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"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Ruzica Matic
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
Kay La
whoever said that "the pain is worth it" must've had a sick mind, because I've used it as an excuse for too long
Always Consider  Everyone
BeAuTy, iT’s WhAt SuRrOuNdS yOu EvEn In DaRkNeSs.. -A.c.E
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida    I'm a poet and I know it, I make a rhyme.... I make a rhyme................ CRAP!!!
Quirky Comedian, Writer, Poet, Reflector & a Child at heart. I am by virtue the heavenly master of poetry and my gifts come from the …
Peter Cullen
Clane Co.Kildare Ireland   
elizabeth capital
nowhere town usa.    I try to write from the heart, so my poetry is random. (Like me) And when I'm not writing poetry I'm usually, playing video games,dancing, …
Jack Trainer
M/New England    ©2023 Jack Trainer copyright © Jack Trainer all rights reserved

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