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Apr 2017 · 389
winter sakuras Apr 2017
I'll be gone for a while; just a little bit,
no one will even miss me.
Although you watch me still sitting there comfortably
with stockinged feet and a hot cup of coffee,

in the seconds ticking by, I'm already flying away---
with the click of a button.

If this is what it takes to
get away from reality for a while,
I shall gladly place my problems on the rickety, old, scale
in return for just a bit of happiness, no matter if it's real or not,

but I find a bit of warmth,
in this nice, black and white
poetry website,
one of the few things to last and stay with me for a long time.

Sometimes, I like to watch princesses and their happy endings,
gaze at their beautiful orange sunsets and rising tides,
but I'd prefer any day
just broken people picking themselves up and going on,
after being kicked to the curbs by others.

I listen to people's voices
dripping with inspiration, aspiration,
bittersweet remorse, gravelly kind and scarred
I watch everyone fall apart and then come back together
under a different, liberating light (or darkness),

I've got lots to do,
but for now, I just wanna surf and dream---
with the nice, light click of a button.
Apr 2017 · 296
winter sakuras Apr 2017
People die
sometimes because of the weather,
but mostly because of stupidity.
winter sakuras Apr 2017
Her hair, was two, silky, raven black cornrows
flowing down her slender back,
in her eyes, you could find
two whole blue corn moons, and a grinning bob cat of stars
twinkling in the blanket of night sky,
a trembling reflection on the sleepy, shimmering lake,
her skin was copper and
cinnamon flavored, rich and aglow with delicate paint markings
perfect, round droplets of blue and red ink,
a flora, fauna princess with
a crown of blossoming flowers garnishing her jeweled head,
and the majestic, flowing cloak
of a rampant bear wrapped around her shoulders,
her cool, adventurous feet, would walk to the ends of the earth
leaving a trail of lightly treading,
small footprints among the larger ones,
for she cupped up handfuls of the rich, dark soil,
at the shine of a cherry, red sun,
sang with all the voices
of the mountains,
painted with
all the colors of the wind,
and never thought to ask for more,
she threw herself over his worn, rugged self
and asked for his life to be spared,
blinking down crystalline tears, swiveling in a fresh, pure,
soft, innocence that brought mankind to bay,
and then she reached up
and harvested her ripe fruits,
to nourish his kind.
Pocahontas, "laughing and joyous one,"
Matoaka, "flower between two streams,"

You were the beautiful, laughing flower between the two, different, gushing streams of life.
Apr 2017 · 631
for Love
winter sakuras Apr 2017
You know how it is,
to be raised by strong and caring hands
yet they are calloused, from having received rough blows
and delivering them in return,
so whenever you look upon them, they are there for you
but not for all beings,
they are droplets of water, coursing down a melting icicle,
only choosing to drop
into oceans that are known to them
and they only let themselves meddle, with swarms of their type,
and I asked,
what if I could love someone different,
someone they didn't have to understand or know
but who is also a strong, yet gentle being on the inside,
what if I could let myself spill
into all kinds of oceans and rivers, and flowing waterfall valleys of pain
and swim openly with all the life forms,
what if I could let myself bud open
like a massive, blooming, soft petaled flower
welcoming all kinds of creatures
into my companionship,
for having strong and calloused, yet gentle hands,
should mean a strong, yet gentle and open heart
capable of forever giving unconventional love,
to all in the world.
"Where there is love, there is life."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
Apr 2017 · 269
wish on me
winter sakuras Apr 2017
right now,
I feel like all the stars in the sky
being pulled down by
people's wishes
Apr 2017 · 516
Our Fool's Day
winter sakuras Apr 2017
shake out my suit and tie,
and, let my hands ride
in nice golden silk gloves,

gotta polish those shoes, along with that smile
make em' gleam so hard
that the Joker would be proud

what, mom?
did you say
don't go out breaking any hearts this evening?
well, don't I always~

and even though thunder and heavy rains
scour my natural set of mind,
today's forecast
is a breezy, warm day
followed by a diamond night sky,
with beautiful, flickering
orange lampposts

well, here I go
striding confidently along beside the wind,

got a pocketful of crumbs
and a pocketful of laughter,
which one
would you prefer?

well, if you're a bird
I know which one you'd choose, lol

and if you're someone
drunk on tears
well then, here ya go!
some laughs for you  ~^,^~

slide up to
pretty ladies (and pretty men he- he- he)

blow kisses
flash that smile,
shoot money in the air
and make it rain
dollar signs and greed
( cause they're the same, get it? :D )

ha- ha- ha,
what a wonderful, perfect evening, indeed!

it all comes with a price, though!
what! you thought I said
it would all be free?

no, love,
nothing in life is ever free
(except for greed lol~)

not a single smile,
not a pocketful of crumbs or laughter
not a kiss
and most certainly,
not me!

