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 Oct 2014 Victor Lampert
 Oct 2014 Victor Lampert
Kiss me quick
before all of this
becomes another dream.
Not that I'd mind another dream of you, R <3

 Aug 2014 Victor Lampert
 Aug 2014 Victor Lampert
And if it weren't for you,
I would've been dead.
But I am more alive than I ever have been.
 Aug 2014 Victor Lampert
Sanctuary is here; hiding in plain sight
Bedimmed beings step into the light
Stumble upon you may; hear us you might
All is welcome; no guard dogs that bite

Step inside, matters not armed or unarmed
Come as you are; steady or alarmed
Sip and drink from our collective fountains
Rest your eyes on our self painted mountains

Come on close and meet us all
Under shady trees or beyond the knoll
Some of us don masks or hide behind names
Some come naked but we're all one and the same

See our lives, spun from heavy layered bales
Woven intricate telling fantastic tales
Weavings we let fly, to catch each other's fables and stories
We admire them for what they are and the seed each carries

Be aware... Should you not understand
We may bear similar signatures but wear different brands
We, the people, trade in euphemisms
Broken sentences and long forgotten idioms

We are weavers, dreamers and scribes
Pouring here the outside world we imbibe
We are unguarded hearts speaking in metaphoric tongues
We provide safe haven for bruised souls with punctured lungs

So welcome traveler, shed your load
You might like it here in our coveted abode
Revel in the monochromatic sights you see
Where freedom of thought is revered in this here Sanctuary...
 Aug 2014 Victor Lampert
I'm not even allowed to be upset anymore.
This is some 1984 *******.

You used to be the only shape I prayed to.

In addition to a song I wrote last year, "I Need To Use Both Hands". Inspired by Iron&Wine;.
 Aug 2014 Victor Lampert
You were a heartbreak.

Mothers in waiting rooms of the ER.
Fallen ice cream cones.

Didn't know whether to cradle you,
Or revolt.
I chose both.
 Jul 2014 Victor Lampert
Dre Brax
I'm floating in the clouds
i am that i am
There's nothing or no one only the space i breathe in.
i'm feeding good-byes
i am that i am
not purposely of course but a clouds a cloud i stay the course.
i'm believing in blue
i am that i am
I've seen the darkest nights, yet blue always shines through.
you want a kiss good-bye
i won't that i won't
to torture the world without your presence as if i stole the stars from the sky.
you belong with me
you do that you do
feel free to fly with me, un-grounded by me, loved by me, driven by me, enough about me. I'm on one knee, i question thee "come float with me"; a clouds only as good as the sky it bleeds.
you can be the sun, I'll be the clouds
the sky can be the motive, lets make our world smile.
i only feel so hard without her because i was co high with her.
Underneath your skin, there're scars
Underneath your selfishness, there's love
Underneath your fear, there's beauty
Underneath you, there's me
to float in the sea of your sorrow
is to learn how to swim
when all I want is to sink
without a care in the world

your sorrow is like a dark day in summer
so unusual, but at the same time
full of hope

so I am sorry to disappoint you
but I think I am finally starting to drown
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