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I wondered the desert a lone luchador exiled from his home country .
I missed many things .

A warm bed to romance my many senioritas and a hot tub to enjoy underwater exploration .

The great dictator had banished ******* to wonder the dessert .
All because of the lack of a green card .

He was a evil man with orange hair and a small ***** but a man who understood sometimes you simply had to grab life by the ***** .

I admired that .
Although being a outcast in this desert made me wish I could challenge him to a no holds barred ******* match .

Wear I would wrestle him.into submission .

I thought to myself ******* how can you allow this old lesbian to defeat you?

I decided to turn back and march myself to Washington for i was a man amongst many oiled and **** .

I tweaked my ******* and called across the desert .
Well actually I just called a uber. 

I was off to challenge my opponent to a true battle of mono e mono .
A great debate on public access television .

For I ******* was going to run for president of the untied states .
I would change many things .

Making all drugs legal allowing free trade with Canada and finally allowing there people to cross freely into are country .

I would of course build the wall around New Jersey so no more terrible reality television shows could be produced .

I would issue all people knives and guns and make all vegans leave taking there ****** food with them.

I would also close all schools so as to prevent shootings and allow television to teach all the children what needed to know.

I would make ****** harassment punishable by spanking .

And I would make minimum wage a hundred pesos a hour .

I would rise to the level of other great presidents like Orson Wells and Elvis Presley. 

Ole Ole Ole .

A vote for ******* is a vote for ******* what else do you think it is sugar britches .
In my office me and Gonzo waited speaking on deep issues
with no true meaning as usual.
*******'s heart had been broken for Drew had   left him a beaten and
love bitten  luchador slash attorney.

Senior Gonzo speaking endlessly to the hat rack had reminded me why
I never  dropped acid anymore.
Poor gonzo had just been served with divorce papers  to which
his only response was ****** amigo  i never knew i was married.

As his attorney  i belived a trip to mexico was outta the question for i had just got back do to some well a misunderstanding  its legal
jargin you  couldnt possibly understand.

His deadline was near  and without my solid advise this man wouldnt be able to pull it off  so being we had been in the bar for more than
eight hours  we decided to make a exit through the  mens room window.

Front doors are over rated.
In my legal office slash camper  hey eveyone starts somewhere
  I was reminded of my  loved hellcat Drew
she had left many items here a satanic bible  her  boil cream.
how I did mis rubbing her webbed toes.

How was i to work Gonzo was a mess hidding under the table
so the ginger bread people couldnt find him
and return him to there  bitter talentless leader
Kate Perry  i swear if you stab me one more time senior  gonzo
with that fork in my maracas im going to get medevile on your ***

Oh how i missed my tag team partner drew.
i should never have introduced her el man donkey who
resist such a uhh personallity.

But now here I  sit with a madman under my table tripping his
***** off   insisting  I contact Simon Cowell  to inform him
man ******  are so yesterday.

If only I had gotten the Lindsy Lohan case  I would finally have gotten my brake or maybe just a std.
Oh well theres always hope Mel Gibson  will need me.
The road warrior was a true classico  and he seemed so well
balanced compared to my   reallity challenged  cilent.

Remember kids if ever  you have a chance to trip with senior Gonzo
its probaly best you hide all sharp objects.
adios  *******
el ******* is always availible for quick and honest legal advise
i except all major credit cards and  will take trade as well
******* loves you all  just like  sisters  even the men to
Ola amigos  are you being harassed by a old woman
who ressembles a drag queen  or worn crack *****.
Then live in fear no longer.

Hello I am Mexican wrestling legend El *******.
I will put my years of profesional wrestling experience  to
great use taking this bully  putting them into a headlock and
wrestling them to the ground having my way with them.

No worries my online degree has taught me how to deal wit cyber bully's very well.
I will hunt them down and bring them to the court  of justice myself.

I represent many fine clients here please take my card.
turn it over im working on getting some.
Anyways you need help look no further than me.

Please come to me with any legal questions and join
the offices of El *******.
When you need help our  maybe just a cuddle
I am your one stop solution.

