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Oh my LOVERz
Till your breathe resides in my being
Let me donate every blessing of LOVE
That's the sacrificial cry of

Let this NOT be here
Let that NOT be there
Let this galaxy dissolve in the SUN
Or that cosmos get ****** in the Black Hole

Let this BLISS remain in YOU
Till YOU are alive
Let my LOVE be your pride
Within your heart,'z core

Oh the beauty of my eyes
Take away my name as YOURz
Also take away...
Every bit of happiness from me
Who cares for this or that?
Let me be the slave of my BELOVEDz
That's the gift of YOUR feet
I accept in LOVE

Nature needs this courtesy from LOVERz
To give away everything in the name of BELOVEDz

No other birds of EGO can ever stay
On the branch of our LOVE,
Where the flowers of
BELOVEDz - LOVERz have bloomed

My BELOVEDz knows
That there is no limit
To my nature of LOVING
And thus there is no limit
To the compassion of LOVE
Of my BELOVEDz on me

When humans have not understood LOVE
What is the use of understanding life?
That is why there is no denial
In the devotion of a

To get away from the longing and pain of LOVE
I seek the hunger of healing from my BELOVEDz

So do not get sad or depressed my LOVERz
The illumination of LOVE will
Stir the BELOVEDz to shine on YOU

In the cyclone of life- living, work-working
The ship of LOVE will never sink
Because the eyes of my BELOVEDz
Sails the LOVERz to the shores

When BELOVEDz is the eye of the storm
Then the shores are seen
Within the whirlpool eyes of cyclones

LOVERz protector is BELOVEDz
The one who LOVEZ me like no one does
Why then this devotees of LOVE
Are worried of being without support

Oh.. believers of LOVE
If you see my BELOVEDz LOVE
You won't believe my fortune
Those eyes reflect the ocean
And on my BElOVEDz face you can
Read all the holy scriptures

Those scented hair
That twinkly eyes
That God/dessly face
That golden skin attire
There are so many symbols of
LOVE hiding within my BELOVEDz

YOU can read the Buddha
In the soul of my BELOVEDz
You can meditate and
Enlighten yourself in LOVE

When the sinners of life
Will be scared of falling in LOVE
Then my BELOVED will evoke
LOVE spirits in their soul

Just give a glance of LOVE
Even the God will wake up
To beg for her LOVE

With every style
Took away thousands of lives

My heart stopped beating
Your eyes took away my life

Even when you came covering yourself
With the attire of life
A LOVERz recognized the BELOVEDz
With the scent of inner being

When a LOVERz saw,
The BELOVEDz realized
Both carry the same LOVE &
The same soul within
Now tell me - why I won't call
My God, my Goddess my LOVEz?

Even with the mask of life on
A LOVERz recognized the BELOVEDz
Through the fragrance of LOVE

You are the ultimate glory of beauty
You are the infinite valley of passions
You are my soul of consciousness
My source of compassion

No one can hide our LOVE now
I'm your devotee and
I'm your worshiper too
I am your BELOVEDz and
You are my Nature too

Since YOUR LOVE happened
I do not believe in the masks
I looked within the soul
And found your LOVE in me

Every pore of your skin
Resounds the vibration of my LOVE
You need not hide my LOVE cry
That reflects from your skin

The sadness of a LOVERz will disappear
With time it will be happiness
In the heart and soul of my BELOVEDz

Soon my BELOVEDz will call me
To sit below / between  her feet
To watch that light in full radiance

A LOVERz never worries about the ashes
That covers our life & body
Because just a spark of ember
That enlightens BELOVEDz soul

When the BELOVEDz will come
And meet the LOVERz
That day on-wards
Layla, Romeo, Majnu and Zuliet
Will celebrate Eid and Christmas
For the LOVE times to come

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And rode away on my
Golden heart chariot

Even with a restless soul
Heart beats galloping fast
BELOVEDz trusted me

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me
To kiss me with pink petal lips

I listen to those jingling anklets
While LOVERz walk and run towards me

With a garland sewed out of her gazes
BELOVEDz adorned me with thousand desires

For sole LOVE's reason BELOVEDz unlocked
The gates of life's prisons for me

The haunting nights were over now and
The fantasy world of our dreamZ lives on...

BELOVEDz carved a name on my heart
With the sharp shards of broken pieces
Of her own heart and colored it
With her own blood red

With each inscription carved
On me by my BELOVEDz
LOVE & LOVING pained a lot but
Healed my broken heart's scars

BELOVEDz repaid with due interest
To the LOVERz LOVE & LOVEz debt

BELOVEDz came and provided me
A lap to sleep on
The bosoms to hide me in
The lips for me to drink her nectar
The breathe for me to LIVE forever
A womb for me to be born again

BELOVEDz surrendered the being to me
To fulfill all our wishes & desires

I placed my eyes on the path
And played the strings of music
With rhythm and melodies of LOVE

Now I live within the inner being
Making dark nightz within BELOVEDz hair
Making bright dayz within BELOVEDz gaze
Transforming me into a life-long ETERNAL LOVERz

Now I don't want to wake up
My heart filled with BELOVEDz desires
I live and die for every single word
Uttered by my BELOVEDz

BELOVEDz stays as
Visions in my eyes
Prayers on my lips
Chants of my worship
Music of my heart

BELOVEDZ came and deposited LOVE
Never to leave me again

My eyes, my heart, my being
My soul, my spirits are
Fixed only on my BELOVEDz path

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And never left me again...

Dictionary of Sufiyana LOVErz

My BELOVEDz is the most praise worthy

My LOVE is an act of
Seeking forgiveness from my BELOVEDz

Baraka-Zr-U Feek
LOVERz prays
God/dess/Nature's blessing
To bestow on the BELOVEDZ

I'm re-born
In the name of my BELOVEDz

Indeed the birth of a LOVERz
Marks the existence of a BELOVEDz
Indeed a LOVERz
Belongs to BELOVEDz

My LOVE is a grace for
Rewarding all the goodness of the world

La Ilaha-il-Zr
In this world there is no one
Who has illuminated my soul
And is worthy of worship
Other than my BELOVEDz

My God/dess' will

My existences seeks refuge from God/dess
Within my BELOVEDz existence

Radhi-Zr-U Anhu
May my LOVE bring
Good future on my BELOVEDz
That everything of Nature
That everyone of Nature
Is always pleased with my BELOVEDz

Other than LOVERz
No one is anointed
To be the Messenger of LOVE

Sa-Zr-U Sallam
May my LOVE bring peace
To the soul of my BELOVEDz

My BELOVEDz is the one
Who is without errors

My LOVE is a prayer to God/dess
For blessing mercy on my BELOVEDz

*In LOVE, BELOVEDz is the greatest

There is no one in this world
There is only ONE for me
I only have my BELOVEDz
There is no other for me

The one who is independent and FREE
The one who is confident and sure
The one who is beautiful - inside out
The one whose smile surrenders enemies
That BELOVEDz rules over
My heart, being, and soul

I don't have any other relationship to live for
Father, mother, spouse, brother, sister, friend,
None of them matter to me
My BELOVEDz is the only relationship I have

What will I do with silver, gold, diamond, pearls?
What will I do with sun, moon, stars, flowers?
I left everything - my religion, sect, work & life
Because nothing but my BELOVEDz matters to me

Even I left my own children for our LOVE
They say - are you not ashamed?
I say "NO", because only my BELOVEDz is mine

I remove all golden necklace of pearls
Now a days - I only like the scent
Of your wild flower garland embraces

Without the worldly pleasures to live for
Day and night, morning and evening
I sow and yield, needle and weave
My tears of sadness and longing
In wait of your LOVE

I taste & store sweet berries & fruits for YOU
I make delicious milk cheese sweets for you
I churn out yummy fruit juices & shakes for you

