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The concept of a whole person is an enigma that evolves within a culture . Often it is not a transitive concept and can only be conjuncted within it's social setting . In fact the realities of social fragmentation make most all concepts of a whole person universally inapplicable .

Literature is often a good tool for developing an understanding of a culture and it's inclinations . In a cultures folk tales , plays , and fictions you find authors making a deliberate attempt to portray the basic dramas of their society .

Greek myths are a vivid example of this ; they are literally frought with characterizations . In their development these multitudes of characters weave into an elaborate tapestry that depicts the developing Greek moral ethic . The intricasies of the analogous content are brought across in a multitude of forms . Names were very important and a major force in clarifying the concepts being presented . The multitudes of characters portray a multifaceted understanding of the human psyche . The chauvinistic banality of their culture and it's gods is graphically depicted against the backdrop of their developing ethics .

It is difficult for a modern man to construct a vision of a whole person from a strictly ancient Greek point of view . The obvious anachronisms envolved make such an attempt partially ludicrous . Contrarily the bulk of their characterization paints a vivid picture of their primative social state .

Of course while the Greeks were muddling through the multicolored quagmire of human frailty many societies where learning to master the powers they had developed through centuries of strict adherence to religious and social mores . The development of their socially biased realities make many Greek nuances seem decadent anachronism . Rather than deitizing their baser natures as the Greeks had thay had learned to master them and turned to new paths to clarity . Spiritual pragmatism and lack of comunication nullified the social attributes of many of these extrapolations on positive orientation .

Jung preaches that man has an innate need to assimilate all external sensory perceptions . I find this untrue . In fact I find it self abortive . Human beings have a complexity factor that is individual and must be protected from overload ; man's moral ethic is a tender and deludable feeling directed by empathy . In the hectic world of modern mass media this tender individuality can become dwarfed by the percieved need to obtain social acceptance . Whole civilizations have become deluded by the flow of their complexities into an outright denial of their moral ethics .

I find this partially estranged condition prominent throughout social history . Children are brought up to respond to a vast realm of presupposed social ideologies and are not allowed to venerate themselves until much of their conscious matrix has been established . This of course makes self evasion an easily attainable goal . Sometimes politically speaking the actual goal . The mind satiated by it's social framwork is the ideal tool for a socialistic or tyrannical government .

To me the value of social history lies not in it's application as much as it's illumination . All the fragmented pockets of human coalescence should instill an understanding of man's posibility factors . Man's inability to supersede his developing anachronism may well be the cause of his annihilation .

Modern man has learned how to use tact in instilling the acceptable social mores . Solviet psychiatrists have spent years on perfecting these social sublimations ; children learn how to make their personalities conform to the accepted mean . I think that the true nature of a well rounded being lies in an ability to reject the fragmental nature of these instilled mores and develop a more universally acceptable social orientation . Does the son of a ku klux **** member have to hate blacks ? The obvious answer is no ; contrarily socially acceptable orientation is a product of environment . This is the pitfall of man's evolution as a race ; his inability to rise above the quandary of his immediate surroundings with all of their overwhelming complexities and demands to become a cognizant and empathetic being . There in lie the keys to his future .

This does not necessarily define the well rounded person . A well rounded person must be able to cope with his immediate surroundings withoutan abject denial of his empathetic being .

I believe well roundedness lies in thoughtful orientation and a well centered understanding of self . One need not be socially active as long as they are thoughtfully cognizant . Obey the golden rule ; you can not allow your objective orientation to supersede your subjective empathy . You can't allow yourself to be thwarted or overcome by your peers into being something they might want to make you because temptation may overwhelm them and you will become a transient tool in their succession .
Andëril Apr 2014
first breath,
Eyes wide open
take some time,
Enjoy the moment,
when you aren't born
because it's safe
inside the utero,
inside the mother
of all children -

and come along,
we're not alone,
we are together

see to eye, stay awake,
put the past behind
your shoulders,

as you are,
as you ought to be,
to say the words you
need to mean them,

& wipe the powder
off your nose,
& bring some light
to the windowless

grey is a color. That's fine,
but how come we're not envolved,
I like that you don't like my favorite colors
because mine is already taken.

and he lives in a car, with a record out there,
crying and refusing to live in such human state,
such is his condition,

and he remembers Andy Wood,
but he doesn't care anymore,
because his life is better
without him.

and those who stay
will never understand
why the dragon spread his wings
& took all of them to far away
from this frail stage.
(A poem about Kurt Cobain)
seems to be
the cure
for my suffering;
My anxiety and sadness.
Even if it's brief
or last long extenuating exhausting
The best hours
can spend in bed
Besides sleep.