so, pay up, fool!
<3 + $ = </3 &*%^#@ f*ck...
Happy April Fool's day
Happy Every Day is a Fool's day~
Mar 2017 · 736
winter sakuras Mar 2017
And in the midst
of all my insecurities,


I experienced a moment of bliss

I saw pure specks of warm, cool life,
hovering in the air

and I felt the warm wind brush against my hair,
with every step I took resounding within me

and they blocked the despising glares
tuned out the sorrowfulness in my heart,

laid down
a worn, sturdy, gentle path to guide me as I walk

and whenever I get lost trying to find others,

I can follow the clusters of twinkling stars in the night sky above
back to path of where I found myself,

because I had never been lost.

We never thought to think this

but, looking for someone who you can never be
is not being lost,

it's letting yourself lose
who you really are.

And life is too much of a gift
to drown yourself in others' sorrow and call it your own,

now it feels so free
to just be who you really are.
Mar 2017 · 798
stay with me
winter sakuras Mar 2017
i don't have to
make you love me

and i'll say three words,
not the ones everyone expects.

stay with me

i don't need you
to kiss me

or run your hands
through my hair,

i just want
to look at you,

to burn the image of your smile
into the back of my mind

so that whenever
i close my eyes,
i only see you

stay with me

i don't need for you
to give me your love

i can keep going,
one foot after the other

when you hold her hand
and give her
your heart,

but i just want
the parts of you that last,

the parts
that go beyond
heart shaped chocolate and red valentines

the parts
that go beyond
perfectly polished fireplace mantles
and neatly trimmed hedges,

the parts
that go beyond
good times and good time friends
and never letting go,

i just want the parts
that are
the raindrops,
of your soul

stay with me

i don't need you to say
those three words
everyone expects you to,

i don't even need
to hold your hand,

i only need to feel you,

i only need to know you,

i only need for you
to be
the parts of me,

the parts that last,


i only need for you to

*stay with me
and she will
be loved
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
spring rain
winter sakuras Mar 2017
yesterday, I kissed and danced
in the spring rain, as it fell to the earth
in first light, then heavy drops
there was a massive gray storm cloud,
but a corner of the sky was illuminated
with the hues of a red, pink, and orange sunset
I stood there and watched
the sky cry in bliss,
then in icy agony,
and its tears are what nourishes this world
and makes it thrive.
and I know nothing ever lasts
like the wind,
everything flies away.
but the clouds,
the stars, and moon
the sunsets, and teary skies,
have always been there for me,
for us.
so yesterday,
I kissed and danced
in the spring rain.
` ` ` ` `  <3 ` ` ` `
Mar 2017 · 795
winter sakuras Mar 2017
(I wrote this just for you)
you don't have to please anybody; trust me, if it had been my way
the only pain you would feel would be beautiful,

when we were all born, we were our own stars
beautiful, vibrant, sparking and alive,
our own visions and lifetimes shining down different pathways of life,

and somehow, we were all innocent
like how when you cradle two different babies' hands together
they don't pull away, they don't prickle with hate or feel any pride,

although we are our own, sometimes the constellations we have with others hold us back,
like how you could love igniting fire but then find yourself
being forced to tread water your whole life,

honey, when you wipe your tears on the backs of your hands
and tell me with a strangled voice how you're so alone,
I will be there to hold you whenever you need me the most,

but I'll catch your tear drops, and stash them away in my warm pocket
I'll tell you that sometimes it's okay to be alone,
for the flashing core of each shining star
has a unique sense of being and life
that only it can understand,

so sometimes I will not be enough for you,
and that's when I'll hand over your crystal tears
so you can turn within, and be there for yourself,

and stars burn out in the end as all things do,
we're not perfect, but that was the wonderful point
and one day we'll have to let go of each other
travelling through eons of space and time before meeting again,

but in the end darling,
you are a star whose image and shine will never fade from my mind,
everything about you is meant to be beautiful;  
your pain,
your solitude,
your tears,

just know darling,
you don't have to please anybody... for you're a real piece,
of the endless starry universe.
something for you, for once. May you shine. <3
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
The girl with bare feet
winter sakuras Mar 2017
Breathing in the rich hot air, is a budding dark red rose;
tall and triumphant it grows, jutting out its vivid green thorns for a naive deer to witness,

the scent of spices in the heavy air from my mom’s cooking is inhaled by the flowers and weeds, both intertwined and gleefully bursting out towards the welcoming daylight,

the leaves of parched trees whistle and sway with the occasional hot breeze
and the wind chimes dance with raw tunes, glistening in the thick heat,

