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Sam Hain Mar 2015
Be careful when drinking the whiskey:
It leads to behaviors quite risky.
   I once shared a bottle
   With a bicorn hat model,
Then got—with this leprechaun—frisky.

Kruti Joshi Apr 2016
In the dark, restricted corner of the library
Find yourself ‘Moste Potente Potions’
Everything you need you will find in there
The most potent potions

Three measures of fluxweed
Two bundles of knotgrass
Stir thrice, clockwise
Wave your wand
Now let it brew

Not yet, it’s far from over
Proceed with four leeches
Two measures of crushed lacewings
Thirty seconds on low heat
Wave your wand
Now let it brew

Three measures of boomslang skin
One crushed bicorn horn
Twenty seconds on high heat
Wave your wand
Now let it brew

One scoop of lacewings
Stir thrice, anti-clockwise
The dark, muddy potion
Bubbling up, slowly

And now, the final ingredient
A piece of the person
You wish to become
Now notice as it takes the color
And taste of his essence

Wave your wand
Now let it brew
For a month, no less

You have what you need
Now drink up lads!
In one hour, however
You will transform back

Make sure the job is done
And in some other’s skin
And should the need arise
You’ll know what to do

In the dark, restricted corner of the library
Find yourself ‘Moste Potente Potions’
Everything you need you will find in there
The most potent potions
Written for NaPoWriMo Day 19 prompt on didactic poetry

— The End —