Of feet:
Talon dancing,
claws of deadlight whimpers
what fierce, nocturnal
we, flat feet, barefoot in the snowy dust.
Of fools:
Rampant, rampage
of madlight weakness
soft fowl, moon-eyed
we, black jesters, makers of dreams.
Of children:
Wiley charm,
naked of sadlight gestures
limbless folly, red cheeked
we, coiled by birth, the sack of infant sighs.
Of voices:
Time would swallow silence,
by the tongue, by meek silhouettes,
by shadows of the throat, of man
as he enters the cave, black body, old in
stalactite teeth, snowy dust
through curiosity in the black dream,
and birth the birth of folly one hundred times
and sigh the first whimper, at the end
I was here.