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Haley Lorish Sep 2014
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a girl who had no ears
Could not hear of the world’s fears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a boy’s vision so unclear
He could not see his mother’s tears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a dad who loved his beer
Too drunk to know the end was near
Here's a story for you, dear
About a man who worked cashier
With wish to be an engeneer
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a helpful volunteer
Who most times was insincere
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a woman’s failed pap smear
Preparing for a condition so severe
Here’s a story for you, dear
Although we try to persevere
*We all want to disappear
Rowan King Mar 2018
Is it strange that I want to be Phillip Carlyle even though I was born a girl

Is it strange I don't want to be trapped in a job even though I am "smart" and "hard working"

Is it strange I want to be an artist even though my parents want me to be an engeneer

is it strange I want to be free ut I know I am trapped

is it strange I want to be a boy but I was born a girl

is it strange I want what I cant have

Is it strange I will always be what I hate most

Is it strange I hate my home even though my home is nice and welcoming

Is it strange that I fear returning home

Is it strange that I hate heartbreak but I fall so easily in love

Is it strange I always reply yes when people ask me if I'm fine

is it strange I hide my feeling, when they long to be free

Is it strange I fix my friends problems but I cant fix my own

Is it strange I will always be what I hate

Is it strange I will always be what they hate

is it strange that if they knew me for me, they wouldn't want me

Is it strange that I hate myself, even when I have done nothing wrong

— The End —