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harlee kae Feb 2014
Beautifully running down your spine
Repunzal repunzal i call you mine
And i'm sure you're thinking it's just hair , and you think i'm silly too
I** don't care because for me it's what defines you
Don't cut it repunzal, don't cut your hair, i love it so much you wouldn't dare
L* *ife
      I s
           B ut
                B eautifully
                      Y ou

Life is But Beautifully You... Libby  *Marinilli
Ask me what makes life beautiful... I'll tell you it is who you meet in it, and for me... Liberata made life become a treasure, in Gods Hand.
Àŧùl May 2017
Harshly I trod upon the ground,
Even as I get tired I do not stop,
Atypical life I am leading alone,
Very lonely I edge towards death,
Youth seems to be fading away.

Blessings all seem to fade away,
Lying on the bed I will take rest,
In my usual days I suffer pain,
She has given me enough of it,
Too much is never a definition,
Easy is to bear this pain I invited,
Reddish-brown these toes get,
Should not be anything else.

On my head lingers this probability,
None might be with me during my end.

May my sufferings end soon,
Yes I need help with my state.

Toiling hard to lose weight,
On a weight loss spree I am,
Exhausted is the will to live,
So hard I strive to survive.

Showering her love she is not anymore,
Her healing touch is not here any longer,
Owe I do my life to my parents today,
Unending ordeal it may seem today,
Let some time pass and it may shine,
Dub the suffering as another exam.

Now I just wish you to shine, oh life,
Of light be the torch bearer, oh life,
Today I will request you, oh life.

Beautifully you can also be bettered,
Exploring you I have been always.

Do not be so harsh, oh life,
I** am definitely so tired now,
A ray of hope I see in the future,
Better be somewhat happier,
Especially when I request,
Till few days I want to live happily,
Eating some good ice-cream,
So please let me breathe, oh misery.
My body is rebelling against me.

And I am too young for diabetes.

My HP Poem #1518
©Atul Kaushal

— The End —