I scrunch my face and glare at the sizzling white sky
where the sun lord shines with no restraint on my messy dark haired head,
right through my ripped blue shorts and light purple tank top,

walking barefoot from scalding rough concrete onto scratchy green grass
towards the lawn chair shaded underneath the tall dark pine tree,
I sit and take a sip of my icy cold cherry coke, popping chewing gum in my mouth

as I lean back to read To **** A Mockingbird by Harper Lee,
enjoying a light daydream of Atticus Finch
with the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up in the tangible summer heat,

just like the guy standing and looking out the living room window
of the house across from mine, gulping down icy cold beer
and watching with vague interest the girl with bare feet lounging on her front lawn, sweat dripping off her neck like droplets of cold water coursing down a melting icicle,

I look up, shading my eyes to watch a noisy jet fly high in the sky
leaving behind a vacuum of white fluffy clouds in the shapes of loops and swirls
I grin; somehow they spell my name in jagged humid strips of air,

the screen door swings open with a loud creak, followed by the sound of my mom hollering my name,
I sneak one last glance at the guy who looks like Atticus Finch,
and leave him to be alone with the heat as I head inside.
Mar 2017 · 366
Curse you
winter sakuras Mar 2017
I stumble out of bed with
tangled hair and blurry, scrunched up eyes
I brush my teeth
grab the pink and blue contacts
(the ones I can't see out of without
humanity's fakeness)
because the world is blurry without them
I need to wash my face, but
the water is too cold
and my hands are warm and dry
I switch on the lamp, flip open the laptop
ruffle the papers with
the problems and words neatly lined up
row after row after row
I need to do work, but
it's too cold
no, not the weather
just inside,
inside me, where my heart is
so, can I write some poetry?
No no no, the work's due tomorrow
I need to pull my life together
figure out what to do with it,
but, I don't want to do anything
but, I have to do everything
I used to care
but then I realized that I didn't,
wait, I can't let them know that:
that I'm one of those people who
wants to scribble curses and ****** truths no one wants to hear
onto pieces of paper and feed them to the wind,
that I can
look into people's eyes and smile
when really, I want to spit into their faces and tell them how fake they are
what do I want to do with my future?
oh, this and that, tell'em what they want to hear
how you look up to their so called
lives of success and prosperity,
how suffering is
living in the moment while
real happiness
is sitting in a box and staring at a computer screen
talking through gritted teeth because
you might say something wrong,
covering yourself in bright colors
suits, ties, 5 inch high heels, red (not black or white) lipstick
because you might accidentally show them
who you really are
but ****,
you all don't anything real about life
so I hope you live it smiling fake smiles
crying fake tears
laughing fake laughs
living fake
and dying a real death,
because that's what you all
made everyone else do
and that's
what you made me do
and I,
curse you for it.
To me, and maybe others too; I know they're out there somewhere.
and sorry, but the truth hurts sometimes and you have to deal with it; doesn't help if you push it away.
Mar 2017 · 303
i never asked for any of it
winter sakuras Mar 2017
I am lost
within the trembling threshold
of my life.

Days merging together
voices dragging, dripping
with illusion

I sit there
and listen,

I walk
to and fro,

I eat
and eat and
only to throw it all back up.

I come back to
my bittersweet, lovely

I read
and read
collecting every word
every tear shaped phrase and longing sigh,

There is
a mass of monsters
their collective voices
into my head,
tearing at
my chest

Shut up
take back
the excuses

I'm just
to be a good person,

but you all
are making it
so difficult.

give me what I don't want,
I don't care--
about anything.

Oh my god

I never
for any of this.

this is
what I was given

I hate it so much,
there's nothing I can do.
the most truthful someone like me could be
Mar 2017 · 636
your rainbow of life
winter sakuras Mar 2017
I want you to see
that in this world of white and black,
there is color to be found.

Even if you have to look through
the cracks and crevices in sidewalks and buildings
look behind closed signs, through empty storefronts

gaze into the starless
falling eyes of the boy next door
trying to remember what the night sky looked like

you will find them
because all lost things,
are meant to be found
one day in the end.

wow! just wow~
can you remember the flowers
the cherry blossoms that were your favorite because
you thought they smelled like me

the blue blue sky
the endless ocean of tears

and the stars
that were white
but dripping with every color

and you,
you are a rainbow,
not the one everyone expects

but a rainbow
of pain, solitude, forgiveness,
love (as hard as it is to believe),
and life.
for those whose shine is hidden by the world's contempt
Mar 2017 · 711
The painting of her
winter sakuras Mar 2017
His love,
was something she wasn't used to.

She was always busy
carrying out her role on the movie set,
eyes shiny with flecks of gold,
natural dimples like sugar across her face
soft curls and velvety skin,

while life was vibrant on the outside,
it seemed to be dead within.

One day he strolled in,
she turned her head, caught his gaze, and beamed
his heart suddenly went patter--patter
my god... she's the one
he rushed back to his studio
and watched the paint strokes form her figure each time
seated beside the window, underneath the starry night sky,
so... this is what love feels like.

