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ShamusDeyo May 2015
Of Ancient Mushrooms you'll find
Growing in the wilds of every eon
And if you Find yourself lost in them
Amongst Faeries, Lizards, Elves, and Snakes
And the Forest Glows a Phosphorescent Green
Catch your Breath amid the Giggles let free
And hear the Elven Harps among the trees
Under giddy Spells of Mirth and Laughter
Soft thrum of Faerie Wings and Elven Chatter
The rising Sun Disolves the Mists of Mirth
And all the Magic drifts off from the Earth
Ah, having tread the trails among the Mushrooms I recall the journey of Fantasy's Wandering
ak Mar 2014
To watch as my best friend disolves into tears
Because of you
To watch her hope and pray that you would still be there for her
To see her try to talk to you
To type messages to you to which you will never reply
To see her being there for you for months as you battled with yourself
To watch as you pushed her away
To accept your harsh words and say nothing as she was hurting so badly
But now, as you dance away into the sunset with someone else, I can not just sit back and watch you hurt her anymore because, as you know, this would break her and its not fair
You're a coward, that is all, a low life coward
And you leave me to pick up the shattered prices of someone you used to love
When you could have prevented it
And its not fair
But you are just a coward
Thia Jones Oct 2014
Nos Calan Gaeaf, the night before winter
we sit cwtched over bowls of cawl
hot steaming broth
by tradition lamb with vegetables
whatever comes to hand
leeks, carrots, tatws, swedgon
cabbage or kale, shredded
deep green leaves though
not the pale stuff
that disolves in the stewing
before it gets to the bowl
a dash of herbs perhaps
and a touch of pepper
the cwtching and the steam
make this as much an experience
of inhalation as of taste

And when the last drop is gone
the liquid focus turns to cwrw
that's ale if you're Sais
and the singing begins
not all hymns and arias
anything counts, all is game
so long as voices are raised

Amid the singing, thoughts turn
to those who sat in years past
drinking cawl and cwrw
and raising their voices
but sit and eat and drink
and sing no more
though in the flickerng light
of candle and lamp and fire
seem once more present on this night

Cynthia Pauline Jones, October 30th 2014
A poem for halloween... written for a reading at a Halloween-themed evening organised by my local Writers Group on October 30th 2014. In Wales, the night of October 31st has traditionally been celebrated as Nos Calan Gaeaf which translates as The Night Before Winter. A short glossary may be helpful:
Cwtch – to huddle, hunch over, or cuddle
Cawl – a stew or broth, as described in the poem
Tatws – potatoes
Swedgon – swede, or rutabaga
Cwrw – beer
Sais – English
KILLME Jan 2016
My heart is melting
like the sun disolves
Slowly into the sea
at the end
of a long summer day
Seher Seven May 2016
Then I remember
Then my vision gets a bit
Blurry, my stomach quivers.
The water begins to flow.
Releasing pressure.

I remember, from younger,
Little person memories.
Ones of free.
I remember, me.
My heart yearns to serve
And share in the beauty
This pure bliss of witness.
All things I see.

Releasing the quest to solve my duality
The virgo piscean. The madness
Constantly challenging the other.
Peace only in wholeness.
Embrace the heart of the servant
And the mind of the intellect.
Standing firm in One.

And as I watched her sway, I too
Heard the groans. Weeks before,
And I just wanted to know
My heart whispered clear,
Reborn, limbs and loves essence.
Weeks before, I knew the end was near.
All is to transform.
To reunite to its whole.

As the layers shed, seasonally
Revealing anew, thoughts of my
Reunion with you liter my mind.
I assume, each tear I release
Brings me closer to you.
The grace, the reabsorbtion,
The rotation of my time.

In that moment where time disolves,
Where new life crowns.
That point where its me, and God
And I realize I've been home the whole time.
In that moment, I and I become One,
Again. Just a moment, then
I prepare to crown, again.
To root down, in deep,
Down, loaded, tuned.
I’m not the man you think I am
My feigned personality quivers
My disguise falters at your sight
My mask disolves at your stare
I’m not the man you think I am
What you see before you
Is the shallow shell I wear
To live my days
I am cruel
I am manipulative
What you think I am
That is not me
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
The old face of love rears it's head
Unleashing feelings thought dead & buried
To the Eden I travel once more
This time wiser, this time stronger
Yet heart always rules the head
Devastating emotions build up inside
These feelings i know so well
That crippled my mind, shattered my soul
Will I need to pick up the pieces again?
Will I see my open heart crushed before my eyes
The blood dripping down as life drips away
As the pain flows through these veins
Emotions conquers mind, feelings within die
Death a friend i seem to know so well
Sits by my body cutting my wrists
So to Eden i travel once more
This time crippled, this time shattered
An emotional time bomb ticking away
The endless flow of salted tears
That hits the floor like my hopes & dreams
Always left standing alone, battered and bruised
A twist of fate, my own imprisioning gate
Holds me down, as depression eats away
My heart disolves in burning pain
Take my worthless soul in chains
And cast me into the blackest sea
Drowning, sinking, no will to live
I cannot breath you in, water all around
Swirling like images in my head
Pictures from the past and future echo
Like dark endless caves stretching out
Trying to reach you, no hand to hold
No comfort, no love, rejection all around
Like the water cold & lifeless
Breaking across the shore, the sand
My soul smashed is mocked
The laughing ringing in my ears
Madness, faces, bright lights fade
Like the wretched life left in my body
Lifes sparks snuffed out, drifting away
Like the smoke rising from a dead candle
Twisting, swirling into the night
Darkness engulfs my spirit
My essence soars no more
Eden has swallowed me whole

— The End —