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  Mar 2016 Jeni
Thomas clark
A sword can cut and slash and ****
A pen can spew an inken spill

You wield your sword
To win a war
My pen writes peace treaties
By the score

The sword and the pen
Met on the battlefield
The sword was so much stronger
But the pen just would not yield

The sword swung first
The pen retracted
The sword flew past the nib
The pen quickly counter acted

The pen drew a tree
The sword stuck in the bark
Then the pen drew a forge
And drew a flame and a spark

He popped the sword in
And melted it down
Then drew a Parker pen mould
and an army was found

An army of pens
To rule the land
To fit snugly
In a peacekeepers hand
  Mar 2016 Jeni
Sk Abdul Aziz
As a child i used to feel scared of the dark
I couldn't even bear a moment of it
But then as i started growing up
I realized that the best way to get over my fear of it was to embrace it
Make it a part of me
Treat it as a friend instead of a stranger
And i did that
And now i kinda' enjoy the dark
The night just feels more comforting to me
It's like in the dark of the night
My soul feels safer
And less exposed
And i'm able to express myself better
  Mar 2016 Jeni
There is no word more painful than the word


Maybe they loved each other or
maybe she could have made it or
maybe it would have all been okay.
If they had tried. Maybe. But it never was and never will be.  

A word with so much potential.
So much unknown.
Maybe, but no one will ever know.
Jeni Mar 2016
You're away
but still I linger
and a whisper
a shooting star carries
into your eyes
from my fingertips
like the way
I fell
in love *(with you)
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