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April Sparkman Dec 2010
Everytime I see your face
Everytime I see your smile
I lose my head for a while
I'm in a transe when your near me
The smell of your skin is heavenly
When you look at me, my knees are waeks and my heart stops
The only problem is you make me help invisible.

I never thought I could feel this way
You're making me crazy
You're all I can think about, you're in my dreams
You're beautiful eyes are distracting
When I hear your voice, my heart beats so loud
It rumbles like an earthquack in my chest.

I can't think straight
I'm losing my mind
My heart belongs to you, I wish you were mine
You hold the key, unlock my heart, free me
Release happiness from inside of me
Hold me my darling, and put your lips on mine
Your such an angel, how do I know your real
Don't you see me, come to me
The only problem is you make me fell invisible.
Sarah Aug 2018
We're standing on the opposite shores of a sea made of our differences
And we have no ships to sail across
We lost our love amid that sea
And into its depth
Sank our story and our memories
We were no divers
No swimmers or sailors
We were simple people who were afraid of water
Afraid to leave the safety of the land
And that fear costed us each other
When an earthquack set the land apart
How I wished you could come
Cross a bridge made of love
Plant a kiss on my cheek
And wipe away the farewell tears
But you never did
Nor was I brave enough to do it myself
We should have built a ship
Or overcame our fears and learned to swim
But instead we decided to quit
It is not you to blame
And it is not me
It is just the big blue sea
A sea, and a whole lot of fear.
I was very hesitant about this one so I'd love to hear your opinions

— The End —