Those who dislike me and my LOVING BELOVEDZ
- hate my antics of LOVE
Those who like me and my LOVING BELOVEDZ
- cry tears of joy, seeing my LOVE

Why I should be jealous of my BELOVEDz?
Let my BELOVEDz choose whatever
And live a life, do whatever pleases

I'm just a LOVERz, thus a servant forever
My BELOVEDz, I follow you everywhere
Past Present (now) and future
Give a chance to serve you &
Let me be blessed
to show my LOVE for YOU

There is no one else for me
YOU are the only savior of mine -

There is no one in this world
There is only ONE for me
I only have my BELOVEDz
There is no other for me

Oh.. on this festivities
My illumination of LOVE
My Noor - my Belovedz
Become my LOVER & BELOVEDz

Among millions of stars in the sky
The one star that I saw
By the grace of your glow
In the darkest nights
YOU sparkle your colors
Soaring wings in flight
Within unknown celestial cosmos
Touching my dark oceanic shores

Oh my Noor - my BELOVEDz
This is the purest blessing
I beg from YOU
Just let one sparkle of your LOVE
Fall in my lap - inside my womb
Let me give birth to YOU
Create a replica of YOU within me

This is the prophecy of Nature
The truest word of Mother nature
Every God/dess proclaims in scriptures
A golden commandment of AGAPE LOVE
For the future of the world
To survive and sustain on LOVE

That is the reason I've been chosen for
For your light to pierce in my SOUL
My Noor - my BELOVEDz

My existence is touched by your LOVE
I seek inner LOVE with your illuminations

YOU are the first passion of my LOVE
YOU remain the last obsession of my LIFE
Humans life-time is too minuscule
Compared to LOVE's immortality YOU illuminate

YOU are present in every breath
Of my birth to death - darkness to light

YOU remain my North-Star,
I remain YOUR LOVE's navigator
YOUR SOUL is my destination,
I remain your LOVER - a LOVE seeker

My Noor - My BELOVEDz
Just show little charity
By dropping your LOVE energy
Inside my womb of creation

Please forgive...
My obsession of YOU
My passionate LOVE for YOU
My intimate talks on LOVE
My showing YOU - my joyful tears

I am mere human - seeking your LOVE
I may not be PERFECT -
My Noor - My BELOVEDz
Light my imperfections with your illuminations

Just give me a space in your inner being
Let me touch that
Source of LOVE's light within YOU

I just ask one thing from your sparkle
Annihilate me, dissolve me, absorb me
Within your darkness forever
Where I can unite with your LOVE
The ultimate LOVE source - Illumination

Oh.. on this festivities
My illumination of LOVE
My Noor - my Belovedz
Become my LOVER & BELOVEDz

My BELOVEDz - YOU are naughty
Very flirtatious
A little risque I may say

In those times
What could I - your LOVERz do?

My eyes sees BELOVEDz in every thing
Everywhere, anywhere,
The places and people I see
Yet my BELOVEDz is not present
Physically in front of me
I do not know where and why
My BELOVEDz is hiding from me

Like a bird my BELOVEDz flies
From south to north
From west to east
Along with the clouds
The winds, rains and sunshine
But never comes to sit within my nest

In such times,
When YOU are so mischievous
What could I - your LOVERz do?

YOU are the only dreamZ of my life
YOU are my only desire
YOU are born of me so that
I can be born out of YOUR LOVEz

Whoever meets YOU
Feels your warm LOVE
Whoever sees YOU
Feels good about life
That our LOVE created
YOU are adored by all

The way you live
The way you work
The way you walk
The way you talk
Everyone wants to be with YOU
Your smiles & your eyes

You seem to be with everyone
But, YOU are not with me
My BELOVEDz - YOU are gamey
Now tell me,
What should I - your LOVERz do?

Come - leave your risque
Leave your mischieves
Leave your games
Come near me
Let me see you
Let me embrace YOU
Let me hide you in my heart
Put you against my breast
Let me show you my LOVE
And FREE you from life's prisons

Whatever you do in life
Life always pulls you away from LOVE
My LOVE will bring you back
To your inner self
The one you truly seek

My BELOVEDz - I know - within
YOU are very loving
But a little coquette I may say

In such times
Just tell me dear - BELOVEDz
What could I - your LOVERz do?
I am @ your LOVEz Mercy

That place where
I find my BELOVEDz
That very place I learn
The biggest lesson of LOVE
Grappling with our emotions
Grappling with the contours
Of human consciousness

That is the place I roam
In my tatters - ***** loincloth
Seeking charity of my LOVE
Just to secure one glimpse
Of my BELOVEDz looking out for me

From the balcony grilled window
My BELOVEDz cries seeing me
Begging for her LOVE

That is the place
Where I sit down near the shrubs
To listen the loud-playing music
Booming out of the Beloved's window
Rendering LOVE's romantic BLUES

It is that place
Where I sit in the mud and
Listened the wordings of LOVE-lyrics
My BELOVEDz wants me to understand

It is where I eat the food that
BELOVEDz gives me every evening
It is where I drink
The water from a pitcher
My BELOVEDz leaves near
The last step of her staircase
Leading to her home

As I sip the soup
In the shade of a prickly bush
Nibbling at the dried bread piece
The remains from my BELOVEDz food

It was there I realize
In front of her abode where I sit
The taste and flavor of true LOVE
The hunger of AGAPE LOVE

My BELOVEDz is gracious to part
With me her silent wisdoms of LOVE

- Is my education
- Is my penance
- Is my sacrifice
- Is my awareness

Now I know
LOVE is experiencing "love"
As a Unique "NOW"

Thus a LOVERz martyred
Its mind, body, heart & soul
In the name of BELOVEDz

Now LOVERz entrusts the
Illuminating light of LOVE
In one's BELOVEDz hands

The breathing runs slow
The heart-beats are low
Let the LOVE streams flow
Let eyes sparkle and glow

Yet, one does not respite or rest
LOVERz everlasting LOVE march
In BELOVEDz LOVE journey

Even if LOVERz is humiliated
Let them cut LOVERz head off
Let them lynch & crucify a LOVERz

LOVERz will never let BELOVEDz
Head to bow in shame

A LOVERz slowly dies in LOVE
Singing songs in praise of BELOVEDz
In zeal and youthfulness

There are plenty of summers for
Life, living, work & gain
Yet the cold winter of BELOVEDz LOVE
Is blessed only once in a life time

It would be a shame
If a LOVERZ lives life normally
when LOVE bestows at heart's door

It would be a dishonor
If a LOVERz does not bathe in
Pain, sorrow and despair

In LOVE longing
The whole cosmos
celebrates LOVE
being LOVERz companion

Let not a LOVERz
Sacrifices go in vain

Let each tear of LOVERz create
Thousand new LOVERz in the world
To advance the caravan of LOVE

The real celebration in LOVE
Will come after fears of
life and death will disappear
In the spirits of LOVE

Belovedz, now it is your turn
To tie the turban of LOVERz call
And march ahead to embrace LOVE
This is what is going to set
The world FREE
From being scared of LOVING

Let no one build a WALL
Of fear and hate around LOVE
Let not a monster of evil
Dare trespass the Heart-in-LOVE again

Now you are the protector of LOVE
Let there be liberal progressiveness
To restore FREEDOM to LOVE again

Show LOVE for hate
Let kindness, care compassion prevail
Let no LOVERz become martyr again

If you had told me
Remove your attire
I would have done that
Without hesitation

If you had told me
Give your head on a plate
I would have done that happily

If one has to feel the LOVE
One can not dictate one's own terms
One has to just surrender
To one's BELOVEDz

LOVERz change the grammar of languages
The grammar of life if the case be
Rebel and revolt is the bone of LOVE
But a LOVERz revolution is never
To harm, hurt, hate, hit anyone
The LOVERz revolution is to transform
Transcend - take someone back to
What they were born with - Innocence!

