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David Leger Dec 2013
Oh sweet Cordell, I stand by your grave
In autumn leaves, with blood you gave

Colder it seems, the winds that blow
As you're buried deeper, first fallen snow

Sweetness of the summer orchids fade
And with the fragrance, down you laid

I'll bare the winter your death has brought
Despite the frigid dark days it wrought

Cordell, whilst you lay in peace
Your frozen beauty has ne'er ceased

Burdened me with sweet memory
I'll gladly keep, if you wait for me.
My Facebook Page:
David Leger Aug 2014
Cordell, too sweet to tell you,
I'm on the road to the places you've been before.

I see you in a sentimental way,
Through landmarks I've memorized.

I saw you as the thoughts faded away,
And imagined great adventures if you were here today.

Cordell, your flower wilts evermore,
Within the chasms of my spiraling mind.

You stole the cadence of my heartbeat:
Your dead blood flowing through me.
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Glorified and Mystified
Liked and Loved by all
Worshipped by fans
Of Martial arts and films
Facts and Memes
Every Mans dream

Black Belts
Dan and Beyond
Multiple Styles
Ahead by Miles

Heavy Middle Light
Weight class to fight
Opponents none on par
Set high the bar

Champion of the World
Tournament a loop
Outcome similar
Title familiar

Professional fighter
6 time World beater
Held the Champion title
World record Still
No easy slot to fill

Laconic and Shy
Bullied by every  guy Routinely insulted
Ran home everyday
Avoid being humiliated

Law of nature
Cause of plight
Own nature
Cause of more plight
Stand before class and read
Very thought made face go Red

Alcoholic father
Abusive in nature
Job never secure
Family made to wander

Constantly on the move
Friends none bar one
Roots to a community none
Damage to self done

Raised by Women
To conquer men
Mother and hers
Values and Attitude
Lessons in Positivity
Subconscious mind
Weeded out negativity

Karate Triple Crown
Was his to be worn
2 times in a row
Had to make way
By being away
Others could make a claim
To wear the same

Taekwondo in Korea
Judo at the base
Dedication and Passion
Rigorous and tough
Relentless in pursuit
Blood Sweat and Time
Black Belts Dan  Nine
Time at base
Turning phase
Identified inner strength

Friendship with Bruce Lee
Axis of change  was to be
Sparred at his home
Co Starred in Rome.

Way of the Dragon
****** at the Coliseum
Last film on the location
Viewer attained Salvation
Battle with Lee
Global phenomenon
Body mind Soul
Shocked and Awed
Alpha Males inferior
Sidelined forever
Never has Gods creation
Been this close to perfection
Captured imagination
Audience Worldwide
Had never witnessed
Fight of Epic proportion

Bit by the acting bug
Student and Superstar
Steve McQueen
Helped Channel the dream
By encouraging to try
The acting profession
For which he
Had a longing

As an actor
Classes to master
Films as lead
Kick started career

Roundhouse kicks
Cash registers tick
Pinnacle of fame
Household name
Action and Drama
Comedy and fantasy
Focused on quality

Name above the Title
Cinema Halls Full
Across Continents
Rising in rank
End if each films run
Millions in the bank

Signed to star
Showcasing Martial art
Action series
First of its kind
Cordell Walker
Texas Ranger

9 Seasons on the box
Prime time slot
Hyperkinetic  Yarn
Blitzkrieg Action
Showcasing talent
Record viewership
Rating remained
At the top
Over 100 nations saw
Kicks punches and guns draw
Wanted more
There was a line to draw

Foundation founded
Kick Drugs the focus
Street kids to Karate
Millions benefiting
Streets staying clean
A long time dream
Children under care
Wonders for America

Test of Popularity
Bridge in Hungary
That's another story
Require another poetry

Won every poll
Most recognized face
Same for the name
Movie or TV
Always at the
Top of his game

High up in the Party
As a Republican
Naturally for a Texan
Committed to the cause
Refused posts of power
Believes that inner

Biggest Cult hero
Of all time
Proclaimed the magazine Time
Internet Generations
Global sensation
One thing he never asked for
Has to thank Ian Spector

The book of facts
Social media Behemoth
30 million hits a day
Contributed by all
16000 and coming
Funny and relevant
4 Volumes of Bestsellers
Millennials are also followers

Epitome of Confidence
Example for Humility
Known for Hospitality
Treats all equally
The greatest human quality
Love towards humanity
Symbol of Positivity

Soldier Fighter
Actor Writer  Rancher
Producer Teacher
Martial Artist Philanthropist
Novelist Reformist

Lead a  quality life
Overcome obstacles
Be an example
Have Character
Help the poor
Share your Skills
Against All Odds
Optimize inner strength
Power of within
All the above
In One  Man
Lucky we are
To live in the
Same era

The name is
who for all of  us is
Dearest  CHUCK

— The End —