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Kahara Jones Jan 2014
What’s in a life
that makes it feel tangible
-not moldable-
but legible at times, when
you’re so close, you can’t blink without swatting their cheek
so that you feel you can grasp their stress
and peel it away
like ducktape
with little nubbins of glue
like gossling fluff
left over
Whatever film that separates two souls
was put there for sanity or practicality
And I want to ask...
What is it like in your soul?
Is it disturbing  
or loving for me to ask?
Redshift Feb 2013
1.  you had beanie babies...
a lot of them
you shared your magazines
and forced me to join your club
i later ripped up our contract
and threw it at your face
but i was only eight

2. i liked the way you sat in the cold metal chairs
during church
you sat like you owned the place
and not God
hunched over
your knees spread
at everything;

3. you'd get hurt on purpose
and then cry
so all the girls would come running
to comfort you
i really liked you
until then

4. you came over to my house
to see my sister
you called me
"Other World-Girl"
because i knew things
you didn't

5. i met you on an online rpg game
i needed help with some quest
that involved dwarves
you were a high level
12 years old
you talked a lot about
and naked women
we're still friends

6. i met you at an over night youth event
about world hunger
you had the most alluring smile
i hit you with a football
in the head
in a gym
i was fourteen
you called me
your joyous red
we hugged
and often

6. the cousin of number three, you were gangly
barrel chested
a skater punk
parkouring through my chest
making fun of me

7. you were from argentina
i met you once
and liked you because you read and wrote
like i did
you asked me
about a song
you hardly spoke english
but after you went back to your country
we talked on facebook
for three years

8. i don't remember how i met you
it was kind of
you had curly brown hair
every time i walked into a room
you yelled "here comes trouble!" and smiled
mrs. geiger told us
at a dance
that we were
a cute couple
you blushed a lot
and danced with me
all night
thea told me
that you liked me
i stopped seeing you
after a year or two
i miss you,

9. i met you in chicago
a mexican
gone violinist
i wrote on the wall of your bedroom
it was short-lived
you gave me a lot of

10. a fuzzy-headed
jewish trumpet player
you always made dead-baby jokes
and something about jesus and boats
you could hit really high notes
on your trumpet

11. i was sixteen
you liked a girl i hated
you threw frisbees really well
another trumpet player
metal head
you dated her for a while
then she broke up with you
and got pregnant
with some ugly guy
and married him
but i guess this isn't about her
you came back last summer
and wanted to give me a massage
sing with me
hold me
i said

12. you played tommy djilas
in the music man
i was mrs. paroo
you loved lady gaga
still do
you're really funny
and dorky
but you liked my older sister

13. you were a lot older than me
i started liking you
when you shaved
the disorderly ***** hair
off your chin
you read the bible
a lot

14. i can't remember your actual name
i think it was mike
or something
i called you
your family kicked you out
and you moved in with my bestfriend
you were
so funny
we were

15. your brother asked me out
i said no
i liked you because i was bored
you had a nice ****
i dunno
17 is a weird age

16. you called me your
you were really muscular
and had nice hair
you always smelled really good
you were kind of short
and a player
you always wanted
to arm wrestle me
i always
said no

17. i liked you
for a total of a day and a half
you got so annoying
i started to wish you'd
fall off the face of the planet

18. the third trumpet player i've liked...
they all turned out badly
guess i should stay away from them
metal head
socially awkward
you wore sunglasses constantly
you had an unhealthy obsession
with ducktape
and bacon
you gave me a bacon mint once
i spit it out
i stopped liking you
after you became a gentleman

19. i didn't really actually like you
i liked that you liked me
you were really annoying
and if i didn't respond to a text
within ten minutes
you sent me forty more
just to make sure i was still breathing

20. you had me at the word
you were really muscular
and you had the prettiest brown eyes
you'd call me in the park
between calling
all those other girls
you turned out to be
the worst mistake of 2012
glad that's over

21. you were some creepy viking-like person
from alabama
a bible beater
who didn't believe in singing with instruments
you were bearded
really arrogant
and rude
i really don't know why i liked you

22. your guitar
could never stay tuned
after a while
it just sounded horrible
you used long words
thought i was hilarious
always tried to touch my hair
tickle my neck
i stopped liking you
after hearing you talk to your little brother
that i loved
so nastily
for talking to me

22. you're in my english lit class
you have a really **** brooklyn accent
a deep voice
and the most curious, interested stare
i ever saw
i liked you a lot
until i found out you have a girlfriend
named anna
i've always hated
that name

23. you're my
not friend
you force me to watch scary movies with you
just so someone will hold you
when i'm scared
we talk every night
you told me that you loved me
and then apologized
i think i've stopped loving you
but every time you tease me
hate everyone who flirts with me
post funny pictures on my wall
make me stay up
because you can't sleep
give me kittens
sing thrift shop with me
show me ridiculous videos
smile at me
like you do
i can't be
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
You said those words
"I love you"
But did you every really say them
Or was it more of a "it's what people in love say" thing

