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 Apr 2022 Fionn
Shaun Yee
In The Secret Garden,
Unseen by human eyes,
Are Elves and flowered Fairies,
Near where Crystal Fountain lies

To find this hidden place,
Follow the Rainbow Tracks,
Look out for Goblin Mushrooms,
Just beneath the Mountain Cracks

'tis here that you will hear,
Music from Nightingales,
The Mystic Door will open,
Only when the twilight pales
 Mar 2022 Fionn
Salmabanu Hatim
If you see yourself through my eyes,
You will know how special and precious you are.
Forever  mum
 Jan 2022 Fionn
On a day that was shaped a little different,
I was talking to two specs of star-stuff.
Grief was staring at me from her chair in the
corner. I asked them,
        What comes next?
The small one, she smiled quite sadly and
        The most important part,
        but you’ll have to wait and see.
        Mum’s waiting, you’d better go.
From my upcoming collection, 'Haven't the Foggiest'.
 Dec 2021 Fionn
The snow stops traffic,

all I can do is stand still --

with my own shadow.
Collection "Between where"
 Dec 2021 Fionn
 Dec 2021 Fionn
I would give anything and everything
If I could just tell you one more time
That I loved you for laps
Around the galaxy
Her and I used to joke around about how the phrase “I love you to the moon and back” was just too basic for us
So we came up with our own
I miss her
 Dec 2021 Fionn
Nothing in my brain
Just an empty head
Nothing in my heart
Just a hollow chest
Nothing in my eyes
Just a blank mess
Nothing is there
But stress
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