But when he handed her the rose
she pricked her fingers and bled,

when he embraced her with his warmth
she was as cold as icy jewelry,

when he gazed at her with longing
she continued to smile at the camera.

And so, he painted the last masterpiece
signed it with his love, and vanished

She thought:
*I'm cold within
and everything is colorless,
I laugh although I cry inside

I saw him come along
and I thought he might have been the one,
with the gold through his hair
the warmth in his smile,
the paint on his fingertips

but in the masterpieces painted,
he fell in love with
someone who doesn't exist
and thought it was me...

and I can only so much
pretend to be something that I'm not.

So now he's gone, gone to pursue someone
like the one in his painting
for a man, a painting of a woman
can never be enough....

well then, I guess I might as well
just be a painting.
Mar 2017 · 341
winter sakuras Mar 2017
Illusion drips down from the sky
smeared with the canvas of brightly painted colors
splashed across skyscrapers and the atmosphere,

you can live under pretense
because for some, it's what life is all about
but swing the camera sideways towards your form on the bed
and that is when you can't show your face.

They're surrounding you
placing sparkling shards of sharp diamonds at your feet
you look in all directions
but there's no escape; a wall of society, a wall of people chained together
a wall of your own cowardice trailing from your mind
everywhere you look, you are trapped

you're consuming
delicious airs and mouth watering aspects
of how they think life should be,
and you can feel yourself become heavier each time,
your eyes
are begging for the crystal contacts now in fashion
you're turning the radio up; it's your favorite song

NO stop it--- this isn't you; this is not your kind of happy---

The truth is hard to find
when you're living in a world of where everyone has accepted the lies
they say that you're free
but then you look down and see the chains,

you're as free as you let yourself be
as they, society, (god....) let yourself be
which means
you are not free at all,

and for a while, there was someone special...

god, why the hell do you always
need someone to hold you

GROW UP, because there's no one

it's not even exhausting anymore (having to the pretend all the time),
it's integrated into being a part of you
so now you don't know how to let it go anymore
how to find the truth,
yes, the truth will set you free

you can live under pretense
because for some, it's what life is all about
but swing the camera sideways towards your form on the bed
and that is when you can't show your face.
to you, life.
Mar 2017 · 813
The good times
winter sakuras Mar 2017
When everything
is fading away,
I will look up towards the stars
and let myself bask
in the silver moonlight of good memories.

I will remember their smiles,
the warmth radiating through their bodies
the words and actions
they dropped on me each day,
how I always waited and listened
for their calling of my name.

I will recall their good times,
when laughter tickled them
in devilish delight
when they put their differences aside
to be happy for the moment or so,
when they shook their heads at each other
but always ended up
holding hands, and walking together anyways.

I will memorize
the jagged pieces of their hearts,
held back up together
for better or for worse,
how they tried to live
without cutting themselves
with the sharp edges.

Although I think only of the good
sometimes I burst into tears,
I sob and I shudder,
sometimes I can't forgive them
most of the time
I can't forgive myself,

but in the end, I need to smile
I need to laugh,
see that twinkle in my eyes
feel the warmth bubbling inside my chest
whenever I think of them,
I remember only the good times.
a good family
winter sakuras Mar 2017
There are instances in life where you feel so down, you are so low below the ground that
you can’t bring yourself back up.
People have a problem with coming back down, your problem is being high enough to think,
to live.
You can’t really say, that everything will improve over time.
You feel exhausted and empty, dreary and hollow, like an old old well drum that had been played for centuries, with no real passion or spirit.
You long for someone to notice you,
but that’s just a part of human nature; it’s not what you really want.
You want to smile,
and feel the sun's rays lighting up your face.
You want to dance,
in the blue rain and the silver moonlight.
You want to say you're different,
that for you, no one ever has to change.
You want to say that once you felt so down, you were so low below the
ground that you thought you couldn't
bring yourself back up.

But you did.
Mar 2017 · 285
Time's up
winter sakuras Mar 2017
As the time caught up,
she lifted her head to the ticking
of the clock hands,

They had never been still,
from the day of fresh born life
through days of silky pink smiles,
flowing blue tears, flashing white pain,
pooling red love,

No second had ever paused
as she was once filled with hopeless anxiety,
innocent uncertainty, scars of remorse,
shivery longing,

There were moments when she saw the wonders,
instances where she was blind with contempt,
most of the time, she went with the flow
so at the end, she felt saddened and hollow
because it had never been about true happiness,