LOVE is the feeling that
Someone has arrived...
Someone will stay for long
That someone is feel within

Why I say this is....
Because I feel  
Illumination within me
Passed on to me

LOVE can not be the fashion or fad
LOVE has to be felt from within
Not from mind, thoughts, intelligence, logic
But from the inner being and soul

My BELOVEDz is made of
The same six elements
As me, you and as everyone else
But it requires
A LOVERz eyes to see
The LOVE beyond
Those six elements of life
That is what
I see in my BELOVEDz

A real religious person
Can understand religion
But will never be able to
Accept receive LOVE
In the same way
BELOVEDz shares
Energies of LOVE
In the same way
A LOVERz receives
Those LOVE vibes

Such is my BELOVEDz

Now whom to sing my LOVE song to?
Which street to walk and dance?

When I passed
The town of my BELOVEDz
No door or window was open
Except that of my BELOVEDz
Who peeped out her LOVE for me
Shining through the sparkling eyes
Within the soul of my heart

I kept the windows and doors
Of my heart and soul open
For the inner mirror to
Reflect my BELOVEDz LOVE

When fate threw
The flowers of LOVE on us
Both felt LOVE in nature's creation
Just like two heart's meeting

There one hears music
There one sees rivers
Flowing into the oceans
There one see the nature dancing
Those are the seeds from where
Our LOVE is born

That day was today
Five years ago...!

BELOVEDz made the LOVER realize
The importance of LOVE

Now I'll live
My BELOVEDz song:

"Don't worry, YOU my LOVER...
What has happened to YOU is LOVE
This is the only dictum of God/dess
This is what all religious scriptures preach
This is the first and foremost
The only commandment of All Mighty

Quran, Bible, Geeta, Granthsahib, Tripitaka
Proclaim the same words
Asking humans to LOVE

The God/dess has only blessed
Humans with only one wealth
That is LOVE

This is the biggest thing
That humans have within them
That is LOVE

LOVE awakens sleeping humanity
LOVE ends cruelty and brutality
LOVE kills hate and indifferences
LOVE brings back wonders & wanderers
To seek LOVE-soul within
LOVE creates awareness out of ignorance

LOVE melts arrogant stone of "I" and EGO
LOVE illuminates the dark fates and destinies

Only that person is called human
A BELOVEDz unconditionally

A Christian, Muslim, Hindu,
Sikh, Buddhist or an Atheist
Is only called so
If the one can LOVE someone

So don't worry...
For YOU are LOVING me


That's what my BELOVEDz sang
Now I'll live
My BELOVEDz song...

My LOVE Education, My LOVE realization
Thank YOU my Little Golden Young Devil

From your intoxicating eyes
I became dazzled by your beauty
I called YOU
"My BELOVEDz God/dess"


As an INFIDEL what I will say now
Will remain as "THE TRUTH"
Because a LOVER on cross
Sacrificed for LOVE
Never utters a LIE,
Only narrates the Sacred Word
Of The Creator All-Mighty

My BELOVEDz existence is
Like hundred SUN shining

The whole world is
annihilated by her illumination

The one who stands on feet,
Without fear or without being scared
The one who faces
The inner LIGHT of BELOVEDz Noor

Ready to face the cross and crucifixion
Vulnerable, shy, shrunk,
Surrendered and cut to pieces
The infidel LOVER will not run away but
Stand firm to the POST to claim

The INFIDEL cries for "BELOVEDZ"
"I am BELOVEDz, BELOVEDz is me"

Sword, arrows, enemies of LOVE
Attacks, sticks, punches, strikes
Shocks, cut, blade, beatings
Scars, bloods, limbs and pieces
And the INFIDEL dies
Just like that... with

"BELOVEDz breathe rested in
INFIDEL LOVERz half-open eyes"

Watching this spectator of
The world's anger against INFIDEL
Flows away like a small twig

They realize that
Cutting a LOVERz into pieces
With humiliations and weapons
Was of no use

Because they realize that
They not only killed an INFIDEL
But also killed LOVE and humanity

Infidel: (noun) A person who has no religion or whose religion is not that of a majority/ Adhering to the religion other than the majority

My dear BELOVEDz
You have played festivals of colors
With me through centuries
I've been your Romeo, Rumi, Radha
Zuliet, Layla, Heer, Sohni
Majnun, Rabia, Ranjhanaa

I am standing in front of YOU
with your colors in my heart
Can YOU play colors with me?

Without YOU
Without your colors
I can't find
Lyrics in my songs

YOU are the naughty, cool
Fragrant color of my life

Why are YOU always in such a hurry
It is so difficult to calm YOU down

Color my dreamZ slowly BELOVEDz
Please play colors with me BELOVEDz

At every shore of every ocean
On every flora of every forest
On every bird of every sky
Everything is covered with your colors

I can smell your fragrance everywhere
But I can't see YOU anywhere

I want to melt in your colors
I want to be covered with your colors

Till now YOU've been so tender to me
Hiding and throwing colors on me

I keep on calling out for YOU
Oh.. my BELOVEDz
Oh... my BELOVEDz
Come and apply some more
Colors of your LOVE on me

At nights YOUR whispers color
My heart in BLUE
During days your presence colors

Your hide and seek laughter
Resonates music around me

Let us be together and play
This festivities of colors

I can't see you in worldly crowd
Be brave and come out in front of me
And apply some COLORS of LOVE on me

Don't say "NO" to LOVE
LOVE, being in LOVE & LOVING
Giving & receiving LOVE
Is not in your hands or mine

Ours is just a very short life
Of less than 100 years we live
Within the billion light-years of LOVE
So don't be so proud of your being
Don't carry on the EGO within
Thus don't say "NO" to LOVE

We are just a tiny molecules of dust
That floats around aimlessly
It settles, becomes wet,
Sticks on something
Dries and flies again
Seeking for LOVEz
In search of a BELOVEDz
So before the dust flies
Away from your life
Don't say "NO" to LOVE

All your dreamZ of life
Will die a cold death
All of seeking of "self"
Would never happen without LOVE
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

All the colors of the world you see
The rainbow spectrum around you
All will disappear with life & work
Imbibe the colors of LOVE
In our hearts
That will stay beyond our death
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just chant the name of
Everyday, every time
Till you breathe your last
You will be blessed with
Showers and floods of LOVE
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just let one dew drop of LOVE
Fall on my soul during this life
And let your birth be resurrected
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

The one who LOVEz
For them -
LOVE is the shore
LOVE is the drowning
LOVE is the abyss
LOVE is the sails

Just take a hug & a kiss
And live a slice of heavens
Just for that sake...
Don't say "NO" to LOVE

Please tell us about
How we are supposed to
Cut the distance between
BELOVEDz and LOVERz soul?
Now they can't stay away
From each other's LOVEz
So never say "NO" to LOVE

No wonder the rebellious
Birds of LOVE
Sings the songs of
LOVEz Revolution
There are no leaves remaining
Just dry branches and thorns
Where will BELOVEDz - LOVERZ
Go to build their LOVEz nest?
So never say "NO" to LOVE

Nor this life will remain
Nor this birth
Nor the youthfulness
Nor the passions
Nor the work or friends
Nor the time will come
For the LOVE to happen again
Nor will the fate
Make us meet at the time & place
The way we have met NOW
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Be prepared to leave everything
For one BELOVEDz- LOVERz wish
Let LOVE take over your life
A vast ocean of infinite LOVE
That awaits for us
To take a plunge in its fire

The day when...
BELOVEDz - LOVERz eyes will meet
Just a gaze of LOVE is enough
To last for a millennium longing
That day will be Christmas
That day will be Diwali
That day will be Eid
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just surrender every bit
At the feet of BELOVEDz - LOVERz
What is the use of this world
These birds, these flowers
These trees, these mountains
These rains, clouds and sea
Without being in LOVE today?