Thank you my friends.
Please I need the clients   I will fight for you till the  end
please hire me today
The scene was chaos almost like black friday at El Wallmarto.
people being pushed around by ******'s who didnt
even own a pair of spandex tights.

Or even know the glory of winning a no holds barred naked lumberjack
with a ***** splintter match.
The people needed a hero.
they screamed for the legends return please poppi
save us from the ordinary.

My amigo's were persecuted  and i sat helpless traped across the boader do to a bogus  lack of green card.
I must have left it in my other tights.

but once again like a old man on crystal **** and ****** the champion has returned to claim his crown.

And to shake his groove thing all over Hello  once again.
With the strength of a small well shaved bear.
And the eye's of a low flying seagull I shall drop some splatters
of wisdom apon my fellow amigos.

Chips and salsa for everyone .
no longer heartbroken from my hellcat seniorita Drew
yes her bite marks i wear proudly  in places I need to tan.

Let the little gringos sing like pretty little birdies
and senoiritas run through the fields like in thoose not
so fresh comercials.

Go tell amigos everywhere pour the cervesa
For El ******* Rides again.
This message brought to you by the campain for El ******* who's plans to lower the drinking age to 5  well finally get thoose little buggers to to bed.

And by the fine folks at sticky pages magazine.
Yes when you want high quality ****.
look no further than sticky pages.

El Bastardo Mar 2013
Long after my injust exhile from  this  site I began a time of deep thinking.
And after many cervasas and long nights with ***** women I thought.
Where is my life going besides to the free clinic every other day to cure
the ******* of fire.

It was then I remembred a wise amigo a man amoungst many men
not because he was strange they just happend to all gather togather in that spot.
Unlike a bathhouse once I only went to a few times to have some male bonding
time and to enjoy a nice backrub.

But enough with my college years.
My once mighty amigo told me.
******* dont ever let them hold you back for the evil forces are many
yet you cant **** crazy  well maybe with a gun but that would take many bullets amigo.

It was then i knew I must return to the land of Hello.
To bring joy to many and annoy young teenage  writers who think vampires can walk around in daylight and werewolves run in large packs with other amigos in Alaska.
How I wish i lived there as well.

It had been far to long since this gravyard of like button zombies  had taken off
there pants turned off the lights  and  had a hot oil ****.
At least I hope that was oil.

It had been  a cold summer south of the boarder but that doesnt mean there wasnt fire down below.
Much like with older women.

So I packed the pinto and like a really fast minded person moving at a well
much slower gear I was off.
For where there is a need there is well a place people
probaly want something to suit that need.

So spank my spandex wearing *** and call me MR Pickles.
Cause The ******* has returned amigos.

En la grana de un prado sanguíneo
o en un bosque de cabezas cercenadas,
la viuda reclama la carne
de un párvulo *******.

Allí donde entonan sus voces
un coro de lamentos disonantes.
Reniega de su apetito
la matriarca del barrio francés

Pues los gritos de Joliet
no inquietan su consciencia,
cosechan en cambio,
un jardín de culposos deleites

Placeres como solo admite,
la maquiavelia de una gioconda
que envuelta en lujosos atavíos
extiende sus garras al inocente
Ni hablar del perjurio voraz,
que oculta a la fantasía
la marea virgen del infortunio
y el propio siniestro.

La desesperación de una madre
que devora a sus hijos con el don de Saturno.

Para la que no hay erotismo
sino aquel que evoca
el rigor cadavérico.

Vapores que ascienden
desde el lecho en descomposición,
y alimentan su magia.

Celebran el cruento dolor del infante,
con la mirada de espanto
apenas visible en el carmesí
de sus finas pestañas

Porque es claro como la luna
y tan cierto como la muerte
que en la viuda no hay gozo,
sin el grito que desgarra la noche.

