Shaded, faded, degraded
But i promise you my ending verse would be I MADE IT
Grated, rated, penetrated
Hope is with what all my pain I traded
Waited, bated, segregated
You trying, well so am I, therefore you won't see me retrograded
Pierced, teared, speared
Failing is something I never Feared
Cheated, bleed-ed, mistreated
No appreciations, no acknowledgements, little bit of understanding is all I needed
Raided, shredded, perforated
No matter how dark the tunnel gets, for them dreams I WILL MAKE MY OWN WAY
Alackaday, doomsday, mayday
I have felt them all that's what makes 'it' so special- MY PAYDAY
Bitten, smitten, mistaken
Words above define my ride, feel my rhyme and make the most of THE ROAD TAKEN..