Only the one who LOVEz
Really is alive in the world

So we are thankful & grateful
Let us show our gratitude
To each other
For being blessed with LOVE
For letting LOVE happen in this life
Yes, let us show the world that
We will never said "NO" to LOVE

Krishna asked, Romeo asked, Majnun asked
Rumi asked, Rabia asked, Kabir asked
"Who are you to make me sick?"
And the reply came in my BELOVEDz voice

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

They all asked in one voice

LOVE replied in my BELOVEDz voice:

"I steal your heart
I steal your peace
I steal your sleep
I steal your life

Secretly I make possible
For BELOVEDz and LOVERz to meet

Then I reside in your eyes
Glancing at each other
I pierce into your SOUL

I steal your heart-beats
I give goosebumps to you
I weaken your knees
I make you feel dizzy
I create butterflies in your stomach
I make you dream beyond LIFE

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

No one knows my story
I come from nowhere
I go nowhere
People think I'm a crazy phenomenon
But I'm mystical & meta-physical form of
Nature - many call it God/dess

I am all around YOU
I am all pervading
I fill your lungs with oxygen
I am the CO2 you emit

I make you see stars in daytime
I make you intoxicated without liquor
I make you search for a falling star
I make you kiss dewdrops on flowers

No one is as existential as me
I've changed the cosmos with my presence
I've transformed animals into humans

Those people who are still animals
I transit them towards humanity
If you are not in LOVE yet
You are still part of ignorant animal life

I make everyone lose their fear
I make humans play a dangerous game
I create rebellion and revolution
I make humans swim ocean of fire
I make meek person brave & courageous
To revolt against out-of-date rituals/ traditions

Once I make my home within two humans
Even though they live afar
I don't let the BELOVEDz and LOVERz
Stay away for a single moment

I make them fly into LOVE dreamz
Without a pause, without a stop
I make them write poems and sing songs

I am seen on earth, I am seen in sky
I am seen in desert, I am seen in oceans
I am seen in flowers, I am seen in moon
I am seen in clouds, I am seen in rains
I am seen in darkness, I am seen in light

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

If one has all
The wealth of the world
LOVE would be missing
From that person's heart

If one had all
The knowledge of the world
There won't be
Possibility of seeking
"ONE" soul-LOVE within

If one had all
The power of the world
There won't be a wholehearted
Surrender to one's BELOVEDz

If one had all
The fame of the world
There won't be value for
Humble humility for anyone

If one had all
The worship for the God/dess
There won't be any respectful
Devotional prayer for BELOVEDz

Who is going to
spend your money
After you are dead?

No one can even buy
A tiny-little bit of True LOVE
With all the money of the world

"LOVE" is the ownership
Of two blissful souls

LOVE is as simple as that...
So straight forward & simple

LOVEz's communication happens
As soon as LOVE happens...!

It does not know to play
Games of hide & seek...
Games of dark & light...
Games of blacks & whites...
Games of wins & defeats...

How can one defeat the one
Who makes LOVEz ZugZwang?

What if one has
A million followers
But not a single one
To give & receive LOVE?

One may have bank-cartels
To bail them out of crisis
But how & where can one have
What LOVE requires from us:

The infinite cosmos within to
Sacrifice "all one has" for LOVE

Those who have servants
Won't empathize with LOVERz

Those who go to places of worship
Will never bow or beg for LOVE
At BELOVEDz door steps...

One can buy gold, silver,
Diamonds, gems & rubies
But one can NEVER ever
Buy A True LOVERz

Can anyone create romance with
Hundreds debit/credit cards?

Can your cryto currencies write
Soulful LOVE poems for BELOVEDz?

Can anyone purchase LOVE online
Through PayPal and GooglePay?

Who is going to sit in a palace
When there is no one to LOVEz?

Who wants such means/money?
Who wants pool/palace?
Who wants these cash/cars?
Who wants leisure/luxuries?
Who wants TV & mobiles?
What if one has acres of land?
What if one has world powers?

Nothing in one's life
Can ever equate to

If one thinks that being at
Malls, theaters, dance-floors,
Parties, Gymnasiums, TED-shows
Can fish & hook up a true LOVERz
One will be surprised to know
That "ALL" is a flee market
Where one ends up trading
A fake product of life-brand
To decorate your intellect with
A show-piece of "fake LOVE"
For the world to see & coquel

Do not even think of handing over
A purse or wallet
Full of Money, cards & cheques

A BELOVEDz just want
A LOVERz hand in hand....

Let the gold-chains
Be replaced by LOVEz
Embrace & hugs-garlands

Do not waste your life
Over a dime and a penny
Just let LOVE ignite a heart
With BELOVEDz illumination
And thus give birth to
A true seeking LOVERz

LOVE is the FOREVER gift
With ample after-life
Karmic blessings...

So take a real chance with LOVE
Give a break to your chase
Of being successful & famous
Of fighting your way to the top
Open up the heart and let LOVE happen

LOVE is free for those who LOVEz

That's the time
Upon realizing the TRUTH
LOVERz-BELOVEDz sing together

"If that is the case
Let us cut all the strings of
Life's tangles & knots
Let us soar freely
In the wings in flight


ZUGZWANG: (noun) A situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage.

Your pearls & diamonds
Would transcend into tears

One needs to kneel down
In front of BELOVEDz
But it is important
To surrender at the feet

There is no need to
Utter a single word there
Your coming to the
Threshold of BELOVEDz heart
Is more than enough
To be blessed with LOVE

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

Look at me, look into me
This heart carries within
And displays to the world
All the good glories

I've searched for you everywhere
With a broken heart of mine
I've wandered everywhere
With melancholic memories of your LOVE

When I am without YOU
My fate isn't working for me
Now how can anything change
The destiny of my life?

Only thing that exists here is sadness
Every moment I live,
Every moment I am alive
It tears my heart into
Small shards and pieces

I can not even talk about
Your divinity to anyone
My tears and sorrows too can't
Depict the story of our LOVE

Only if I am able to see you again
I will be born again to live again

Oh.. Zuliet, Oh.. Layla -
I've come at your doorstep
With the divine LOVE of
Romeo and Majnun

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

The arrows of your blessings of LOVE
The arrows of your hopes in LOVE
Can never miss its target - my heart
The God/dess - the Nature - The Karma
Can never NOT oblige to a LOVERz plea

Just keep faith in LOVE
Believe and trust in LOVE
Everything will be fine in LOVE
Even if you can't utter a word
Serve your heart in a begging bowl
And surrender it at your

Just remove this veil of
Doubt from your heart
Then you'll see your LOVE
In front of YOU
And you'll also see
my LOVE in front of YOU

Nor you have to present
A bouquet of flowers
Nor you have to bring any other gifts
Oh my LOVERz... Oh my BELOVEDz
Just bring your broken-heart
And kiss the feet of BELOVEDz

That is why...
Everyone comes with a prayer
Everyone comes with
their wishes and desires
But I have come with
my LOVE at your doorstep
I have come with a
Broken heart in my begging bowl

Look at me, look into me
This heart carries within
And displays to the world
All the good glories

When the sun rises
The heart of the desert burns fire
The mirage of BELOVEDz blurs in vapor

Scorpio utters with a parched throat
"BELOVEDz, Belovedz, belovedz, ...z"
But the breathe sounds like a rattle snake

Cobra slithers all over the sand
Marking and leaving LOVE tracks
With the hope that BELOVEDz
Will see blood on those ant-tracks
And follow it in search of LOVE

The visions the peacock see around
All air the eagle breathes within
The skies above lizard's eyes
The earth below the cow's belly
Stallion earns every inch of it for YOU

So the goat can write-it-off
Every earned thing to YOU
Every bit of NATURE the ape possesses
(Including birth, life & death)
So that - BELOVEDz - YOU can come back
To pick your puppy in your arms
And place under your tender huggy shades

Charity and alms are not what the deer wants
Without the cat even looking towards it
The hot milk the world served has gone cold

The owl's eyes look for BELOVEDz on far horizons
Dear, come to the land of brown desert
And bring with YOU some oceanic BLUES

Like a guzzler elephant
I will drink your oceanic eyes
YOU wander-lust on brown desert camel skin

YOU may LOVE desert's salty dry air
The cobra will gulp your oceanic salty wet scent

How much less heart can a lamb serve now?
What did you think - A pigeon... Huh...!?

