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Aila Natasha May 2012
Glass pane painted
the colours of the ocean
not the deepest hue
not the shade of the shallows either
the in-between
limbo blue
you can't see the surface
or reach the bottom
down is up, up is down
empty, eerie, but full
of you
this is the sky
with an arrow shot
through each point where the glass breaks
an arrow aimed straight and true
opening a window
and letting the celestial light
shine through
these are the silver people
that we paste in our windows
that we place so far away
out of reach
to say the least
but they have their own eternal fires
that burn through the blue
and the water
through me
and through you
Alexander Foe May 2019
"We are crazily imperfect.
Yet every second you appear to me,
and your being is in my perception
the best and most ideal."

"My mind jolts away
from any possible faults I can find of you.
My adoration for you
transcends across any time period;"

"The Astrophil to the Stella,
The Darcy to the Jane,
The Romeo to the Juliet,
The Adam to the Eve,
The Troilus to the Criseyde,
A song that sings for ages,
and lasts for an eternity."

"The flowers bow down their blooms in shame,
for they cannot best your beauty in comparison.
The moon wanes from your presence,
for she cannot act so gentle across my eyes.
The sky lark ceases its sweetest songs,
for it fails to shine when I hear your soothing voice.
The lion prowls away in fear,
for your countenance outlines a stalwart composure."

"When you are so flaw-free in my eyes,
the more I desire to conserve you;
Your pristine character, and your pure beauty.
I feel an even stronger need
to stop all the external vice and wrongs in the world
from latching onto you.
I grow protective, appreciative, and sometimes,
even a bit controlling.
But I do so, think so,
all because

Now do you understand?
Matthew Orellana Mar 2021
What’s the way into your daydreams?
How to be that word in silence, the one that always makes your heart scream.

Can you learn it without guidance?
Can I be your one true virus? The one that plagues all your thoughts.
The one that makes your heart stop.
Tell sweetheart if I can, tell me I can your man.

In my mind, your face is drawn, painted as the paragon.
And in your arms I must belong, that’s why the Muses sing my song.

Though your heart I long to win, to force your love would be a sin.
So like Astrophil gazed on his star, I’ll learn to love you from afar.
I won’t be careless with your heart, the way most men usually are.

For treasures here on Earth abound, yet I’ve found none that match the sound,
Of your laughter and your voice, or the beauty of your poise.
The cause of pain or all my joys, rest on the words that make your choice.

— The End —