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dj Jun 2013
kids only see txt
they don't have any feelings
only the screens
of their smartphones
they only talk via tweets
RTs & "comments"
low poly skinhead cyberpunks
living in HD premium worlds
it's only diodes
that iphone ain't got no soul -
not like it used to be
it used to be real

they don't have feelings
it's just txts on screens

they dnt have feelings
they dnt hv any feelng
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
I have to run
It's who I am
Need to break away
To another land
It's never enough
I always come home
Feelng good for a day
Then back to alone
I don't know how to stop
I must get away
I hope to find what I'm looking for
Somehow, someway
Phil Lindsey Mar 2015
Ketchup on French Fries and big juicy Burgers
All kinds of Candy just loaded with Sugars
Cold Beer and Pizza and Buffalo Wings
These are a few of my favorite things!

Cream in my Coffee with Crisp Apple Strudels
Spaghetti and Meatballs and Schnitzel with Noodles
Warm Pecan Pie with a Scoop of Ice Cream
These are the foods that I see when I dream!

Chocolate Cupcakes with Caramel Icing
Cookies and Brownies and Fudge – so enticing
Turkey and Dressing and anything Fried
If I say these aren’t favorite foods then I’ve lied!

When the scale breaks, when my clothes shrink, when I’m feelng fat,
I simply forego all my favorite foods
And then I don’t feel so Bad!
My sincerest apologies to Julie Andrews  :-)
Cassi m Apr 2014
Somewhere we go to **** some time
stars layover head, always to far to touch
rigorous detail while the silence speaks out
in this moment the sun is shinning in our night sky
this feelng i should get when your within reach, constant suspension
mindset strict, single i'll stay
until in her eyes i find that midnight sky
SCR Jan 2015
I write you letters and i tell you things i cant say face to face
I tell you how my day was and what i learned
I tell you how im feelng and if today was bad or good
i tell you my fears of not being a good enough daughter

I spend hours on these letters and i wish i could tell you on my own
You write me letters too
You tell me how much you love me how your day was
You tell me im stronger then what i use to do and you tell me that nothing can change the love and care you have for me
You tell me im good enough and always will be

Hopefully one day i will stop writing letters and talk to you face to face
Will you wipe the tears that fall just like the paper does?
will you hold me tightly when i am having trouble explaining all that has happened
Will i still be good enough when you see what i really am ?
I hope this was okay im starting to write letters to my mom but i never give them to her im scared too
pooja upadhyay Mar 2017
night in a room,
staring at a saddle roof

a race between watering eyes and a shower,
a *******, can just show her glower

life is all about changes,
she is left with just revenges

floor is wet with dew,
she've failed because of a beau

darkness is standing in a queue,
feelng like truth was never true

book in hand,
pages fold
with every page things get old

eyes are glued on memories,
every page is speaking its story

little girl is dancing in a ball room,
with dulcet tones her hearth get bloom

a bed lamp bight to sunset,
and a ball gown turns to gorgette

it was just a play of woolgather,
still those memories ***** me up as a needle

a little princess is dying,
she've forgotten flying
Peyton L Feb 2020
My words are a guillotine
and you willfully put your head
underneath it.
I know ******* you.
It'd be so easy.
A simple word here
a phrase there
and I'd destroy you.
Leave you doubting yourself
doubting me
and feeling guilty for it.

My hands touch you
make you plead for more.
I want to freeze sometimes
to just stop.
Maybe even to leave.
I want to leave your wondering
what you did wrong.
I want to break your heart.
Because this is what I do.
I leave things, people,
in pieces.

Only once in a blue moon
do I wish to destroy
to break
to shatter.

it's not you I want to hurt
it's me.
I want to destroy myself
from the inside out.
That includes hurting you
beyond repair.
If I make you hate me
I'll have no reason not to hate myself.

You know when you're holding
something precious
like life in your hands
a frog
and you have the fleeting thought
to crush it between your fingers?
That's what it feels like.

That's what this feelng is,
isn't it?
Just a small thing
destined to go away.
I don't realy
wholeheartedly want to hurt you
or anyone or anything
I don't.

I just want to know
what you'd say
what you'd do
if I could ever make you cry
If I could completely break you.

Part of me
knows how wrong this is
how I shouldn't be wonderng about this
that wanting to **** something
or destroy it's spirit or heart
probably makes me a sociopath
but I'm not sure if I care.

I want to be compared
to a black hole.
I want to make everyone hate me
see how ugly I really am.

I want you to wish you'd never met me.

Self-destruction is a terrible thing,
isn't it?
When you've got nothing left
and you're all on your own
you have no means to go on.

I wish I didn't have you by my side,
but then again,
I never want you to leave.

I wish to God I could be taken
from this earth
but I want to stay with you forever.

Baby tell me
I'm okay.
That I'm not insane.
That you'll love me no matter what.
Because I'm scared of what I'm capable of.

I'm scared of hurting you
purposely or otherwise.

This guillotine
doesn't want your head
to be there.
It wishes you would move,
save yourself.
Pull away.

But you don't.
You stay in the blades path.
And as it goes down
so does my heart.

I wasn't created to destroy.
I wrote this in my creative writing class a little less than two years ago, and ever since I've been wondering what the hell my thought process was. Even though it's not about me, it's a concept piece, I'm still in love with it.

— The End —