When you saw and tasted my ANGEL SOUL
Did I taste like AGAPE LOVE?

Without YOU no flowers bloom in desert
So come every day to water your LOVE seeds

YOU grind me like prawns on hard stone of life
Like scallop I swoon when scooped out of LOVE

Even after that BLISS of being together
YOU act like a crane who is
Longing for the fish of LOVE
But behaves like a confused fool
Not even knowing how to peck me within YOU

In the desert of a spider's life
YOU are the wild flower of LOVE

Don't worry, unlike others...
I won't become a stupid sick bee
I'll **** the sweet LOVE honey from YOU

LIONESS with wings in flight
SCORPIO with a bow of LOVE
Met... and fell in LOVE
The eternal LOVE story continues...
Have you ever herded humans to LOVE?
I have traveled a thousand miles
By foot to reach my BELOVEDz home

Have you ever bowed down and surrendered?
I have kissed the feet of my BELOVEDz

From the center of my heart
To the place where my BELOVEDz stays
Though seems from mountains to the ocean
But the stream of water flows uphills

There is this small town
In the oceanic blue scape
With humid tropics and scented rain

In the curvature up-down hill roads
With green trees lined by the fields
Between the town and
The destination to no where
There is the tiny abode -
My BELOVEDz lives

Up one flight of stairs to heaven
Where the wind blows stronger
With every rain gush hitting the verandah grill
My BELOVEDz stands, watching her life
Through the dogs and cats raining skies

Oh..! worrying about LOVE and
Those uncertainties beyonds life

As I stand over there -
Below her grilled verandah window
Drenched in rain, pouring over...
My filthy 1000 miles walked torned dress

Yes that is the place I find my BELOVEDz
Standing near the window grill -
Like Shakespeare's when Romeo and Zuliet meet

She looks at me and smiles
Was it me - her LOVER she was waiting for?

Like Romeo I can't climb up the grill -
She knows...
Thus she runs down the flight
Jumping down steps - skipping 2-3 at a time
And rushes out to embrace me
Within my arms, hugs and kisses
Yes - I am the LOVER she  waited for...!

For us,
Loving each other
WE realize... now

LOVE is nurturing
LOVE is penance
LOVE is wisdom
LOVE is patience
LOVE is compassion
LOVE is waiting
LOVE is courage
LOVE is our SOUL

That day in the rains
If someone saw us like that
Entangled within each other
They will smile and say:

LOVERS - Under in rain
*LOVERS - became "ONE"
This poem was written in August 2015
The same year when LOVE happened on Valentine 2015

When the illusive Angel of LOVE strikes
On the birds soaring wings in flight
LOVE rests for a while in their nest
To pen birth of LOVING babies in hearts
To brood LOVERz-BELOVEDz LOVE passions
Into a phenomenal devotional longing...

That's what this craving is all about
To annihilate ourselves in LOVEz
This is our chance to show the world
The true way to LOVEz each other as

The world asked us: "Who are YOU?"
We said: "Shadows of each other"

The world asked us: "What do you want?"
We said: "Each other's LOVEz"

The world said to us: "That's impossible"
We said: "..If that is so.. so be it...!"

If this is the pathetic affairs
On which the world functions
Let the world know this:

-Our LOVE is not a "game"
-Our LOVE is not a "business"
-Our LOVE is not a "competition"
-Our LOVE is not a "gamble"
-Our LOVE is not a "play"

We LOVERz have lived history:
Burned in the flames of fire
Drowned in the abyss oceans
Jumped into the deep valleys
Broken into shards & pieces
Bled under swords slashes
Lynched at public spaces
And been crucified on the cross

Those who try to **** our LOVE
Listen this carefully:
Amidst all cruelty and atrocities
We LOVERz have survived
Our LOVE is still alive

In whatever state we are in
We're still LOVERz-BELOVEDz unite
That's the measure of

We keep on calling each other
With our LOVE poems and songs
We keep on communicating
With LOVE energies and vibes

Let the world listen to our music
Let the world feel our LOVE aura
And change the way humans live

It is the same LOVE we sync-in
Through which each person is born
It is the same feelings of LOVE
That touches each human heart &
Burns in longing at least once
In their life time with tears

Those who have courage
Will continue LOVING and succeed
Those who are cowards
Will live life... - defeated...!
Let them search for success in "work"
But let us LOVERz-BELOVEDz -
LOVE each other aplenty now

Having lived so long in LOVE
Do not expect us to stop LOVING

Even if the world does not extend
Support to our LOVE
We will continue LOVING
And longing for each other

We brought a heart
Of peace and LOVE
Why did not the world
Understand & accept us?

We told each other
"LOVE YOU till death"
Why the world did not
listen to our pleas?

Only when:
Layla-Majnun were killed
Romeo-Zuliet died
Heer-RanZhana committed suicide
Shirin-FaRhaZd gave their lives
The world remembered its own guilt
And looks down on itself with shame

In the end - if world does not LOVE
The world will burn in its own wild-fires
The world will face calamities
Its own bane, scourged nemesis

This is the un-uttered curse
That will befall the world on the
Judgement-day, Apocalypse, Doomsday,
For making a LOVERz BELOVEDz wail

LOVE in the times of Corona-Virus and Covid-19

I've search the entire universe
I have not met anyone

Even if all the angels come together
And put all their divinity into one

It may be one of the best
But that too is no match

I keep on writing your name
With my fingers on the clouds
I find no learning
Equal to your LOVE

I am not even able to concentrate
On the verses of religious texts

In every book it is written that
No one is bigger than the All-mighty
But it is your LOVE that has taught me
That there is no knowledge
Bigger than your LOVE

In longing of YOURS
In pain of your LOVE
I'm beaten down and
Have taken a thousand scars
I've broken down and
Have shattered my heart into pieces

In front of the world
I plead guilty of LOVING YOU

Whoever sees me says
They have never ever
Seen a LOVERz like me
And they add this too

They have never seen

I've search the entire universe
I have not met anyone

What an "ANGELUS" time it is
These times of LOVE

The "SALATS" of the moment
embraces everything around us

Is it the "FAJR" of birds kissing?
Is it the "ASR" of cats stretching?
Is it the "MAGHRIB" of peacocks screams?

Those are the sound of LOVE I suppose

I can see on the cheeks
The wetness of the kiss
That has not dried yet

Who is the LOVE
(BELOVEDz /  LOVERz) who causes
The tears swell in the eyes
Of the one who LOVES?

Why is the eagerness to touch
The bare shoulders so enticing?

Why the heart longs to
drown into LOVE
(BELOVEDz / LOVERz) core?

Placing one's face on the lap
The flower smells jasmine rains

Close eyes and experience my LOVE
When I seal your pores with my lips?

Can I sing you lullabies
When you sleep besides me peacefully?

Can I snap a new art sculpture
Out of your hair every morning?

Forget your thoughts
While feeling my LOVE
By being in LOVE with me

Why the words become worthless
When we share
A common breathing between our lips?

Who is listening to the music
Of our heart-beats?

Why do roses rain over us
When we share our chromosomes?

Who are they?
There, below the waterfalls
Behind the mountain caves
The two magical unicorns in LOVE?

