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Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast
In a field I looked into going past,
And the ground almost covered smooth in snow,
But a few weeds and stubble showing last.

The woods around it have it—it is theirs.
All animals are smothered in their lairs.
I am too absent-spirited to count;
The loneliness includes me unawares.

And lonely as it is, that loneliness
Will be more lonely ere it will be less—
A blanker whiteness of benighted snow
With no expression, nothing to express.

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars—on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.
Fiona Guest Feb 2011
The shop girl and the mannequin appear
Together in their shop front window stage -
It’s here the plastic soul gets cleaned, and here
The brand new body dons the latest rage.
The model feels the former’s hands embrace
Her own, and feels the stressed-out beat
Of heart within the arteries, the trace
Of hurried blood where their pale fingers meet.
The shop girl scrubs the limbs to blanker grace,
And twists the head to meet the staring street.
So all will see the calibrated face,
And all will search the heart that doesn’t beat.

Week coming, in the season’s latest dress,
The shop girl will the mannequin redress.
MereCat Dec 2014
There are two ‘Institutions for the Mentally Ill’ in my town
One is grimly Victorian. Lunatic Asylum.  
Forgotten by all but the pigeons and pylons
As it thrashes and wrangles and mangles the memories
Of the ghosts of the ghosts that lived out their non-lives there.
The other is a modern, glass, Christmas tree
A circus tent in brown and beige
Like sepia and coffee stains.
You aren’t Lunatics anymore, we got told
Like renaming a problem could diminish it.
You slip past us just a little too quickly
So that you don’t see the woman who smokes cheap cigarettes
Out the front
And who bites December like it was something that could be torn from the walls
And pressed out of sight somewhere
And the metaphors in her head get muddled in her oesophagus
And she speaks to a man who’s never been evicted from her right ear
And who’s never been born or been buried but has simply whispered
With meretricious comfort
Up the road you could pay to gawp at the carol singers
But why bother because she’s singing
Driving Home For Christmas
Like no-one ever wrote her a melody or an audience
Gives a nice festive atmosphere, our psychiatrist said
And I asked the car park if optimism had ever been so odious
And if the snow around our feet was ‘festive’ and ‘nice’
While a girl as papery as December
Tried to smother herself in it
She rolled it in her bare hands as if hoping there’d be nothing left of her
If she could only freezer her heart
And scrape back the whiteness of the snow and her skin to the ivory
That still lingered beneath
Unstable death trap, rigged scaffolding
Although it was threatening to slice its way out
From her shrinking face and arms and thighs.
She lay down and made a snow angel in the hope that she’d become one
If she could only riddle out a way to please Anorexia.
And did the car park see that no one cares that there’s a fourteen year old
Who’s hung a cigarette from his lips and is chewing on it
Because what more damage can be done
That isn’t already curdled and notched into the skin of his wrists?
And written into the lining of his skull
Or branded in each heckled vein or carved into his gums
By the lip piercing he’s worn since he was twelve.
He has pulled the arms of his sweater beyond his finger tips
And hugged them into him to stop the secrets
He’s stashed there from spilling in front of a car.
If only he could forget what he was.
And I kick my boots against the curled up world
And want to shout it out of my vision
And want to ask if I’m thinking ‘nice festive’ thoughts
Because I’m thinking about the snow I’m ploughing  
And the way that I’d like to tie fairy lights
Over my eyes until I can’t see anything but fairy tales
And I’m thinking about our parade of broken-bottle people
Wearing masks so empty that we don’t look human
Not to you
And I wonder if this is enough of a pantomime for you
That I’ve dressed my thoughts up in drag
And they’re telling you a ****** joke from a ****** Christmas *******
Thoughts rolled and congealed like the rims of strained bathtubs
Thoughts broken and fleeting and self-imploding like headphones
That got left to tangle beyond redemption in a back pocket
Too far gone to be saved
Thoughts that are forever curled back to the replay button
Re-destruct, re-punish, re-****
Pink Elephant thoughts that will never be sorted and thrown out
Cynical self-disposal
I’m on a retrieval mission that never knows what it’s trying to find
Because I’m a Chinese doll
And each face is cruller
And uglier
And blanker
Than the one before it
Until at the centre you find that the last doll is missing
And there are only a few jumbled messages where she’s supposed to be
And fairy lights
And maybe a memory of when Christmas meant stockings and fireside
Not carparks and frigidity
If only all my ******* repeats led to redemption.
We’ve built you a snowman, is that enough of a freak show for you?
Can you move on and join the carol singers in glorifying God
Safely out of Purgatory and back on holy ground
Or do you require something more?
The pitiful Christmas Dinner that’s currently being counted out in teaspoons?
The girls and the boy who’ll press their fingers across their lips
Like prison bars
And keep themselves under lock and key in their own
Lunatic Asylum
Paul Celano Jun 2010
I cannot sleep at night
I roll in my loneliness
I need comfort
I need warmth
I need my love

