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jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
Good morning.
Well, what's so good about it?
Well, I was able to open my eyes to enjoy it.
Just look around and explore it.

See the beauty that shines each day.
To thank the lord for this blessful day.
Yes, good morning.

Even if your mood is down.
You still have all day to turn it around.
What's sad one moment?
Can be great the next.

Yes, good morning.
Because that's exactly the way it is.
Simply good.
Akarshi Mehrotra Nov 2012
All that I am or hope to be I owe to my ANGEL mother…
Born as a child in this world..
But brought up by a divine fairy as if in paradise..

Greeted, loved, blessed, praised n cherished all in one sway..
The blessful hands on my forehead..

Scoffed, scolded, sometimes thrashed but then instantly forgiven..
That  love..

The moderating essence of love and care..
Fulfilling all our yearns n neglecting her’s but still always a pretty smile..

Beginning with alphabets, stories, proses and now counseling afflictions of life..
All that persuades..

Your sacrifices, your devotion, your calmness, your essence..
Your love..

I wish every mother was like mines..
So my luck..

In this world everyone can betray but mother being the only exception..

Your divine countenance, your peerless smile, your adoring eyes..
Lovely u..

Love u mumma..
Thanks for giving life to me first and then becoming MINES…
jeffrey conyers Mar 2013
If I was the richest person in the world.
And suddenly went broke.
I still be rich.
Cause money didn't make me.
I made it.

Some people live off the fame of their name.
While never in life accomplishing a single thing.

They live off the family's trust.
They live off their parents accomplishment.
And acts like they deserve to be so respected.

When in truth they never earned it.
But tries to demand it.

If all my investments should go up in the dust.
I'll still be successful.
Cause in the eyes of the Lord, I'm so blessful.

We all heard treat me the way you want to be treated.
Or be kind to those rising to the top.
For one day they might be your boss.
And within that bunch might be the sweetest angel.

Who might remember you when you're facing financial trouble.

Words of advice and wisdom goes a long , long way.
Carry yourself with dignity and with grace.
And many good blessing will come your way.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
Distance they say.
Make your heart grow fonder.
And in many ways.
It makes your heart just wonder.

Now, if the love for your lover is real.
It will stay sincere.

Oh, those far away dreams.
Where you constantly thinking of many things?

To miss someone.
And be missed too.
Is truly a blessful event.
That leaves an impression upon you.

When requested by an emergency to be close.
That when nothing can stop you the most.
No mountains.
No valleys or hills.
Will get in your way.

Think of those soldiers.
Who are far away?
They have far away dreams.
Everytime they pray.

Think of the missionaries.
Trying to assist those in needs.
They have far away dreams.
Each and every day.

We might not see all dreams to come true.
I do know.
We all have dreams that seems far away.
Steve Page Sep 2019
And when you BLESS
Be prayerful,
careful to be mindful
that God's presence is vital
if actions are to be blessful.

And when you bless
just stopping and sitting
signals that you're willing
to be hearing
while your tongue stays stilling.

And when you bless
yes feast over several courses,
invest is slower morsels,
be someone who pauses
to hear other people's stories.

And when you bless
and not just in church,
but with imaginative verve
serve all of your neighbours
even those who are homeless.

And when you bless
yes dare to bare
a little of your story,
more of the messy history
that brought you here.

And, less you think
that you might have impressed,
be mindful that
we all put on our pants
one leg at a time
when we're each getting dressed, yes
we all equally need
God's ever forgiving kiss
so with no eye on who's looking
- just BLESS.
Notes from a Sunday sermon.   Love a good acronym
jeffrey conyers Mar 2014
They call it, heartbreaking.
They call it, joyful.
They call, it heartaching.
They call, it sickening.

It requires you to seek attention.
Which you try to keep secret without mentioning it.

They call it, blissful.
They call it, blessful.
They call it, trustful.

Once you locate that special someone to give your trust too.
The one, you'll forever wants to be connected too.

They call it, wonderful.
They say, it's beautiful.
They say, it last forever.

If you remain true and faithful.
But , of all the things , they call it.
They call it love.

To some it's peaceful.
To others, it's trouble.
Still, they call it love.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
Oh, yeah.
It's Christmas eve.
And the come time begins.
The seconds, the minutes, the hours are winding down.

As, the jolly ol' fella prepares for his yearly round.

Oh, yeah.
It's Christmas eve.
And for some it's a joy.
Especially for the childrens' and some parents too.
But in truth.
It should be for everyone of us.
Just to be living is a blessing filled with love.

Santa will have some sweets waitin' upon his visit.
And some parents wants the night over to get some sleep.
And others might attempt to make some love.
Unless the child interrupts the fun.
Ooh, the life of a child.

Yes, it's Christmas' eve.
And I wish you all the best.
It's been a pleasure writing poems.
And on Hello Poetry enjoying yours.

To you the readers.
I wish you a Happy Blessful holiday.
And a Happy New Year's too.
May all your dreams comes true.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
I gave you a key.
And you turned it.
And up open my heart filled with love.
Instantly, you knew you had the key to my heart.

It wasn't no mystery.
The clues was recognizable.
From the moment you came into my life.

You made it brighter.
You lifted it higher.
That my feet couldn't touch the ground.
You must have known.
You had the key to my heart.

Keep opening it up.
Keeping turning the key.
And watch many blessful things emerge your way.
Nellie 55 Feb 2015
To me beauty is when I can look deep in to your eyes and see what is the worst a person. It is all about looking into there eye to see a reflection and the love I can see in their emotions by gocking into their eyes. I define it as a beautiful soul who I know wouldn't let me down and they know the feeling as well as I speak of or watch them. You can be crying, laughing, angry, but that's my beautiful love who just showed beauty. Its in the smile, how you think and cherish that smile. There is nothing more then a blessful girl who can look back at you and think the same thing. To me you'll always be beautiful.
wizmorrison Jul 2019
The morning is a
Blessful day for me,
It is the brightest
In all my way.

The evening gives
Peace to my mind,
The twinkle of the little
Star snugs my heart.

All things on Earth
Are precious, meaningful
And wonderful
It made my eyes enjoyable.

Flowers, butterflies and sun
In the morning the
Twinkle stars and moon in the
Evening gives beauty in earth.

The cool rivers that
Flows from somewhere
The fresh air all around
Gives comfort in me.

The beauty in the Earth
Can be seen from somewhere
It is all God's creation so
We shall praise his precious name.

— The End —