Who will pray "TEFILLAH"
When we are in
Ultimate union of LOVE?

Who will "TENEBRAE" our lives
To illuminate our souls?

So that we "THEOPHANY" the

Now tell me...

Will the clouds answer our LOVE-call?
Will the first ray of sun ever find us?
Will the moon ever illuminate dark lives?
Will the stars sparkle over our springs?
Will the dew drop give birth to seedlings?

To save the cosmos & planet EARTH
Let us embrace into
Single semantic of LOVE

In the name of LOVE
Keep singing
The song of FREEDOM

A life is only worthy if
One realizes honoring LOVE

This is the promise I take
On the path YOU've shown
I will even give my life for YOUR LOVE

Let people scatter flowers
On your path of glory, success and fame
I will gift you with my blood and tears
I won't even hesitate to
Serve you my head - (my EGO "I")

You will find LOVERz
In Russia, In Africa
In Europe, In Asia
In America, In Australia
In Oceania, In Middle-East
In Arctic & In Antarctic

LOVERz may speak different languages
They may be white, yellow, black & brown
They may be called by different names
Romeo, Layla, Zuliet, Majnun
Rabia, Rumi, Kabir, Meera

All those who LOVE -
Surrender to the beautiful SOUL of BELOVEDz

- Illuminated by BELOVEDz inner LOVE
Their hearts are ignited with fire
Breathing only one chant - "BELOVEDz"
LOVERz sings -
The Song of FREEDOM...

When I remember YOU
I recite a song
I write a poem
I pen down lyrics
I pour out quotes
I dance my heart out
In my LOVE of YOU

Seeing myself doing
All sort of antics in LOVE
With tears in my eyes
I too laughed at myself

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it...!


Only when the sun blazes
Evaporating moisture from earth
For the dark clouds to form

Only when the clouds rain
The earth is soaked in tears
Those tears nourish the
Bud to become flower of LOVE
And the world smiles

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


When bird of LOVE came
And sat on my heart's branch
We were "wings in flight"
But when the bird flew away
My leaves & fruits withered

It was destined - without our knowledged
We exchanged a SOUL-LOVE-connect
And nourished the
Dream of LOVE for my BELOVEDz

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I hold salt of LOVE in my hand
While standing in lashing rain

I try to grab the golden dust
When there is a strong blizzard

I flowed with the mountain spring
Galloping down the gushing stream
Towards my BELOVEDz ocean
Without realizing that
Humans have built dams all along
To stagnate my LOVE desires

It was then I realized
These are mere "TESTS" of being a LOVERz

Those who see me and
See my LOVE hopes -

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I kept on building sand castles
Near the oceanic waves
Near my BELOVEDz home

I tried building a palace
With a pack of cards
When the gush of wind was strong

I keep planting the seeds of LOVE
Knowing my prayers are yielding fruits
Those fruits are plucked, sold and
Eaten in the world markets
As materialistic goods

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I am still busy cleaning
My birth's "conditioning"
On the path of my life

Hoping that,
One day my BELOVEDZ will
Walk on the same path
That I beautifully decorated for her

She will appreciate my devotion
And my unconditional LOVE
While I will stand waiting
Wagging my tail...

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


The world likes my LOVE play
And keeps on laughing at my antics

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness and smile on people's faces
So be it

LOVERZ end up
Making a JOKE of themselves
So be it..

The one who LOVEz
Their name is LOVERz

The one who is LOVED
Their name is BELOVEDz

LOVING is both's religion
LOVE is their essence & spirit

The same LOVE for which
Became the fragrance of
Everything that represented
LOVE in nature

The same LOVE for which
Farhad cut a mountain to
Carve out a river through it

The same LOVE for which
Majnun searched a dew drop
In the parched deserts of Sahara

The same LOVE for which
Zuliet picks up a dagger to die
Along with one's

The same LOVE for which
Radha danced the whole night
Around the trees of Vrindavam
Singing the songs of Krishna

Today the world remembers their
names, date, time and place
"Immortal, Eternal LOVE"

For the same "LOVE"
We all are born again
To honor and fulfill
The existence of nature

For blessing humans
The manifestation of LOVE

The moment we are born
The battle lines are drawn by society
To keep us away from LOVE & LOVING

The struggle of life is to fight
An eternal holy war for LOVE

Yet, against all dire circumstances
The LOVE within all of us
Brings with itself
An inner strength and belief
To go ahead on the path of LOVING

Because history has shown evidence
Time and  again...
That one in LOVE
Is always "right" -
A Winner

From centuries
That is what has happened
For centuries
This is what will happen

In the surrender to LOVE
In the kneeling of LOVERz-BELOVEDz
The victory of LOVE is destined
The triumph of nature is fated

It is LOVE that
Lights a candle in a storm

It is LOVE that
Sails a drown person to ocean's shores

It is LOVE that
Rises a fallen in the valley to its apex

That is what exactly NATURE wishes
To illuminate the darkness of LOVE
Within the eyes of LOVERz-BELOVEDz

The one I wonder about
The Nature
The skies and the earth
The universe and the galaxy
I bow to YOU -
In salutation
For making us born here
To realize LOVE

After planting a kiss on Krishna's lips
Radha slowly whispers

"Where is the playground
We will go and play?"

And Krishna replies
"YOU've already started
Playing on it now!"

Radha moves a step back
In the darkness of the night

"Where are you going?"
Radha runs a few steps away

"Do not go away my Radha
Stay with me for some more time
Let us play at least one game
The game you started on my lips"

Radha smiles and disappears
In the darkness of the night

"Where are you hiding now?
What is the hurry
To run away from me?
Wait for another hour..!
Be with me, my BELOVEDz..."

"We did not even start
Playing the game of LOVE
We did not even
Explore each other
We did not even
Hide within each other
We did not even
Look into each other's eyes
My heart is thirsty of YOU
I felt your heart on my chest -
And I heard it beating so fast
The game of LOVE has just begun
Do not go away from me
Stay back with me tonight..
Just for one night - my BELOVEDz!"

(sings back)
"I will stay back
If you promise me that
YOU will rain your LOVE
For the whole night
Within my ocean
You will strike lightning
Within my abyss
Please promise me that you will
wander over me,
And wonder over me
For the rest of the night"

The birds of the forest sing in a chorus:
"Even though it is night, we birds are awake
We will ask fireflies to light up the sky
We will build a house of
Branches and vines for both of you
We will tie you up in the spider's web
And we will play music of
LOVE for the whole night"

The animals of the forest join the chorus too:
"We have build a swing for such a day like this
YOU two LOVERz can come
And swing the whole night
While sleeping together on this cradle"

(peeps out from behind a tree)
"While I am wearing my Krishna
Like a cloth on me
What if we are caught by the world?"

"I will hide you within me
So no one will see YOU separate from me"

"Okay, if you say so
I will run and come right away
In your embrace and hugs"

"Oh Radha, be fast -
Surrender your LOVE to me
And sweeten my milk
with your honey.."

Radha: (hesitates)
"Please have some patience for a while
Why are you in so much hurry
To LOVE me - my LOVERz?"

"I promise on the billion stars of the dark night
I promise on every grass & leaves of this forest
If you promise to come to me once
I will LOVE you for a thousand lives"

"I am mesmerized by your LOVE deeds
But I won't tell you how I feel"

"I know how you feel -
It must be the same as I feel
Such a salty and sweet feeling
Within the core of our hearts"

(sing together)

"And we have lost control
On our own heart in LOVE
Tonight we are filled with divine LOVE
That we pour out on each other
Let our touch ooze
LOVE fragrance on entire forest
Let us not utter a single more word now
Let our being & body play its parts
Let us listen our silences & sounds
And enjoy the deep cravings

To dispute our LOVE is not my desire
No art or knowledge will suffice
The sufferings of our TRUE LOVE

Because I (YOU/WE) know you LOVE me too
We've friends abound, & foes are not desired
What I seek is a LOVERz who LOVES me
O seeker BELOVEDz, please do not leave me....!