Sin la brea que desciende
sobre el horizonte,
y la angustia que acompaña
la pasión de la masacre.
... o mejor dicho, la viuda de Jacques Paris, Marie Laveau, la maga del Misisipi y su muñeca  Joliet, a quienes olvidara la historia por imitar a los titanes y consumir a sus hijos con el vigor de las masas famélicas
CLStewart Nov 2015
sitting- staring being here right now
caring- loud enough to myself-in my head
grinding and chewing at my inner cheek- waiting for those pancakes
sipping- at my cafe the dry dark roast expresso from a can- it was frozen by my doing
I am a liar and I am a swooner- to myself I list these articles
Doliente estaba, doliente,   ese buen rey don Fernando;
los pies tiene cara oriente   y la candela en la mano.
A su cabecera tiene    arzobispos y perlados;
a su man derecha tiene   los sus hijos todos cuatro:
los tres eran de la reina   y el uno era *******.
Ese que ******* era   quedaba mejor librado:
abad era de Sahagund,   arzobispo de Santiago,
y del Papa cardenal,   en las Españas legado.
-Si yo no muriera, hijo,   vos fuérades Padre Santo,
mas con la renta que os queda,   bien podréis, hijo, alcanzarlo.
Seguro que los diarios
no lo preguntarán
los árboles ¿serán
acaso solidarios?

¿digamos el olivo de jaén
con el terco quebracho de entre ríos?
¿o el triste sauce de tacuarembó
con el castaño de campos elíseos?

¿qué se revelarán de árbol a árbol?
¿desde westfalia avisará la encina
al demacrado alerce del tirol
que administre mejor su trementina?

seguro que los diarios
no lo preguntarán
los árboles ¿serán
acaso solidarios?

¿se sentirá el ombú en su pampa húmeda
un hermano de la ceiba antillana?
¿los de ese bosque y los de aquel jardín
permutarán insectos y hojarasca?

¿se dirán copa a copa que aquel muérdago
otrora tan sagrado entre los galos
usaba chupadores de corteza
como el menos cordial de los parásitos?

seguro que los diarios
no lo preguntarán
los árboles ¿serán
acaso solidarios?

¿sabrán por fin los cedros libaneses
que su voraz y sádico enemigo
no es el ébano gris de camerún
ni el arrayán ******* ni el morisco

ni la palma lineal de camagüey
sino las hachas de los leñadores
la sierra de las grandes madereras
el rayo como látigo en la noche?
Mariana Seabra Mar 2022
Da menina que nasceu azul,

Conto-te esta breve história.

Sei que foi em dia de sol…

Até o céu

Se abriu no espaço,

Até ele

Se manchou de glória.

Por entre os sete mares

Se espalharam; Aí e  

Em todos os lugares,

Violentas ondas  

em sua memória.

Assim nasceu,

Tão alegre…

Uma bela tela…

Era o que ela  

Me parecia.

Com o seu cheiro  

A maresia,

Amarela e só de alma.

Assim cresceu,

Tão sonhadora…

Rodava o universo

Na sua palma.

E ao passar, todos lhe diziam

“Não vás!”.

Os desassossegados,

Esses faziam tudo aquilo que podiam

Porque sentimento fútil

Não a satisfaz.


Os homens tremiam!

Piores que loucos  


“Olha o diabo que a moça traz!”.

Mas ela nem ouvia…

Sonhava, e não caía;

Voava; pela sua própria asa.

Como o verde, florescia

Uma flor dentro de mim.

E assim ela crescia,

Fosse de noite; fosse de dia;

Não se molhava em água rasa.

Menina nobre,

De ti brotou  

Tanta bondade

Que se espalhou.

Ofereceste-a! A quem passava.

Nem um cêntimo

Sequer cobrou.

Menina pura,

Que se isolava,

Nunca tirava  

O pé da estrada.

E mais azul ela ficou.

Com aparências?

Não se importava.

Tudo o que tinha, ela doou.

Manteve a essência,

Essa brilhava,

Tornou-se estrela

Que nunca apagou.

Tanto azul!  

Que a matava…

Então outra cor ela criou.

Em balanço perfeito  

Com a água

Nasceu uma cor

Que a transformou.


Menina de fogo,


E avermelhada ela ficou.

O azul é triste,

E o vermelho engana,

Então a Terra ela explorou.

