He is a flawless all-star hot boy, a household name
Tattooed all over my shining, lithe, and vibrant body
I am so remarkably plush in his presence
Naked, innocent, magnificently feminine, and voluptuous
He is my brilliant stellar king that rules
My immense, unfailing, and illustrious empire
His coolness so takes me over, so engrossed in his smoke
I float away in the favorite slow jams he plays to me
Travis Green Sep 2022
I yearn for your tastefully enchanting hotness
To feel your burning passionate machoness
Take possession of me, caress me deeply
With your tempting treasured titillators
Fill my imagination with vivid liquid thoughts
Of your top-notch enthralling star attraction
Finesse my mind, body, and soul

Touch me beyond the physical limits of reality
Unfold my poetic and soulful emotions
Make me feel your showy explosive dopeness
Peruse the ultimate inner secrets
Of my profound magical beauty
I hanker to delight in a thousand exciting dreams
Of your seamless seducing smoothness
Unlock my soft, voluptuous vault

Ignite my strongest and wildest desires
With your flammable fragrant fieriness
Send me into a stupendous speechless daze
Enhance my sensations, make me crave
Your uncultivated and unadulterated nature
Encase me in your enamoring naked greatness
Set my inner space ablaze, navigate the unfathomably
Glassy and splashy waves of my gayness

Let your sweet peachy pink lips kiss mine
Gaze into the ebullient depths of my creation
With your playful pancake brown eyes
Arouse me everywhere, cause me to convulse
And utter absorbingly joyful noises
Stripped me of my power
Make me bow down
To your fantastically staggering attractiveness
Travis Green Oct 2022
Smashing bright kryptonite
Awe-inspiring and sprightly shining delight
Mad flashy attraction
Invitingly sublime and gratifying spice
Remarkably hypnotic and blossoming gorgeosity
How I long to wander about
In your glowy showy museum
Teeming with highly colored
And eye-catching wonderment

Dreamy convincing sensuality
Your tasty titillating lips captivate me
Your steaming hot frequency
Guides me profoundly
Into your wildest mind-altering desires
Makes me ache to taste you from head to toe
Take in your noticeably dreamy
And splendiferous impeccableness
Fashionably dazzling and radical splash

Your powerful and sensual voice allures me
The libidinous look in your phenomenally
Fearless and unfathomable dark chocolate maple eyes
You got me so feverishly high
Hooked on your cracking black tabs
Unapologetic unfuckwithable suaveness
You are a hauntingly hypnotic exhibit
Of wildly popular and prominent picturesqueness

Thrillingly gripping and litastical lad
I desire surpassingly to crash into your massiveness
With a deep hard-hitting passion
Mesh with your splendid and potent kingdom
Your magical paramount fieriness
Feel your infinite, inexhaustible supremeness
Linger in my innerness for years on end
Travis Green Aug 2022
I want to worship your superlatively
Immersing and magical body
Explore your hotness and tautness
Slowly licking your highly wild and inviting chest
Bury myself in your deliciously prepossessing heavenliness
Scope your strokable mind-grabbing abs
Steely dreamy geometry, shredded velvet shoulders

Let me lie my head on the mesmerizing surface
Feel your soothing solid ambiance
Vibrant awe-striking hot boy
Bare, leathery, and massive neck
Enchanting pink poppy lips
Let my tongue slither over galvanizing angles
And lush lines, slide into your breathless poetic virility
Supreme sunshine brightness

Let me give you eternal astonishing carnality
Hold your hunkiness, kiss you with extra spicy fieriness
Brand my gayness in your glistening
Splendiferous sanctuary bursting
With deep desirable straightness
Sip sweet, silky syllables from your tasty treasure trail
Dine on your mesmerically arresting and kinetic canvas
Navigate your heart-stopping stalwart V-cut

Pull out your long engorged meat stick
Lubricate it with sumptuously addictive spit
**** it, ******* it, lick it from side to side
Open my mouth real wide
Take it down my throat
Swallow it without hesitation
Groove on your exhilarating bulge

Let my hands cover every stone solid inch
Put your heavy manly ******* in my mouth
Watch how my dark chocolate maple eyes roll back
How I gag on your mad crashing craft
You squeeze my lushly voluptuous jugs
Touch and tantalize my succulent ring-shaped tips
Bear your hands heavily on my head

Make your wickedly appealing thickness
Disappear in my mouth
Undress my inhibitions
Look at me with your lustrous
And majestic russet brown eyes
Tell me to **** on your **** harder
Give it to me, catchy rad Daddy
Make me go out of my mind
Fill my throat with glossy wet paint
Travis Green Apr 2022
I want to be his solace, what he needs to feel refreshed
Give him my wondrous sweetness, stroke his seductive muscular body
Swirl my hands around his hotly enthralling chest

Take in his blossoming knowledge, his vivacious creativeness
Learn the language of his immersing world
Stark stellar stud, rock-hard bearded entrancingness

To press my palms against his attractive flat belly
Feel his emotions impossibly evolve, escaping into a wave
Of dazzling light, his brick-built biceps rippling, immensely supreme

Strapping shouldered Samson, funky, fun-loving limbs
Dope, soulful magicalness, I delight in his deftly-produced freestyle
Rhymes, irresistibly appealing, eclectic, heartfelt, highly-listenable

He takes me on a high, slays me with his sexually exhilarating frame
I ache for his wild tasty dreaminess, stroke his sleek, exquisite throat
Behold his impeccable swagnificence, engrossed in his smoke

I want to rub his long petal arms, lick his honey-hued succulent thighs
His steely solid, and glistening legs, probe his taut feet
He is all that I want to stay on my mind, all the loving light

That shines in my sight, sexalicious goldenness
He drives me wild with his fieriness, his outer space black eyes
His awesomely arched eyebrows, his fresh wavy haircut

He is a gorgeous, luxurious lad that attracts me to him deeply
Longing to be forever charmed by all of him, immersed in his
Tranquil, unfathomable seas, clinging to his perfectness
Travis Green Jul 2022
I want to spark your curiosity
Cause your machoness to shudder
When I touch and love on your exotic smooth muscles
Enormously prominent arms and chest
Plushy poetic lips, generously graceful shoulders
Your bomb solid hotness is extra straight-out fire
You enshroud me in your deliciousness and sweetness
Your highly indescribable entireness
You burn my world considerably
With your sheer spectacular fervor

Ultra sultry thugness, you leave me thunderstruck
With every pristine perimeter of your dimension
I feen to travel and unravel your dazzlingly dopacetic manfulness
Fascinate your tight steel cake
Make you float in my **** globe
Overflowing with southern soul slow jams
Shoulder your machoness in my heart
Stare deeply into the immense extremes
Of your steamy serene dreaminess
Let me flirt with your freshness

Lay my fingers on your silky venerable beard
Such a contagious breathtaking invitation
To the most treasured delectations
Existing within your plentiful manful architecture
You are a narcotically rock-hard saucy hottie
So excitingly delightful, so strikingly streamlined
Shining like bright green streetlights
How I lionize your fieriness

Your muscularity is perfect superbity
I want to caress your eye-popping astronomical biceps
Kiss your armpits, make your emotions
Hover in an effervescent triumphant cloud
Crowding with thrilling measureless delight
Relax your majesty, lapse into the enclasp
Of my lovingly luxurious arms
Let me enthrall your tight chocolate ***
Flow into your starry marvy aura
Let me be your calm, take you to my home
Make your inner impassioned dreams blossom
As I give you the freedom you so rightfully desire in life

— The End —