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Nat Lipstadt Nov 2014
When I enter,
the black holes of myself,
they are located,
transcribed upon the
blackboards of our
unified bodies,
the magnification of energy
principles demonstrated
by the unconcluding
conclusion of the expansion of
the rebirthing of one universe
never ending

When I enter a woman,
the discovery sought,
the definitional needed,
the proofs equational,
the factors constant,
not the variable
the demonstrations positive,
the constants of the universe,
combinational, all within,
a single point glistening

to gentle comfort this
knowledge of my wasting,
the foresight of my limitations
from the day of birth
my matter,
my energy
neither destroyed or created,
my decline inevitable

and yet

cannot alter my atomic structure.
my future guaranteed,
my inner light,
traveling so fast,

it has yet

to arrive

When I enter a woman,
the laws of physics
become special theories
of relativity,
we are motion in time,
force and energy
nucleotides rawest refined,
elemental and particle nuclear,
packets of light

When I enter a woman,
organic, chemistry,
my body and its life force
shaped as
electric current transceivers
crossing galaxies,
there can be no deceivers,
there but and only
the birthing of heat,
a byproduct of
interjection, conjunction

she is my proof
long after the
log normal of my nerves,
now parceled to the
invisible of an oscillating
log natural,
fertilizes the sea grasses
that so intoxicate,
flying, carried,
by the invisiblity of the winds,
all-where I have chosen
as my shifting shape,
when this container
leaks and crack'd,
rentery orbit,
the nearest garbage strewn

When I enter a woman,
physics far beyond
the commonplace,
physical transition
to knowledge
of life ever after

death and fear are
time sensitized
passing notions,
crushed by the
consolation of physics,
the eternality
of a time
once begun,
cannot end,
and therefore
my one theory of everything,
is the God
I worship
The phrase "the consolation of physics" was taken from a novel,
City of Thieves by David Benioff. The other nonsense is all my fault.
11/23/14 8:30am

for my blonde Big Bang theorist
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2016

for S.


six months, two seasons later,
summer poet,  
now a transpositioning,
chilled, blustered & wind blistered,
winter observer,
arm chair couching,
poetry compositioning,
beneath a cashmere blanket of
the lush quietude of an early
Saturday morning
in the city of eight sleeping

you, poet,
stumble upon yourself,
thumbing upon prior dusty
recalling the where and the when
of an old ecrire composed,
all the while,
the whole world-arounding,
rests, theater-encased,
in the early morn

true quiet,

for there is nary a visible
source of sound
in this old citified heart &


true quiet is not the absence of noise

heat-felt fires on a wintered January dawning,
in a silence noisy,
emotionally reverberate,
wild spreading from icy toes, to red nosey,
heck, the body entire,
quiet sweet jam filling,
with the silent crackling fires
of the metaphors of

the mind reversely calmed by
fevered puzzlement
mystified by the mystery,
simplistically complex,
how his soul got married
in manner beyond extra-legal,
an internet irregular,
superseding the less-than-the-so-superior,
superior courts of regulatory

to another
currently sleeping, resting only,
a Fitbit confirmed,
thirty nine steps
but a lifetime needed,
to be taken to her,
hidden in a but-a-block-away location,
to find and keep

in a way, a way,
discovering Columbus-you,
a cacophony of silent metaphors,
waxing, ruminating,
upon the detailing
of a strange and straining
to this no longer remote,
undisguised visionary land of

in the summer the insects battled,
who could chirp most vociferously,
under the trees of competive birds,
mostly mocking the tiny creatures efforts

while the summer ease breeze called out,
in tunes soul-refreshing,
and you were then
in remote places,
in remote places within
where calm,
rarely claimed knowledge or

in the city, with sky undecided,
night to flee, day to welcome,
the streetlights flicker in a muted code,
cold air shakes the street signs to and fro
diligently, silently, working
while its underling humans,
all still noisly

the racketing pounding of
a love poem escaping,
the whooshing breaths,
all capitulate to the supremacy of a
new testament definitional

true quiet

is reinterpreted,
better understood,
it is a locale precise, a
terminus finale
where calm intersects, perfects, blends,
with a certain warming temperature,
both being,
natural noise suppressers,
both beings,
a combination reflection,
viable only in a
singular coupling

the ending
a realization
true quiet comes best
in pairs,
when the heart and mind are
synchronized with
composed Saturday, 5:30 am,
January 2, 2015

below, the country, summery version
June 7, 2015
# Lush is the quietude of the late Saturday afternoon
Lush is the quietude
of the late Saturday afternoon,
rich are the silencing sounds,
as variegated as the shades of greens
of a man-seeded, nature-patchworked lawn

rays reveal some bright,
some yellowed spots,
all a potent color palette

resting worry wearied eyes,
untroubled by the gentle fading light's illumination,
that soon will disappear and seal officially,
another week gone by

the lawn,
acting as an ceiling acoustic tile,
absorbing and reflecting
the varied din of disharmonious
natural sounds orchestrated,
an ever present reminder
     that true quiet
is not the absence of noise

