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May 2022 · 376
v May 2022
I was never enough for you
Never satisfied the hunger you sought for
All the hunger I tried to satisfy for you
Ended in me not satisfying the hunger I needed
Why was it not enough?
I did everything for you
I jumped through all the hoops to make you happy
5 years of endless work
Now you're gone with no remorse
No love and moving on to things
Things that break my heart
You're not the same person I fell in love with
You're a stranger
A complete stranger
amateur writer
Feb 2018 · 243
v Feb 2018
Feelin’ the warmth of your body against mine
The coldness of your love
Makes me shiver
But makes me whole
Dec 2017 · 440
What did I do wrong?
v Dec 2017
What is wrong with me;
What did I do wrong?

I’m trying everything
To not feel this way,
To not feel insecure,
To love myself as a whole

But I push people away,
So what’s the point?
Dec 2017 · 379
v Dec 2017
As my eyes start to close
Memories start
And as my breathing slows down
You are the last thing I saw

— The End —