Oh... Poor LOVERz,
Oh... Poor BELOVEDz.
No friends can give one a lip to kiss
That a LOVERz-BELOVEDz desires

No pearl of wealth empowers me
Nor a spiritual guru heals me
Those days are gone when
Anyone other than my BELOVED LOVERz
Can help me sail through this sorrow

Every helping hands tells me
The advises I do not desire in LOVE

If you want to break FREE from life
Do not moralize- ethics and integrity
Just plunder on to LOVE till your desires

Humans are masters of yearnings
Receiving is a human trait of desire

LOVERz-BELOVEDz are slaves of insights
Giving a blessing for the one who LOVES

Oh.. my giver of LOVE
You rose my grief's flame
At least ask  LOVERz-BELOVEDz
What does LOVE-CONNECT desires

Do not ****** out God/dess of LOVE
Stop for a moment, ask what SOUL seeks

Do not desert journeys of LOVE
Do not silence the heart's speak
The ups and downs nurtures our TRUST
That forms the bond of TRUE LOVE
The sufferings of our TRUE LOVE

Who will tell to
Today's world that
A LOVERz still lives by
Blessing of BELOVEDz light?

Both do not know
Whether their bodies
Will survive at all
The tortures of this life

The world still
Looks down on their LOVE
Throwing stones,
Lynching - crucifying

Where are the real humans
To read this poem
To understand the apathy
And extend their empathy

Who is there to apply
A healing balm of care
A touch of compassion

Want Justice
With no violence -
And with peace...

Please do not abuse us
Please do not argue with us
Please do not fight us
Please do not show us sticks
Please do not draw a knife
Please do not take our a sword
OR point the gun at our hearts

Are we LOVERz-BELOVEDz born at
Wrong place and at a wrong time?

With the humiliation & insults
We LOVERz are subjected to
Our whole life has changed
Topsy-turvy, upside-down
It has turned us nearly insane
A little deranged, may be...

There are too many mood swings
But good that we are
Still safely sane by
LOVING each other
Intensely & passionately

We both are screaming
On top of our voices
"My LOVERz was and is innocent"
"My BELOVEDz still illuminates me"

We admit LOVERz - BELOVEDz are
Drifting seamlessly in LOVE
As they sway from life to LOVE

Just for writing and
Reciting a LOVE poem
Need not be SHOT dead
Need not be separated
For the whole life

Also there is no need for
Such tragedy to ever occur
Can't even meet each other

You know how is it
In our world today:

There is no justice
For those who LOVE

For the Hate World Gives
Those who live get away
Those who LOVE dies....

When the world is
Falling apart outside
Our LOVE stands tall
Within - inside...

Inspired from the movie
"The Hate U Give"

the hate you give little infants
f##k everyone

The little innocent infants of LOVE
Hated for Loving each other

In the terrain of a barren forest
In the forlorn of a lost ship
In the godforsaken-ness of fate
In the inhospitality of people

Either sides of the dunes

There walks Majnun, in rugged clothes
There sings Meera, in wedded bliss
Both - immersed in the dreams of LOVEz

Both delicate, both innocent
Both pure, both true
Both fresh - like budding blooms

Both living in harmony with Nature
Waiting for Krishna's and Layla's arrival
Knowing their BELOVEDz will come

Both - still intoxicated in LOVE
Half closed, drowsy eyes,
Blurred vision, drunkard steps
They walk, dance, sing and fall
Awaiting their LOVERz call

Don't show complete callousness
Do not wake these LOVERz at all
From their disconsolate state of being
Let a dust-storm or lash of rain
Shake their heart and being
As if Krishna and Layla
Have shaken their soul awake

Startled at the LOVER'z touch
Meera and Majnun look around,
Astonished & glancing everywhere
Searching to find their LOVERz
"Where is Krishna? Where is Layla?"
They run wild - deliriously mad

Until they find a mirage & a silhouette
In the blank space of air around them

There they rest - sit and talk
They laugh and chat in LOVE

Only we realize and know that
There is no one around them

Yet only they can see their LOVERz
Only they can feel their BELOVEDz
To play a colorful game of LOVE

Let Krishna give Meera a kiss
Let Meera twirl one more round
Let Layla peck Majnun cheeks
Let Majnun sing one more new ballad

Thus till date they are remembered
As tragedy folk-lore's LOVE
Our tragic LOVERz-BELOVEDz
Our Meera-Majnun

All these happens on
Either sides of the dunes


Let us open up to
Fulfill the promise
We made to each other
What do you say my BELOVEDz?
What is your wish my LOVERz?

Never again in life
Such occasion of LOVE happens
Come in my arms,
Don't be shy my LOVE
Come within me
Hug me to death

I've lost my way of life
Let me find a direction
I'm not dressed for
The honey-moon night
Let me come prepared
For your LOVE night
Please let me go

You did what you wanted with me
With every passing moment and day
YOU made me LOVE YOU more & more
All your dreamZ of finding
True LOVER ended with my LOVEz
Now let me show you my LOVE desireZ
Drown my passions
In your volcanic being
Let my fire extinguish
In your cool waters

Leave me, don't hold my hand
Just see - the way I'm in a mess
My heart is beating fast
I am feeling scared of LOVE
I am feeling cold with sweat

Oh.. come on dear
In no time,
I'll make you warm
With the fire of my LOVE
My kisses on your eyes
Will bring clarity to your SOUL
My touch will remove all the shyness
That clouds over your heart

See, with your LOVE words
Now I lost the key to
The door to my core
So let me go to fetch them first

Just come on dear
Don't find reasons to delay our UNION
Let us lock ourselves alone
Don't play such tricks with me
I am burning under your passionate deZiRe

Just for a moment
Let me go and come prepared
For the LOVE night
YOU know baby - I am yours
I'm not going to leave you any more
I will be back my LOVE
To spend many nights
Of LOVEz with YOU

I believe YOU my LOVEz
I will only do what you say
I will follow your advise
I will only talk your words
I will only act your will

If I say - day is night
Will YOU say so?

I will.. I will...

If I say - LOVE me forever, eternally
Will YOU say so?

I will.. I will...

If you say so...
I will show you a LOVE night
Right now in this day light

I will show YOU
The light within my core
Will you light my dark core?
I will show you LOVE stars
In the cosmos of my hidden darkness

I'm only born to LOVE YOU
Since our LOVE happened
I've only LOVEDz YOU

After showing me so much LOVE
If you go away now
I will die in your longing

Just for a second now
Let me go for a while
I will be back immediately

Both of us are excited and
Full of passionZ and desiReZ
When we will get such LOVE moment again?
What else you want to do now?

Let us open up to
Fulfill the promise
We made to each other
Let us LOVE
Let us make LOVE

Never again in life
Such occasion of LOVE happens
Come in my arms,
Don't be shy my LOVE
Come within me
Hug me to death

Radha repeats Krishna'z LOVE plea

Your LOVE killed my LIFE
Your LOVE has slain my EGO too
Your LOVE has martyred my "I"

Whatever remains with me
Is YOURS - was always yours...
I carry your heart within me
Your soul spirit drives me

Like they used to call Majnun
By the name of Layla
Everyone is calling me
By your lovely name "...."

My whole being is abode
To every single cell
My BELOVEDz possesses

My eyes are the doors
To my BELOVEDz soul's
Inner sanctum..

Can anyone still see me?