She now wishes for a second chance
but her time is up,
she lifts her head to the ticking
of the clock hands,
and tries not to think too much.
Mar 2017 · 449
her calories
winter sakuras Mar 2017
She is a doll,
a sparkly colorful cupcake,

her twinkly laughs carefully measured
before letting the sprinkles coat them over,

a shrill sweet voice made of syrup and chocolate

sometimes, the colors fade
for just a split second
before she once again grows sharp as a sweet icicle

so vibrant and sugary on the surface,
yet inside, so full of calories fuming in jealousy and fat
Feb 2017 · 442
A sunflower on a tide
winter sakuras Feb 2017
As I sit alone on the shore
of a desolate, gray ocean of tears
with an aching in my heart
for the time I have lost,
I find myself wishing before I go,
that you would think of me

because all those years, I was there
a sunflower among the weeds,
they surrounded me, whining in my ear
trying to change me, to take away the truth
but even still in the end,
I rose, and continued
to turn towards the sun

and life is like an ocean
and I am like the tide,
everyone chooses to swim past
or let themselves sink to the bottom,
but all along I had been content with just floating on,
embracing everything and everyone
heading towards me,
but in the end, I was still never enough

and I was never one to ask for much,
standing by in the hurricane of desire
with half closed eyes and soft wits
in the lovely, cool, shimmering rain,
I did what they asked
wiped my tears away and swallowed my pride,
and no matter how it hurt
I still got up each day, and smiled

and now, our time is almost up,
and this is when we reach the threshold
of never realizing what we had
until it's all gone,
and although I'm not one to hold grudges,
I can't help but wish

that the day
all the sunflowers on the tide
they; the oppressors will all perish,
and pure light
will be able to flood
the ocean of tears again.
Feb 2017 · 294
(god) damn
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I don't need you
or your ******* Kingdom in the sky

I'll make my own legacy
sorry to hate, but that's all I got left for you
but who knows, I may just be hating air
or a non existent thing spawned from the figment of imagination
*but, I'll be alright
Feb 2017 · 4.9k
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Once I was a child who loved to dream
I wanted that happy ending for the little mermaid
and so I rid the damsel who stood in the way
and then I waited for the prince
to remember the mermaid and love her again,
but he never did,
and they both died sad and heartbroken.
Meanwhile, from my dungeon sprung the damsel
now transformed into a fully fledged witch
who howled with rage whenever love approached
always appearing as the ugly stepsisters
the evil stepmother, the evil queen
taunting me in my dreams every night
thanking me for spawning her into life.
just thinking like a young child again..
happy endings don't come true when you have to hurt someone else to make them happen
Feb 2017 · 568
Sepia colored sky
winter sakuras Feb 2017
You are smiling in the picture
curly hair ruffled and a defined living jawline
teeth gleaming and soft wrinkles around the eyes

It is a warm and windy day
the sky a pool that is sepia colored
the squirrels dance and the birds fly
and chairs, picnic blankets and banquets
are strewn across the lawn
children's feet dart across the grownups
who are busy questioning themselves or falling in love

there is flowing tipsy music
musicians in gloves, suits and mustaches
a sole lovely flute woman in a silk kimono
two dancers: one with feet bound embracing the earth
and the other as free and light as the wind,
relishing in the sky  

for some unknown reason
everyone is united,
feeling free as air
and content as living life itself

and I clutch the camera
crouching down in over-sized denim overalls
messy bun intact, colorful painters' fingers
settling with a smooth anticipation to wait,
the perfect moment will be here any time soon

And the cloud lets out a special airy breath just for you
so when you glance up at the sepia colored sky
and float back down to the earth below,

you are smiling in the picture
curly hair ruffled and a defined living jawline
teeth gleaming and soft wrinkles around the eyes.
messy... it should be messy and free.
Feb 2017 · 260
Gray (rainbow) cigarettes
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I left
I was stressed out
but I came back
with drops of Jupiter
in my hair,

I walked out
covered with a hard shell
but I came back,
sheathed with Venus' rings
that I stole from Aphrodite when
she wasn't looking,

I went because I needed someone
to need me
but I came back with
only my smile
and my words, and my dreams
to make me happy,

I set out
so I could scream at the world,
set it afire with its own lies
in the pain of others,
it was so appealing
to make'em hurt,
but in the end
I came back hurting myself
to save'em,

and I still don't know what happened
for me being high
ultimately brought me back down,

now I'm sitting here
dangling my feet above the lake
tank top and air hugging my midriff,
jean shorts riding my hips
smoking a gray rainbow of cigarettes
nothing but
bears and mountains to keep me company,
but for some reason...
I am happy.
finally, not a ******* love poem~
Feb 2017 · 326
time carriers
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Sorry if my words aren't pretty enough
for you to read,

but I'd like to be myself for once.

There was never any need
to please others,

for no matter how much
you seem to owe them,

in the end, your life
should belong to you.

There never was any reason
to judge or scorn,

for everyone is scarred
insecure and flawed,

the only perfections that exist
are the imperfect ones.

