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Marci Ace Sep 2015
Words in a whisper
Death and a sinner,
Peace and a nerve wrecker,
Is best kept quiet
In a whisper.
Trouble told me in my ear,
It’s almost near.
Trouble spoke to me
With blankless
And little fear.
It felt cold as
It split minds,
And rolled off its tongue
Like dice.
Every whisper
It spoke,
Every nerve it provoked,
Every strand of my hair
That stood up
With fear.
My past was
And I didn’t have
Enough time to run,
But that whisper
Shot me like a
Gun.I couldn’t move,
I couldn’t speak.
I sat there,
As that whisper
Caused contractions
And heat.

-Marci H.
magikoopa ecto1 Jun 2014
There’s a stranger out there
peering out with a blankless stare
staggering stumbling
incoherent mumbling
this not at all expected
from a woman of your caliber
you're somehow injected
intoxicated with an empty flask of liquor in your grasp
primordial lust and lack of inhibition
still, out of curiosity you listen
you lend an ear that cannot hear....

you seem to be interested you seem to genuinely care
good luck to you , you gentleman, you
on your night of sin
surely nothing good can come of this
oh well bartender, some more Gin!
Bullet Jun 2020
I’m sorry if I can’t hold onto reality
My mind slips and displays colorful escapes
Some are painted red
The others drip down in blue
My eyes remain to you a blankless hue
My name can’t even awaken my mood
Trapped in a prismatic glass waiting for the light to polarize me
Both sides get the grip of a lilac view
The whole world is told to be a blank canvas
But the gravity of gray contrasts something different into the others actuality view

Please find me a hue

— The End —