You broke my heart
At first I was fine
I was broken for sure

You were the reason
When I realised what really happened
I was gone, gone to the darkness of live

Your absence made me go crazy
I found the light switch
I felt fine, really I did
It was like I fixed my heart

You had me, and lost me
But it never really was a light switch
It was just a mere flashlight
A light that will run out of juice
And I never really fixed my heart
It was just wrapped in ducktape

You are still hurting me
That tape never covered my whole heart
It left open spots
Spots that leak my love, my live, my sanity
From time to time I feel this pain
This emptiness
This absence of sanity
overaffe Jun 2013

the minute it takes..

to trace the call,

to ducktape the suspects ******* face,

is the same minute a family home explodes in a cross section cutscene like 24.

more prisoners escape,

******, pretty, but they're spies.

suckers got forks stuck in their eyes.

the trucker died, his hat now a subtle disguise.

soft talk and the novice gaurd complied.

I told the brass this whole ******* place needed modernised.

shot gun cabinets unlatched,

the last batch of canteen fat contained celephaned grendades.

outside it rains and mud slides thick as the chase vehicles flip onto their sides.

the helicopter follows a costumed imposter through the shadows of a suburban night.

people thrown out the way on the street like extras in a detective series.

"Freeze: get on your ******* knees"

"Ive got nothing to lose, ive got the the ******* hostage and im offering a trade off

don't ******* shoot,

or ill put a hole in this ***** bigger than you can fix pig, twitching at the trigger,listen quick

take a step back or ill do it, push me ******* cop".

blood on the concrete runs thin as it navigates and mixes with no forgiveness or mission.

track back until the dead are insect sized, centred in the wide shot of the city, wait a beat then credits rise.
Lillieanna Feb 2015
I was sleeping, then I woke up
I heard a creak at my door
I quickly put the blanket over me
But it was my dad, so I said hi
But he grabbed me and pulled me aside
I said, what, what is it daddy?
He said, hush my princess
He started rubing my back then to my skin
That's where it all begined
I thought I was getting a night rub, but it turned into something that was not right
He reached for something, in his back pocket
It was ducktape
He thrashed ontop of me
ducktaped my mouth shut
Then and there the worse thing that could posibily happen
Just happened to me
Oscar Apr 2019
my veins are the cobwebs of my soul,
intertwining and winding around my thick bones;
i'm like scaffolding, tall, and rigid, and ready to come down.
thick ducktape binds my seams together.
my eyes are the keyholes to my soul, they stare out and wonder:
what happened to the bright blue skies and thick, green trees?

my fingernails have rusted, cracked and sharpened at the pain.
long years of clawing my way down a winding road have led
me here, sewn together by dreams once wished upon a star.
my ribs have caged my hope for so long, bared iron,
protecting my heart and all that's left of what once was.
i hold my breath, and i'm ready to come down.

sunken eyes like the grave of my mother,
dark, rough and duller than cake at a funeral. i hold my breath.
living is like drowning, the anchors of my dreams anchoring
me down into the void. i scream out. i kick out. i claw out.
i come down, shaking and aching and ready to break.
cobwebs cover me, dust coats my lungs in pain.

i'm ready to come down.
Darien May 2018
The worst of it is
when you're alone at 3 in the morning
and it's quiet.

You're by yourself,
no need to hold it together,
but you still won't cry.

You could cry. Sweet ******,
you could shed a river to rival the Mississippi, and no one would be the wiser.

You're alone.
No one is there to judge you
but you still won't

because there is you to deal with,
and you don't want to appear weak
even to yourself.

The makeshift levee keeping you're mind
intact is about ready to break,
it's overflowing.

The pressure is high, and you're holding this
unstable structure together with ducktape
and plugging in the cracks with chewed up bubble gum.

It's hopeless,
my dear,
this levee, but it'll hold another night.

For now, you stare at the ceiling
and count the seconds between heartbeats,
reminding yourself that you're not imaginary.

Very much present in this farce reality.
The gears keep turning, and there's a gremlin in your ear whispering godless things,

And for years you were far too naive
to tell him to shhh, shut up
and get your *** in the corner.

Naive ******,
the mind is as shattered
as your pulp of a heart.

Poor, pitiful ******.
You never could put yourself back together again
now, could you?

Do you know
what hurts worse
than a broken heart?

Not remembering
what it was like before.
How whole you feel.

My ******,
that hearts been
broken so long

I doubt
you could remember
a time when it wasn't.

How long my sweet ******
tried to repair it
so many times

but it just keeps breaking.
All shattered to bits.
There's hardly anything left now to fix.

My broken ******,
the reflection of
my most sacred regrets.

Young ******,
though I tried
to right the wrong,

I failed you.
I never wanted you
to become so hollow.

My empty ****** doll,
you were damaged
beyond repair.

My ******,
We fix the bruised.
Not the broken

— The End —