Time is caught up in moments,
the anxiety and restlessness
found in dancing shadows,

questioning and mindless tests
adolescents live by,

content and loving
mothers, fathers, lovers,

weary and patient,
time carriers.
Feb 2017 · 293
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I'm gonna run away
to a place where no one can find me,
and under the shade of trees
and between cracks in the rocks
and the green stems of bursting flowers,
life will be found.

and the truth will soar
across the land,
presiding in everything with a presence
and life will come out of its burrows,
breathing in fresh crisp air
of a crystalline universe,

and we'd all get along,
always questioning the sincerity
of right and wrong,
of what really matters,
knowing nothing ever lasts
so change is more important,

because we were made to dream,
but our dreams
will never match up,
and understanding this
would make everything okay.

and I still want someone
to love and be loved,
it's still a great miracle
to unite two
and grant a world
where each unique love,
blossoms and thrives.

I'm gonna find
that place where life thrives,
and once I do, I will come back
and bring you all *home.
Feb 2017 · 281
In this world, I am lost
winter sakuras Feb 2017
And in this world
where everything matters,
yet nothing is real,
I am lost.

A coward is among the brave,
the brave who shine for something
even when they might be wrong,
all that matters
is that they shine.

But I don't want to,
I feel tired and dull
with an aching in my chest,
a longing in my mind
to be set free,

free from known boundaries,
where I'm told to sit and just wait
for my dreams to arrive,
like ships on an orange horizon,
drifting about endlessly,
but never making it
onto my shore.

