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S Smoothie Jan 2014
Folder: Heart aesthetics


my tainted version or yours?

I cant find the reasons that I need to convince you

you cant find the words to make me understand.

I dont want to wallow in your misery, I am happy in my own

feed me more ******* and inspire me to write insipid vicious lines about you

i'll make them dance in pretty lines and force you to confess!

I will ****** you with lies and pull out my version of truth,

and you will hide from me all that you feel,

because you believe my lies are my truth revealed.

what a lovely tango!

our dance of fire and ice;

first passion and ***

cold disintrest next.

dance with me my beautiful liar

dance with the words of my song in your head

push through my curtains and find whats there

your truth or mine it seems we never care

it never mattered as much as our lovers dance

a careless tango brought to life with fierce exchanges

a slap in the face

a caress of redemption

our lies our seductions

our words are our weapons

our music is our emotion

our dance is our truth

our love, our curse.

this is our pain my fierce love,

let's dance our tango

and create our timeless verse

previous version below:

truth. my tainted version or yours?

I cant find the reasons that I need to convince you

you cant find the words to make me understand

I dont want to wallow in your misery I am happy in my own

feed me more ******* and inspire me to write insipid vicious lines about you

i'll make them dance in pretty lines and force you to confess

I  will ****** you with lies and pull out my version of truth

and you will hide from me all that you feel,

because you believe my lies are my truth.

what a lovely tango our fire and ice

passion and ***

cold disintrest next

dance with me my beautiful liar

dance with the words of my song in your head

push through my curtains and find whats there

your truth or mine it never mattered

as much as our lovers dance

a careless tango brought to life with fierce exchanges

a slap in the face

a caress of redemption

this is our seduction

our lies

this is our truth

our dance

these are our weapons

our words.

let's dance our tango

and create our timeless verse.
Robyn Sep 2012
I couldn't tell if he leant forward or backward in his chair
It was unclear whether is eyes were soft or steely
or if he was even looking at me
It was difficult to hear his inflection when he said
"You're really quite something. You know that?"
I didn't know if he'd find it funny if I said
"If I say yes, won't that sound a tad narcissistic?"
so i said it anyway

I couldn't tell if his eyes sparkled with inner mirth
or if they remained dull in the stupidity of my comment
He didn't convey intrest in me, nor disintrest.
He may have leant forward and he may have said
"Yes, but you didn't say yes did you."
He may have paused, then said
"You sound like you don't receive compliments like that too often."

He may have said compliment, I wasn't sure

I shifted uncomfortably and replied
"How can you tell?"

I think

I think he gestured with his hand to the fact that I was fidgeting.
"Because you don't know how to react."

I heard him that time.

Was he still looking at me?
I didn't know if I was offended or flattered.
But I did know that I took a deep breath and said
"I do know how to react. But I've heard using my sense of humour in situations like this pushes people away. . . apparently."
I think I was pretending to be serious.

I'm almost positive he was quiet for a while, still staring me down

or was he looking shyly?

And the stillness between us, that I'm pretty sure had settled, grew so long, I think I almost walked off.
That was until he smiled.
And the smile, I was sure about.
lina S Jan 2014
They keep talking
As I try so hard to
be considerate    

I'm looking at you
But honestly I'm not
L i s t e n i n g

            What are you saying              
Why the **** am I here
You're ******* lame
And The sound of
your voice
is echoing in my brain  
It's torture
like the sound of

fingernails slowly scratching a chalkboard  

I'm not better I'm lame too
And I'm being mean right now
I'm  heartless right now  
And I kinda hate you too
But it probably doesn't matter
Right now nothing really matters

Cause I'm messed up inside
I don't know how this happened

I wish I was more alive    
But my disintrest in
most things I'm trying to hide
Is now peaking outside

I wish I could listen
Maybe if I fake it well enough
I might be able to fit in

But I'm a prisoner of my own prison  

I don't know how real I can be

I don't know what will ever intrest me

I don't know if I'll ever fall inlove  

I don't know if I'll ever

Jordan Alexandra Jul 2014
Imagine a scene
Tiny me, at the age of nine
Understanding I don't wish to live.
I tried to commit suicide
For the next 4 years time.
Picture a girl
Near genius; she's bright.
For some reason staying up
Crying all night.
Not doing well in school
Nobody thinks she's cool
And my dad just says
"Quit acting like a baby, you fool."
In my high school years
I just accepted sadness
As a part of my life.
Grew too tired of the
"why aren't you all right?"
and the occasional
"you're too smart to be acting that way"
Create in your head
Me, who is passionate
About poetry. Only because
It became my method of venting.
For some reason i thought
I was a burden, to all of my friends.
Better sad than disturb them
With my troubles.
It's the mess my room is
And the disintrest to everything
The self hate, sleeping late, and fatigue
That makes up the depression in me.
It's nobody understanding why I cry
Or why I don't take the time
To talk about my problems.
It's the not knowing myself
And looking at my reflection in the mirror
Only to say to her
"You're so ******* pathetic."

— The End —