I hear
the chill in the air,
insects debating vociferously
their Saturday evening plans,
the waves broom-swishing beach debris,
pretending to be young parents
putting away the children's toys for the eve

the birds speak in Babel multitudes of tongues,
chirps, whistles, clicks and clacks,
then going strangely silent as if all were
praying collectively the afternoon sabbath service,
with an intensity of the silent devotion

this moment, i cannot
well enough communicate,
this trump of light absolutes,
and animal maybes,
that are visually and aurally
presented  in a living surround sound screen,
Dolby, of course,
all a plot of
ease and gentility,
in toto,
sweet serenity

here to cease,
no more tinkering,
leave well enough,
plenty well enough

Nat Lipstadt May 2015
requested by the Musician,
Robert C Howard,
who likes my poems well enough
to correct my typos -
no greater compliment


once again,
the co-conspiratorial muses of island
tender my one human self
unto the
noisy, visible island gods
whom, with
habitual invisible trickery,
proclaim themselves landlords, masters,
rightful owners of this
sheltering isle,
to all its taken, temporary and temporizing
human inhabitants

these gods,
so well disguised, hidden in,
mournful morning gray glorious fog,
cawing crows providing
staccato morning stale news alerts,
coming and going glints
of burnt orange hints
of a sun-perhaps-yet-to-come,
tenderizing breezes
as if they were charading
a heavenly, gentling ceiling fan,
cricket chirpings,
unfettered cries of definitional, Einsteinal
repeating madness,
accompanied by an
orchestral society of unknowns whistling & trilling,
assorted residential animals slow awakening,
all resting, relaxing,
in-the-dew chilling,
a marvelous din,
a perpetual mystery-to-me,
this softest of rackets of nature's calling card,
these godly muses each,
I imbibe

all conjunctively quietly embrace
this meagered, shop-worn human,
laving its mournful mind
with the noisiest of medicinal stillness,
unlaving grime of cares, worrying woes,
though still extant,
those bills-due-too-real,
admist this troupe of augured island calmers
troubles are deep-surfaced cleansed, their roots re-routed,
swapping speeding consternation for slow restoration

Blessed art thou O Gods, Lords, Spirits
and Muses

who created both,
hard and the soft,
illness and the cure,
quick cutting and the slow healing,
anxiety and the relief,
instilled eyes in the mind
that need but imagine
vistas of breathable places
that reinstall a deep tissue serenity
stronger than the soiled, awful losses of
fouled memories
and oppressing
city streets of sweaty, summer heat,
both the mainland and

its child,
this sheltering isle

herein are its blessings
resifted and regifted
via this paucity of worthy words
to those
who are not here,
yet gladly are they given
to those who wish
to sit astride and aside
an isle of
unlimited shoulders,
embraceable arms,
sweetly gift wrapping
who join in with a
cacophonous wonder-saying,
acknowledgment of its

Amen, Awoman


May 30, 2015
Shelter Island, N.Y.
(a very real place)
started in wet of fog,
completed in the sunroom warmed with
tremulous fresh rays of teases of sunlight,
I honor requests...
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Awaken children of the light, it is
time to go forward into the Universe
finding why you have had no knowledge
of your present life and where it is leading
you now.
As we know! living is all we have ever known
it is about love, respecting, working hard
on all we believe, and taught, simple as that.
False belief's grow stronger behind doors of
confusion as we place our complicated thoughts
on hold, fabricating excuses without knowledge
of what they themselves are trying to understand.
Now, it is time to find out all the answers to your
questions. As you know, we are only using very little
of our brain, and now we are awakening our brain
which means our intellect will be energized to the
point for us to travel through our own dimensional
state of awareness, finding knowledge, is only
a scar away from the main wound.
Your mind will be opened to all creation, with
no definitional length of intelligence we
have inherited through the beginning of man kind.
We have been enlightened once again for the last
time, for in finding our own light, we will be our
guide for ourselves and all your thoughts of the past
will be erased and a new life will start once again.
Seems hard to understand this is taking place right
now, but it is! and as time passes by, time will be
no more, it will no longer be important.
Living will be different from what you know it to
be, it will be spot intellect, without memories
to hold you down. Memories have only been the
after math of having a brain in the first place,
all that happened in your life was not a memory
it was a thought, manifesting a memory that
was never a reality from the beginning.
All to complicated in our small minds right now
only you shall travel into your own enlightenment
Yes you:! will travel without knowing, you will be
enlightened and nothing will be the same again.
You will be your own person and know all answers
to every question you have always wanted to know.
No more questions will be asked, we will know all
answers, right from the beginning.
Be observant! you will no longer move into the
darkness, when your enlightened, no fears, no
doubts to hold you back from being your true
self enlightened being of the Universe.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
NuanceResin Apr 2020
Pests- unknowables, question marks-
reverberations and scrapings echo
uncomfortably into the well of my drink

A weighty foundation in glass
fortified in process
returned in measure and esteem-
definitional product-
compulsory torture captured in static
kiln of expectation

The hardening cranes don't love unplanned winds

— The End —