Num vulcão ardia

A sua gémea-chama

Aquela cor vermelha

Que a fascinou.

Forjou-se; de rocha vulcânica,

E só mais forte isso a tornou.

Lá conheceu

A bela cigana,

Deusa da montanha,

Que a salvou.

Juntou todo o amor

Que a inspirava

E à raça humana regressou.

Menina ingénua!

Chora desolada;

Porque o humano a roubou.

Cor azul; e avermelhada,

Mas que bonito roxo

Que dela jorrou.

Menina pura! destroçada,

Pela ganância de quem não vê nada…

Foi ao mundo que se entregou.

Assim espelhava; como ouro,

A sua pequena alma dourada

Que deu início a esta balada.


É de ti que falo, minha amada,

O meu maior tesouro.

Eterna flecha em mim marcada,

Amor real e duradouro.

Mas o humano triste; insaciado

Que antes de mim a encontrou!

Que nem por ela dar de graça…

Nem assim ele a poupou!

Quis o tesouro de mão beijada,

E pouco ou nada se esforçou.

Daqui veio a desgraça,

De quem esta história narrou.

Foi à noite, na madrugada…

Como um cobarde! Que a apanhou.

Foi arrogância ou maldade?

Qual o motivo que o levou?!

A devorar pela calada

O coração puro

Da minha menina aprisionada

Que nunca mais se recuperou.

A menina ri alto;  

Gargalhadas loucas ao vento;

Ali encostada, envolta em tormento,

Segura o peito; completamente esvaziada  

por dentro.

E o desumano,

Que fez o assalto,  

Vira cinza; não sobra nada.

Escorrem-me as lágrimas pela cara…

Rios de tom arroxeado.

Menina azul, vermelha e rara

Peço-lhe: “Fica! Só mais um bocado”.

Ela ouve-me; e sorri.

Existe afinal alguém que a ama!

Diz-me: “Todos os perigos  

Que corri,

Todo o amor

Que ofereci,

É o que me torna  

Tão humana”.

Penso que a entendi.

Senti a sua dor como se fosse a minha,

Foi por ambas que sofri.

“Há coisas que não podem ser roubadas.

Sobrevivem à guerra, estagnadas…

Mas ficam as memórias assombradas.

Casas em ruína, muros de pedra,

Envolvem as pessoas arrombadas.”


Afinal, foi nesta Terra  

Onde descobri

Que quem não morre,

Sempre quebra.

Há preciosidades que só podem ser dadas…

Sem qualquer valor que lhes possa ser afixado.

E ao ladrão da cor, a esse *******!

Está o inferno destinado!

Pois o humano; ser desgraçado;

É monstro que se apodera; e as desfaz.

Nem seque olha para o que está ao lado…

Tanta crueldade, numa mente tão pequena,

Torna-o um bicho incapaz.

"Meu pequeno ser azulado!

A diferença que isto me faz…

Deita-te aqui, esquece o pecado,

Enquanto quente ainda estás.

Vou viajar, para o outro lado,

E vais passar um mau bocado

Mas isto é apenas um até já.

Meu pequeno ser avermelhado!

Não deixes que essa raiva te consuma.

Lembra-te! Do nosso tom arroxeado,

Do céu, da montanha e do mar.

Olha sempre à tua volta,

Eu estou em todo o lugar.

Que me vejas! Por entre a bruma,

A passar pelo rochedo.

A deixar na praia a minha espuma…

Será esse o nosso segredo.

Ao teu ouvido, eu vou soprar.

Exatamente do meu jeito.

E ao teu ouvido, eu vou falar

Como te fala o búzio

Que carregas ao peito.

Numa linguagem única, por nós escrita,

Escrevo-te um poema; e está perfeito.

Ouve o silêncio quando me quiseres chamar

Para me perguntares o que tenho eu feito.

Se não obtiveres resposta

Naquele exato momento,

E o desespero te abraçar;

Não é porque estou morta,

Inspira-me no vento;

Apesar do meu corpo morto estar.

É que a minha alma insurreta,

Que pela curiosidade se desperta,

Decidiu que uma volta ela queria dar.