Your LOVE has extirpated
My delutions of "I"

All my delusion is gone
Where am I? Who am I?
I am YOU and only "YOU"

The sorrows of life are
Washed with tears of your LOVE
And thus, I've painted
My whole world
With the colors of my BELOVEDz

You are seeing my face
You are watching my body
Everything about me
That you are feeling
Is only a reflection
Of my BELOVEDz being

I've become absolute
There is no delusions of
"Me, my, mine, myself"
Within me

Your mission of LOVE
Is almost complete

I am YOU am I

Your mission of LOVE is complete

We all are LOVERz in the being of BELOVEDz

I keep your LOVE secrets
Hidden in the depth of my eyes
You place your ears on my heaving *******
Listening to your melodious heart-beats

I can't even share with anyone
The intimacy YOU share with me
NO one ever has dared, except YOU
To be brave to enter my skin pores
YOU courageous! - Even to my surprised
I surrendered to your LOVE

YOU LOVE me so much that
I want to end my life in your warm hug
The way your eyes shower LOVE on me
No one has ever seen me like YOU do
I seriously can't stand so much of LOVE
Just swallow me inside YOUR being

Your presence makes my knees go weak
With goose-humps on my skin
With butterflies in my stomach
I run to the bedroom, waiting for YOU

With your breathe touching my skin
Every time, you try to breach
My personal space and private boundaries
You sown seeds and buds bloom
From every cell of my body
Scenting fragrance all over YOU
Every pore of my body craves for YOU
Your graft branches on my soul-***
Flowering colorful blossoms on me

YOU tease me much
Showing so much gentleness and respect
In the way you pluck each flower from my being
You turn me blood red with your foreplay
I bleed YOUR tears begging you to LOVE more

I want you to serve me
I want to tear your back with my nails
I want you to make it happen
Release me in a moment from living
From all the struggles life serves me

Where were YOU all these years?
Now you are here, never leave me!

When your breathe intertwines with mine
There is no gap in our sighs and murmurs
Till you are within me, you color me
Nature's creative palettes of LOVE
With joys, smiles and laughters of intimacy

But when you are not there
I become a whimper expressing
Dislike and unhappiness for every thing
When your roots of thoughts and being
Are not holding me firm, deeply
I die in your longing & crave for you helplessly

I want to run and come in your arms
And loose all my EGO, pride and status
I want to surrender my desired inert beauty
For you to worship me forever

Though I do not show my LOVE openly
I want to tell you this:

I will do everything during the day time
YOU ask me to do for YOU

I will do more for you during the night time
Those things we only fantasize about

I will be-witch you with my scent
I will cover you with my hair
I will embrace you like your skin
I will drench you under my showers
I will hide you under my bosoms
I will carry you within my womb
Where no one is / was / will be permitted ever
And I will release you only
When YOU grant me all my secret desires

This LOVE ballad is sung from centuries
By Zuliet, Layla, Heer, Radha, Meera, Rabia...
And more of us who AGAPE LOVE madly...

Since you illuminated my SOUL
Since your light pierced my being
Since our LOVE happened...

I am not eager for a journey
I do not desire a caravan
I do not yearn for a convoy
I do not belong here
I do not belong there
I do not fit in a family
I do not jell with friends

The only thing that excites me is "YOU"
BELOVEDZ, Belovedz, belovedz...

The blessing of LOVE within me
Desires "me" living in "YOU"

The reward of seeking inner soul
I desire to live in your being

If there is ever any cure
Of the good longing of my LOVE
It is nothing but merging within YOU
It is nothing but dying for YOU

That's how and why "Nature"
Presented YOU to my soul
The divine healer for my devil LOVE

Your eyes are medicine I drink
The same medicine poisons my heart

Becoming one with you is the only desire left
It is my honor - our LOVE HAPPENED
It will be a BIGGER honor
I annihilate in YOU and YOUR LOVE

I give my breathe in your LOVE
I give my heart, my body, my life in your LOVE

Though I've not decided to hold-on to your LOVE
There is no way I can let go of your LOVE
It's YOUR LOVE that beholds me and my being
YOUR LOVE is the final destination of my LIFE
YOUR LOVE was the thing Buddhists sought NIRVANA

Yes, this is what your LOVE is all about
Only those who LOVE
Will understand the plight of my LOVE
The sorrow, grief and misery of a LOVERz
The one who stands tormented
Without flinching in the "live-fire"
Will understand what it is to be in "LOVE"

My poem is for the flame - BELOVEDZ
My poem is for the moth - LOVERZ

No one else can even understand
The depth of these poetic words in LOVE
"The LOVE story of flame and moth"

My BELOVEDz is hiding
Behind LOVE's veil
For how long you will play
The game of LOVE's hide and seek?

We are each other's LOVERS & BELOVEDz
Now there is no hiding behind LOVE veils

You sparkle me with your moon-shine
Now YOU hide behind clouds of LOVE-veil

Sometimes, I can only see silver-linings
Let me see YOUR full LOVE moon bright

After lighting my SOUL with your LOVE
why you are wearing this LOVE-veil?

Is it shyness or fear of the world
That you are imprisoned behind this veil?

Do not hide the beauty of your SOUL
Behind the fortress of life's work

It is not enough to watch me from
Behind your LOVE - veil
Be fearless and FREE
Let LOVE flow without your LIFE's veil

Come forth to my eyes my BELOVEDz
By lifting my LOVE-veil from your heart
Now, let your SOUL illuminate my being

But for God/dess's sake
Do not lift your LOVE-veil
In front of the moon and stars
Otherwise seeing your beauty
They will die with jealousy & envy

So wait for my salute & surrender
Before you lift your LOVE-veil

Till then let our LOVE be a secret
Under your mystical LOVE - veil

And when you will lift your LOVE-veil
We will ask each other's eyes the secrets
And mysteries of OUR ONE-SOUL

But we won't reveal our
Pain and sufferings
To the people of the world

Let us wait for opportune time
Before we will reveal our

Till then - behind the LOVE veil
Let our hearts burn with desires
Don't let the world see our tears
Let us not complain about pains of longing

Let us not
Reveal the name of BELOVEDz / LOVERz
And betray the Nature's LAW of LOVE

Let us remain
DOGS of loyalty in LOVE


LOVERZ whole world collapsed
Into a small GOLDEN speckle dust of BELOVEDz


Gave you Golden wings in flight to rise

YOU rose from within LOVE's UNION
To create the milky way of our galaxy
The fusion nuclear energy with
The Golden speckle of LOVE dust

The world illuminated and
Every human heart enlightened
By your sun-shine silver rays of
The Golden speckle dust of LOVE

All the milky ways in many galaxies
Are witness to your LOVE energy
Dazed, surrendering to YOU in AWE

Time withers under LOVE
Pendulum stands still....

Colliding of two energies
The crash become a necessity
For creating the new world of LOVE

****** within that black-hole
We Fall in LOVE

LOVE - a process of revelation
Through pain, frustration, suffering
Longing, grief and agony are necessary
For the molten to undergo the fire
To brighten and purify the into
The Golden speckle of LOVE dust

Now the same Gold dust flies & floats
Around all of us
To spread the message of LOVE
To FREE us from life's delusions
To fix the broken hearts
To heal the wounds and despairs
To form new connections
Between stranger seeking LOVE

The Golden speckle of LOVE dust
Lives in a ZERO gravity world
Without prisons of morals/ ethics
Traditions, scriptures, laws & religions

Thus enabling its own vectors of
Drivers of LOVE - push and pulls
To save the dying humanity
By experiencing and realizing
Inert lessons on core SOUL LOVE

There are billion faces
But just two blink and click


They unite amidst the barriers of
Walls, castles, and fake masks
The world builds to imprison them

That UNION of LOVE -
The meeting of
will produce a fresh Fusion
To create another
To fly & float around
In search of
PURE, True, Innocent

That's how
The Golden Speckle of Dust
Keeps on creating LOVE around us
Through its SOUL's illumination

A Short History of LOVE

— The End —