And in this world
where everything matters,
yet nothing is real,
I am lost.
The little I can translate into words this evening.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
I've been thinking too much
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I've been thinking too much,
help me..
like how my soul would reach across
the vast and cloudy white sky into universes beyond,
and how I'd like to gather up only
the good pieces of everyone,
the kind and caring moments
like the sprinkles on a cake overflowing with sugar,
and then when I open my eyes
all I can see are rolling farmlands and green plains,
a light gray sky filled with seagulls at the
shoreline of the blue blue salty sea,
a twinkling starry night sky with shooting stars
with a great full moon illuminating my corner of the sky,
oh, what sights
my dreams; oh, they are mine,
and I want them so very much
and I want someone too,
but I am too much
of a coward to pursue them...
I've been thinking too much,
help me.
Feb 2017 · 815
I am many stars for you
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Look at the stars carefully
because they are pieces of my soul
scattered in the warm and windy night sky,
they are my wishes and dreams
waiting for someone to wish
the same things and make them come true,
they are my thoughts that sometimes
I can not fathom into constellations,
and they sway and dance and burst, yearning
to take each and every one of you lost ones, home.
Feb 2017 · 253
who do you think I am
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I was an open person
but I am afraid now
because of all the misconceptions in the world
so I ask, was it a good idea to show my face
to let everyone know what I look like
or who I seem to be
because they can only make assumptions
so that they may feel like they understand
even when they may be wrong...
so who do you think I am?
Feb 2017 · 278
it's like I miss you
winter sakuras Feb 2017
why do I keep coming back here
it's like I miss you
and I want you to miss me,
it's like I crave for your attention
the way you speak about gazing at the stars
or languishing in the airy sea breeze
it's like I wish you would also feel...
that very same way about me,
why is it that when I think of you
I feel as fluttery as white air
like you let loose a thousand butterflies
right into my open stomach
as a joke... without any real care,
why do I want to see you
and long to be held in your arms
even when somewhere in the back of my mind
I know you are just playing along to my obsession
over you and your perfect imperfections,
someone who will listen throughout the depth of night's darkness
to hear your lonely smiling cries,
why do I keep coming back here
it's like I miss you...
and I want you to miss me.
for someone who I miss so much everyday
Feb 2017 · 424
When the first snow falls
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Meet me when the first snow falls
when the blue and green lights shine in the sky,
spin me around and around on the ice
so that when I look up I see the galaxy above my head,
catch a snowflake drifting down from the sky
and make it feel warmth for the very first time,
sit with me in the softness of the snow
and tell the wind to wash away our sorrows tonight,
glide with me in the night towards the sky
towards the shimmering falling stars that die
just so that we can make our wishes,
and we can see our dreams flash before our eyes,
I will hold you tighter and breathlessly whisper,
for every white year, I hope that you...
meet me when the first snow falls.
Feb 2017 · 282
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Such broken people
leaving their footprints
on the world
Feb 2017 · 245
Her toast
winter sakuras Feb 2017
she said winter was her favorite
because it let her cover her flaws
so that whenever you happened to look
all you saw were heavy coats, gloves and scarves
she said leggings were her favorite
because they weren't restricting like jeans
because they let her walk the world
with tender legs and sturdy light feet
she said she wasn't inspired
by the past's woes or the present's time
but she is looking towards the future
to erase her life's lies
to not just longingly sigh
but to be propelled to her dreams
to show the world, life wasn't ever as it seemed to be
for her and to her scars
she will give a toast to alone in the middle of the night.
for a friend
Feb 2017 · 260
winter sakuras Feb 2017
My heart is about to burst
love is raining down from the pink sky
cupid can retire for awhile
for I am so overwhelmed that
even the Gods sigh and shake their heads
I want you to hold me
dance with me in the rain
kiss me on the sidewalk
if not too much, take away my pain
for I see everything in heightened senses
when I think of you
your laughter echoes throughout
the universe
your eyes gleam like
sapphire stars in the diamond night sky
your smile
fills me utterly with joy
like the sweet blossoming swell
the sun and moon feel
when they are finally
reunited as one.
Feb 2017 · 695
J u s t M e
winter sakuras Feb 2017
I was thinking about reaching out to the stars, when I suddenly felt this cold grip on me… and all in a rush, it brought me back down to reality. I remember listening to the beating of my own heart, feeling the rushing river of blood flowing through my body; I thought it was a miracle that I lived… even when there were those around me who were begging to die. I looked around and thought that everybody was okay; we were all getting along fine and there were still golden airy days, there was shimmering summer rain and silver moonlit dances… but as I got older, I looked around again and saw that behind all the smiles, the facades, the cheer and good times…  nobody was okay. And I thought that I was okay, but when I looked at myself carefully for the first time I saw my heart was very faint, and my happiness was collapsing and my soul was about to wither away. I thought that I could save myself and everyone else if I calmly took off my mask, and showed them who I really was. But just when I was opening my eyes and reaching out for the stars,  I felt this cold grip on me, and it suddenly brought me back down to reality… where everything was just an illusion that everybody was happy living in. Because I realized all along that I had just been using others as an excuse to reveal the truth, to smile in the pouring rain and let it wash away my sorrows… to let go and soar free. But it turns out that it had been just me all along, and everybody else is fine… just the way they are.
sometimes, you can't bear to take off your mask
Feb 2017 · 411
Could you
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Could you
put the world behind bars
  if i asked you to,
   because it was
    mean to me
   it pushed me off the swings
  shoved me down the slide
balled up dirt and threw it on my face
told me to go back
  to wherever i belonged which was nowhere
   told me to stop dreaming 'cause my dreams weren't real
    fed me toxic waste and pretty lies
   surrounded me with paper people who all thought that i was paper too and not a  real being
  could you be a witness
and testify for me, for my truth
for the simple fact that i never did anything wrong
  for how i never asked for anything
   and i wanted just to be happy
  and surrounded with real people that i could love
could you help me
stress to them
that all i had ever been
was a sondering star among the universe?
Feb 2017 · 230
with you
winter sakuras Feb 2017
with you i'm alive
like all the missing pieces
of my soul
they finally collide,
with you i fall
it's like i'm leaving all my past
in silhouettes upon the wall,
with you i'm a beautiful mess
it's like we're standing hand in hand
with all our fears upon the edge,
so stop time right here
in the moonlight,
cause i don't ever wanna
close my eyes
Sad Song - We The Kings
Jan 2017 · 213
life is like
winter sakuras Jan 2017
life is like
a jumbled up dis-assortment of ropes
all tangled up together  
squeezing the life out of each other
loosening ties and letting go
shaping in daggers, poised sharply in the air
forming into hearts, developing into care
some are question marks
for the infinite number of possible loops in the world
others twirl and dance
looking for solitude in the mess,
life is like questioning good or bad
how they merged like two rivers into an endless ocean
brimming with shiny remorseful fish
the beams of sunlight can only reach so far
into the depths of the sea,
life is like two people seated across from each other
questioning their sincerity
asking when their threads started to unravel
or when they started to tangle and seem alive,
life is like me
sending my love out to someone a thousand miles away
because we are all people
who need to love and be loved.
Jan 2017 · 246
winter sakuras Jan 2017
This is a story of a family
who despite the world's ways,
were able to stay good people
till their very last days

although she sits upright
she is slipping away,
she can smile and laugh
but everything still hurts
at the end of the day,

she has been bound to
what seems like iron anchors
for most of her life,
first being obedient to
older tyrant brothers
and then being shaped
into an enduring good wife,

she works and twirls the children
balancing both jobs at bay,
attempts to knock sense into a man
who sometimes can't hear what she says,

but that man is also good
and honest, hard working and strong
although age always grows weary of time
so his strength is soon to be gone,

some things he doesn't get
other times he wishes
he could turn back time,
not so that he wouldn't meet her
but so that he could
build for his children
much better lives,

and the children sit there
one being turned into monster
the other not knowing what to do,
just knowing that she wants to be a good person
just wanting to reveal the truth,

to scream out to the world
ask who the hell made it so cruel
why for some, living is for granted
while for others it's a daily gruel,

