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Melodie McInnis Oct 2011
I told my self i'd never write a love song,
nor a love poem,
nor try to express it in any way,
Because at the time i never knew how to explicitly express it,
I still feel bitter expressing feelings that I could not have before,
Time has passed and were further apart then we ever were,

We don't say words we usually would say,
We don't talk like we used to,
We only talk every so often and when were alone we walk in silence
We don't love like we used to,
We don't look at each other like we used to,

Seven years will have passed and we still won't be together,
It's not easy moving on after you said you loved me,
But were still young are we not?
How could we have ever known what it's like?
I'm telling you seven years of devotion,
Seven years of pain, seven years of wanting to be with an *******,
Seven years of loving someone who could only love his smokes & ****,
To give them up  for me,
You didn't keep that promise you made,
I can't believe I loved someone who hurt my best friends,
Who critized everyone he met,
Who poked and prodded at everyone's weak side,
Who as if stripped me naked and laughed at my most feared insecurity,
Who told me he finally manned up to tell me how he felt,
And then changed his mind constantly,
Which will it be?

Time's running out, don't you see?
We have dont'have time anymore, to give this a shot,
So let's go at this with every fibre of our being we've got
better to face your fears,
Then to later regret in our older years.
I'm tired of fighting these tears,
One day will be early or to late,
I'll be gone before you can think straight,
Should've never done those drugs,

You ask me why?
Why i'd fall for someone like that?

Because I believed that there is good in everyone,
even if their past and future have never changed for the better,
Breannah Cross Apr 2015
Take a breath
Breathe it in
To figure out
How you'll pretend
That you're not breaking
Caving in
Just so you don't harm
A so called 'friend'
You hear the lies they always speak
Are you still listening

Please let it all fall out
Now and scream it loud
All their lies their pretending
Everything they've done
Every misplaced feeling

Let them see the pain
Let them see the anger
And everytime you've walked away
Show them how
They've underestimated
They picked fights
You walked away
They don't believe
One day you'll break

And show them their fears
That you won't be walked over
Or critized
You won't be knocked down
And you will fight

And show them who you are
All of your thoughts
Because they think they can push you
But it just taks once

And show them what you are
Poetictunes Feb 2016
What do you see when you look at me?
Do you see a black girl who's confined by the long length of her weave and her lashes?
Or do you see a strong black intelligent girl who's sophisticated and classy?
When I walk its like smooth jazz but sassy.
I might roll my neck when I speak,
and put z's on the end of my words.
Truth is, I didn't grow up in the suburbs.
But, don't be fooled by my looks.
And, No I did not attend a private school
but, I can school all of you fools by the books.
Cause the color of my skin does not define the person I am within.
So I ask our black men,
What do you see when your looking at a sister like me?
Is it my lips or my hips?
My brown eyes or my thighs?
That attracts your eyes when you see me walking.
I am not to be categorize nor critized,
Cause I am, the coca carmel syrup
That's sweeter than orange pumpkin pies.
Strength lies within this temple,  you must not know.
Tick tick tock
Chimes the clock
As the hands spin in circles
Never to return
Once it's gone we must learn
That the time will never come back
And why oh why
Did I waste my time
On you

You sided with her
When the fight broke out
When I critized her
You would scream and shout
Why did I waste the time

I tried my best
To always please you
I would act as though the things
You did
Never bothered me too
Why did I waste the time

I tried to get your attention
Worried about clothes and hair
But when I came
You were know one knew where
Why did I waste the time

You'd cowar and scream
Giggle and hide
You knew nothing about love
Yet I stuck along in your tide
Why did I waste the time

And finally when I broke off
The foolish thing that was us
I realized I was fine
Even though you would cry and fuss
So I think to myself
Why did I waste the time
Time is a precious thing, as the clock ticks away a second that second is gone forever so be careful what you spend your time on. And cherish those who spend time on you. They are giving you the greatest gift of all and they know it can never be returned.
In the jungle i grew
Braveness was a call. Mediocracy critized
And togetherness built!

Luck was hard to catch
Though i swarm to you,
The Deepest inn of the picture
All for one like a captured shadow.
Which waves can sail us apart
When the future already wrote our history in smiles
To the deep sea of humans my eye netted you,
My blood fused you,
My hearted stamped you in.
Neednt i have to lock?,
....You are diagonized to stay!

A fueling joy, a stripped happiness, naked money with an invitation to treat.
A fuse to swapping rejoice, a price worth paid for all the lost tears
Gaurang Joshi Sep 2017
What I fear,
I cannot tell.
For is it death or the risk of losing,
I cannot tell.
Every morning I hear,
The highly frequent ring of that towering bell.
But, is it a sign of freedom,
I cannot tell.

I cannot tell,
The lies from the truth.
For the lies are many,
But truth is just one.
And the fear of dying,
Is critized by no one.
For is it living that I fear,
Or the sound from that hollow tale,
What I fear,
I cannot tell.

— The End —