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Georgi Naydenov Dec 2018
For if it were someone else,
Or something else,
Something unavoidable,
I would let it slide.

As we grew older,
our dreams and ambitions,
our sprinkle and sparkle,
thoughts and decisions,
would slowly alter.

For if my own body and mind would deny it,
I still crave you, crave you, with each fibre of my being.
You may have hurt me, hurt me beyond repair.

Hurt me so that I had to put on a mask and play out my role.
My role, of forever having my memories engraved in my skull, but with a cheerful smile and carry on.

Sometimes loving you was hard, sometimes it was almost impossible.
But never had I regretted or had my love for you fade.
Despite that, hearing what I did, gave me a shiver down my spine.

As I finally realized, that I was only a tool, made to love unconditionally.
Love someone that had me replaced with a flick of a finger, with no regrets and sorrow.
Without caring if I were to survive exiled as if it was all for nought.

In truth, I survived, I got reborn.
I had my wounds all patched up, my memories erased and replaced.
Although, there is something, something deep inside me, a piece which would remain to be void.

That, this is a part, which I am forever cursed to carry in me, my final long and everlasting, piece of art.

For when my last moments come, I am sure that my last beat, would be for you.
This poem was one of my very first creations, that might as well be two separate ones.
Kimberly Aug 2018
Chiliad years Logaphiles were written for us in many Eurythmic Forms to help comprehend ones Alexithymic;

The Orphic Lyrics of
Luftmensh Scops,

The Evanescence of Classical
Pieces of Merak Musicians,

The Timeless Dotish
Word in an Aubade,

The Aeipathy behind a
Bindlestill Writing Effable
Lines to an Auralize
Of an Epoch Poem,

The Sillage of
Camhanich in the
Lyrics of a Trouvaille Song,

Many Vagary were
written under the
Angelic Moon Phase
with Mid-Summer
Nites Dwaat Melliflous
of the Lite Breeze
through the Trees
Conorous: Melodies
Miridical: Wondrous
Chiliad: Thousand years
Logaphile: Lover of words
Eurythmic: In Harmonious proportion
Alexithymic: Difficulty in expressing emotional responses
Orphic: Entrancing beyond ordinary understanding
Luftmensh: With their heads in the clouds
Scop: An Old English Poet
Evanescent: Vanishing away
Merak: Creativity put in yourself into your work
Dotish: Silly
Aubade: A love song sung at dawn
Aeipathy: Enduring passion
Bindlestill: A *****
Effable: Able to be described in words
Auralize: Like 'Visualizing' but with sound
Epoch: A particular period of time in history or persons life
Sillage: A lingering scent of someones perfume
Camhanaich: Early morning Twilight
Troavaille: Something lovely discovered by chance
Vagary: Unusual desire
Dwaal: A dreamy, dazed, or absent minded state
Melliflous: A sound that is sweet and smooth; pleasing to hear
PiLomus Sep 2019
Lost i am
Like Sun in haze
Is it just a phase
Or i am losing my case

What is this haze
I can't fathom
Is it random?
Or a alexithymic amalgam

Hurting life is never my intention
Then why this mawkish detention
If being considerate is a crime
Then **** me and make it my shrine

Accused of not understanding
Like a lone cause i am standing
Making sense from this lifeless dirt
Someday to find my worth

Never expect any apologies
Just a try from you
to understand my ideologies

Wishing tomorrow to be a happy face
But all i am getting is broken embrace

— The End —