Mas é no teu peito, minha poeta,

O lugar! Onde dorme a tua alma

Também inquieta.  

A casa, a doce casa,  

A que ela decide sempre regressar.

Como a andorinha,  

Que carrega a primavera  

Na sua pequena asa,

Assim, para ti, eu vou chegar.

Ouve o som do meu cantar,

De ramo em ramo a saltitar…

E até a chuva, que sempre passa,

Cai aos teus pés e fica em brasa

Com o calor do amor intenso

Que ainda iremos partilhar."
Yenson Nov 2019
The Milliband brothers inherited over two million
Mr Blair and his family are worth over twenty million
when the old Mr Denis Healey died his estate was five million

former Labour MP Lord Watts attacked  Mr Corbyn’s inner circle as “the London-centric hard left political class who sit around in their £1m mansions eating their croissants at breakfast and seeking to lay the foundations for a socialist revolution.”

According to research produced by the Tories the new £1,000 membership fee would apply to former leader Ed Miliband with a £2.5m house in Dartford Park, London and his ex-deputy Harriet Harman who owns a £2.3m house in Dulwich.

While shadow international development secretary Diane Abbott owns a £1m pad in Hackney and shadow defence secretary Emily Thornberry has a £3m home in Islington.

Wealthy Labour members of Mr Corbyn’s inner circle include his chief aide Seumas Milne who has a £1.5m house in Richmond, shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn with a £3m house in Chiswick and shadow justice secretary Lord Faulkner with a £17.5m mansion in Westminster.

An African man from a Country where one British pounds equals
N#450.00 is considered an Elitist despite not even having £200

Our great Revolutionary are busy hounding and tormenting Afro-man
Hellbent on ruining his life and driving him to suicide or mad

The Protection Money Racketeers are from the working Classes
they contact their Socialist friends for solidarity when payment
was refused
They all gang up against poor Afro man who has suddenly become
an Elitist, a Leech and a Parasite that deserves to be ruined,

The Leftist and Racketeers launc serious gangstalking Revolution
Character assassination, Public humiliation, harassment, Provocation, hounding, Isolation, Taunts and tormenting is the game

Join in everybody, the Revolution is here, go pick on the Afro man
Go make his life a living Hell, hound him to death

He is an Elitist, a parasite, a Greedy *******, fleecing the poor
His CRIME? Well he is a Native Customary Prince from Africa
Yes, he's unpaid, No state Income, No Castle or Duchy of Cornwall
That doesn't matter, he black but Blue-blood, that will do

This is how Politics work in these days of ours, People
We are the MUGS,
It is the era of DISRUPTION and blindsiding the people
Help them buy more CHAMPAGNE for the TOP TABLE and leave
more millions for their children.  

Neon...NEON.... where are you,'re after the Afro Prince
yeah...good job....REVOLUTION!!!
former Prime Minister Tony Blair with his £8.6m mansion in Westminster, former business secretary Lord Mandelson with an £8m home in Regent’s Park, and the newly-elected MP and former Director of Public Prosecutions Kier Starmer with a £1.4m home in Kentish Town.
Kodein Oct 2024
Linda árvore venenosa, que majestosa tu és
Nem parece que tu possui raízes podres

Mas, afinal, de onde tu puxaste essas podres raízes? Teu bosque nativo é mais saudável que mil crianças

Talvez, você tenha nascido contaminada, destinada a ter este trágico fim

És venenosa, será que por tua culpa ou de terceiros?
De qualquer maneira, isso sequer importa.

A única coisa que verão em ti são tuas raízes e tua aparência.

Que alma nesse mundo seria capaz de olhar pra ti e ver beleza?

É melhor parar de sonhar com um dia te enxergar no reflexo do rio tão bela quanto teus bosques

Nem mesmo teus nativos te aceitaram, és apenas uma falha da natureza

Tão repugnante e negligênciado quanto um filho *******

Tu conviverás com a rejeição até que morra, essa é a culpa que tu carregará por ser venenosa
me sinto rejeitado

— The End —