The wool blanket that secures me
With it I relax
My own world
My peace

Without the blanker I freeze
My heart freezes

I lie starring into nothingness
I miss my love
I miss my blanket
©2003 Paul Celano
Posted 2010
S Sep 2013
When I rub my eyes with a multitude of feelings
I grit my teeth
     As my mind grows fuller and blanker by the second
Everything pours out
     But nothing is felt or heard...or seen
It's there.....It's always there.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
It's ludacris really
How I didn't realize how I felt
When I tried to remember the color of
His eyes-
I came up blanker
Than the sheet
That I have tried to drape
Ever so dearly over the memory
Of the gold flecks in your eyes
Dimming only to say goodbye.
Calli Kirra Jan 2014
The list of reasons he gave me for staying was blanker than my stare
Giano M Hurtado Jul 2014
the night is blanker then the streets on the early mornings leading to Christmas. Yet there in the hearts of children, the world is active. Hopes of a greater tomorrow beat on like that of a drunk on the door to the lady who just locked him out. eventually he will quit but they will never forgot what once was.

My friends remember their hopes, I never shut the door on mine.
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
Blank verse
And blanker memories
My mind shouts
As feelings die
Blood drains
An artery is cut
Flowing with the seasons
—stain never to dry

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2014)
Alex Apr 2018
When I'm around others, I'll talk and laugh.
I'll smile and tell stories and listen to them.
But when I walk away, I am empty.
Emptier than the vacuum of space.
Blanker than a sheet of untouched paper.
Inside, I don't feel happiness anymore.
I don't feel anything.
I'm just here, existing.
This is the way I feel every day. I needed to get this off my chest.
Looking at a blank screen
With a blank stare
And an even blanker mind

Where are the words that
Used to tumble *****-nilly
From a churning creativity
Blank is not a good place to be.
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
Blank verse
And blanker memories
My mind shouts
As feelings cry
Blood drains
An artery cut
The seasons flowing
  —stain never to dry

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2014)
Yenson May 2020
And you see them with Cheshire smiles
and a cache laden with chameleon messages
with victories in misleadings
and allegiance to confusion
the two-faced bloods in ritual masks
in servitude to the raised clouds
selling betrayals of black earth

And you see them speaking in false tongues
appeasing to displease in soulless diatribes and lies
the merchants of identities
counterfeits nationals in false nations
the negative blanker devoid of integrity
scoffing the communion plonk
embracing dutifully the Judas kiss

And you see them holding court in charlatan pits
in serpentine tuxedos they are waiters and bar-men
bellboys and hoops at masters pleasure
devoid of conscience fodders
forfeits intelligence if its unjust
two-tone shiners raised for feet level
where are men of honor and integrity
Real men of wisdom, knowledge and truth
in the crucible of creation
as two footed man awoke
some walked into clouds

— The End —