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 May 2017 Winn
 May 2017 Winn
The winds of truth
carrying honest lies.
Cataracts on young eyes,
old beliefs.
Promises freely given
with a high price.
Purses filled
and bellies emptied.
Think for yourself,
the eternal command.
The sheep flock,
the dogs bark,
the hens peck,
and the pigs get fatter.

Ever fatter.

And the fields,
through which we ran,
become graveyards.
 May 2017 Winn
words sing a song
a sonnet in my brain
yet my pentameter
is not iambic
more of a wild refrain

as they tumble jumble
bump and grind
it is difficult to
give them their
proper place in line

they all knock and clamor
to be the first in line
ain't but  one of them
that wish to be left behind

so no precise flow, no couplets
not a lot rhyme....even less rhythm
in my writ.....this time

sometimes i can plant
my words in neat little rows
water and **** them til poetry grows
sometimes i put a big seed of thought
suspended over a water glass and
wait til it grows roots
in it's search for love
and meaning

sometimes i just scatter
thoughts to the wind
leave them lie where they fall
and go off and begin other tasks
forgetting  those seeds
til come one day, when
i take a wrong turn
and walk that way
to find a field of riotous colour,
flowers upon flowers
no need for the distinction
of pretty over ****

today i write a torrent a river
that floods with flotsom, jetsom
and other.....
and as these words rush
to the sea, they cry
glory allelui....
i am free....i am free
 May 2017 Winn
 May 2017 Winn
A fraction of joy,
think of me
As if
there were something to miss.
Bury flowers in my heart
So beauty

could take hold.
I remember
the look on your face —
So serious.
As if some treacherous
Were inflicted.
Let me wish
For no more,
As wishes
Are the death of
Rational thought.
 May 2017 Winn
 May 2017 Winn
This bed is like a coffin
With a burial each night.
I could tell you where
it all went wrong
But it wouldn't make it right.
I'm never worth
You each showed me that.
With your pretentious self obsession
Words that always fell flat.
Each day is long and empty.
I cannot find my way,
So forgive me
While I slowly fade away.
 May 2017 Winn
Ma Cherie
Light is gently fading,
as day is turning over
the reins to the sky
spirits now shining,
a golden amber glow,
so I let out a sigh,

my eyes squint
in thanks,
reminding me -
so beautifully,
that you are not here,
but I still say-
you never-
an I go on
without any fear.

Ma Cherie © 2017
 May 2017 Winn
 May 2017 Winn
I scratch my skin,
My memories flake
towards the ground.
My weeping hands
reach out
to catch failure.
I search
with desperate eyes,
with a screaming heart.
Treacherous mind -
you stole his smile.
It fades,
a drumbeat
echoing to nothing.
You stole him.
Leave my memories be.
 May 2017 Winn
 May 2017 Winn
He's your other half
your heart's deep red
your soul's mystery
your life in your head

He's the warmth of sun
your morning light
the stars of evening
moon shining bright

In the chill of winter
he's your temple of fire
a refuge, a sanctum
of burning desire

When beads of sweat
form on your brow
he gently smooths, then
cools as he alone knows how

You're bonded, so close
how can we know
where one begins,
the other one goes

A unit, a whole
that won't come apart
one being, one soul
rhythm of one heart.
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