It's a light in the dark.
A serum of energy.
A light mixed with darkness.
Or the opposite of darkness.
My choice over water.

The famous Mary
The cure to all pain & suffering
These days.
His regular old Camel mixed with ****
It goes hand in hand with love, alcohol & ***.

It is said to relax and take away
Excruciating Pain or any illness,
internaly and externally, intentionally or not.
It heals your soul.
Hide your scars
and numbs your mind
Giving  you new hopes in life
envolved in it's mystical phsycodelic fog.
Maybe that's a different drug.
But **** should be legal and a medicine to trust.

Love, Alcohol, & ***;
It seems be the magical pill
For this matrix type of world.
For this life I live in.
But like all,
There's always a price to pay.
Love, Alchol, & ****
is something you should never trust.
I am in favor of Marihuana for medicinal purpose not for recreational use. I do not use it. This is just a poem. So don't judge.
Paul Roberts Sep 2010
They met here, not by plan but chance,
an exchange of ideas, melody, poetry,
not romance.
Each day their time and exchanges grew longer,
the strings of support becoming ever much stronger.
The words and poetry came much easier then,
the melody and lyrics rushed out of them,
yet neither knew nor confessed,
that better as two, they did their best.
The winds carried their  poetry to a listening crowd.
They gathered regular at the Corner, ready to be wow'd.
Too  much  into each others poetry exchanges,
the two continued....yet everywhere, somewhere.
things are a changing.
Who knows which one  found themself to far,
had made a promise to not get envolved.
One day the Corner only presented one,
that poet  realized the absence,  the music was gone.
Poetry and music, lyrics and words,
still on the Corner today can be heard.
The regular still come and they want to be wow'd.
One lonely poet tries to please them some how.
Paul Roberts. Memories
You light up the skies
You suffer when I misbehave
You smile in my face even if you are in during pain
You tell me I am worth something where all the world turned their backs at me
You stand by me when I am sick even if you know you might get sick too
You tell me that I will survive although you know I might die
You swipe a tear of my face when you feel I am hurt inside
How can I repay a mother who would do the extreme to just see a smile on my face
No thanks or money envolved.
What she gives she doesn't want anything in return
Mom I am sorry if I ever was bad or caused you pain.
I am sorry if I made you feel that I don't love you
You are the reason I am living and fighting my way to pursue my dreams.
As long as you are with me nothing is impossible and no fear can overcome me.
I love you mom you are a gift from God that I can never repay.
Thank you for the days you stood by me and make sure mom I will do the same.
I love you mom more than anything the world will have to offer or bring
Zersrol Nov 2018
He is sick in the mind
He is terrible and turned
Toward a dark scene
He can not leave

My child is hurt
So he hurts others naturally
He doesn’t try
He just does
But here is the catch
It’s not his fault

He didn’t choose any of this
He just went through ****
That lead to this
He never tried to hurt anyone
But he did
Because he is broken
Because someone hurt him

He watches time go by
As if it’s the show he watches over time
So invested yet not envolved unless asked by the screen itself

He cries when someone dies ofcourse
He turns in bed as he remembers what he saw
He feels what he sees no matter what

The boy is me
The child who needs help
Is the inner me
My child is scared of the world
I am his cover
To shield him from the world
But keep him engage
To help himself
But please help the child from within
I hope you enjoy this long poetic piece, we all have a child we want to protect ❤️ (Out the screen or in our head)
Sav Feb 2019
Kisses after dark.

Her mother was away.
But her Dad was awake.

He didn't care, he liked me. I like him.

But the rest of that family considered him a sinner.

For what I don't know.

But I was in love with his daughter.

And he knew that and didn't care.

He let us kiss until midnight. He let us kiss until we were out of breath.

The night I spent the night he gave me the slight and didn't say a word.

I was hungry but her arms were on me and when 6am came she draped a blanket over me but I knew I had to leave.

I only tell this story so you're not alone.

She hurt me. And it hurst me to tell this story.

She snuck me out before her father could see me. I skated home and took selfies. I was so happy.

But then she told her mom, and she made sure I would be gone.

I am convinced had Hannah's mother not gotten envolved Hannah would have broke my heart in a different way.

— The End —