I'll take care of them
as the world is my witness,
we are good souls
so wash away our human sins
and grant us with forgiveness

for the universe will drag on
and everything will change,
but only once in the lifetime
of a billion suns
will you find us.
Jan 2017 · 411
a dying song
winter sakuras Jan 2017
For all my life
is worth in the world

I think I'm gonna let go,

sometimes to live
you have to let yourself die

let the blares of car horns
drown out your cries,

though my face will light a smile
it will cover darkness and lies

I will live and move on
while inside I will die,

and dream of being truly happy
if I'm lucky enough
to live another life

here are my genuine tears
and pieces of my soul,

all I ever asked for
was to live

and if it was hard
at least I would die living,

and now

everything has changed,

but I am still a good person

so I will still be eternally grateful
for this life I was given to live,

even if it means

I have to live it dying.
and they have won, and i have lost
Jan 2017 · 254
Sad Song
winter sakuras Jan 2017
I have a Sad Song
I've memorized the tune,

and although I
sometimes collapse inside
I am still always on my feet,

when I look around
the world is in
different shades

of all kinds of colors,
of all kinds of Utopias

flowering in their own uniqueness,

but they can't coexist

you can only choose
one Utopia to be truly devoted to,

one of where you can walk
the pathways of happiness
by memory, by heart,

I may think everyone
can be friends with me,
but time helped me finally realize
I wouldn't ever be a friend to them,

only people who are the same
who understand
can play the game,

and I think it makes me sad
there will never be a place
of where I truly belong,

never a place to call my home,
never any outstretched arms,
only places of where

I can share my Sad Song.
Jan 2017 · 220
Take me home
winter sakuras Jan 2017
But I still stay,

cause you're the
only thing
I know.

So won't you take


won't you
take me home.

You can hold my hand,

and I can give you
my heart,

so won't you

look into
the depths of my soul

and languish in the dark,

And I'm still finding,

where I can belong

so won't you
find me,

an' know who I am.

And I still stay,

cause you're the
only thing
I know.

So won't you


won't you take me home.
winter sakuras Jan 2017
There's a yearning in my heart
and it's so persistent
I see stars shining
their brightness dripping into the sky
laying down a blanket of
soft twinkling souls
carrying them away to a place
where everything lasts
but I look up
and it's raining
the clouds are gray
there's no moon to light up
my corner of the sky
and I see an airplane going on by
and I ask
can we pretend
that the airplanes in the night sky
are shooting stars,
cause I could really use
a thousand wishes right now.
And it's not just me; I'm not that selfish.
Jan 2017 · 241
my sin
winter sakuras Jan 2017
And I...

I wanna live
not just survive

Angel with a shotgun - Nightcore
Jan 2017 · 283
Same Roof
winter sakuras Jan 2017
Whoever opens their mouths
and says,
you can be anything
you want to be because
you'll always be different and unique...

are lying to themselves
and to you,
because they're just
talking about all they've ever known
which probably
has never been much.
Cause I know
I will probably end up
being an adult,
who never really knew
how to grow up
and identify myself
just like that.
Cause they put limits to
what you can do,
who can you be,
how you can live,
and then expect you to
make yourself be unique and different
living under the same roof as
the world?
Dec 2016 · 202
winter sakuras Dec 2016
I was smiling and
my heart was bursting with joy,

and then I remembered,
I forgot that I’m not really normal.
these circumstances,
this fate.
time to let go again.
Dec 2016 · 810
Our Eclipse
winter sakuras Dec 2016
Farewell my love,
May we be together in our next lives
when no one will hold us back
and tell us we weren’t meant to be together,
for the sun adores the moon from the distance
and then once every few millennium,
holds her graceful silver form in his golden strong embrace
during every tide of the interlacing full eclipse,
where separated souls and bittersweet loves,
are finally reunited.
For forbidden love
Dec 2016 · 249
Foreign War
winter sakuras Dec 2016
You went off to fight
in that far away foreign war,
where the nights are black
mosquito nets lit up by
a thousand fireflies,
where the land is rugged
and unfamiliar with ***** traps
and hidden mines, gleefully waiting
for a slight movement
a shadow extended in the air
to suddenly pull the trigger and explode,
for it is refreshing to take foreign
enemies' lives,
they may be humans with families,
hearts, and broken dreams,
but they're enemies, nonetheless,
if you were looking for pity
you went to the wrong place,
you should have stayed where you belong,
because only people who
understand can care,
and there are scarce people
in the world who happen to be understanding.
You left to face a world
totally foreign and indifferent to you,
and you came back such a different person,
that we took one look at you
and were totally overwhelmed.
To veterans, and the immigrants / people facing their own personal wars in foreign nations.
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