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Your body next to mine,
all sweaty and comfortable
in all the right and wrong places,
reminds me of a time
not long ago
when this would have felt like Heaven
The problem is that,
after everything,
it still does
They said to us
That friends come and go
But family is forever
But what do I do,
What should I be feeling
When the ones who were supposed
To be only "friends"
Became more like a family
Than my own

They said blood is thicker than water
"So don't get attached"
What they didn't say
Was that it would hurt this much
Don't mind me
I'm just VERY emotional right now
sometimes I remember the times we spent together
how we would laugh and talk about a million stuff, and you'd subtly flirt with me
as if you were scared to be more foward
and receive a no (I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough)

I remember when you'd give me the time of the day (now you spend more time looking at the phone)
we'd go to the movies and you'd hold my hand the whole time
(I'm sorry I didn't hold yours back)

at the same time, I'm not that sorry, you know?
it was all so new to me and I liked commitment ( I still do)
I kinda regret kissing you, actually
after that you really started pulling away (it started when I was away)

in some ways I think I get it
you were protecting yourself (if I meant something to you, that is) and trying to find new friends
but you made me feel like a trophy, like a ******* number in your list of conquests

I'm still trying to let go of you (you were one of my best friends, after all)
I'm still trying to fight the impulse of inviting you to everything
I still miss you
but *******
you fold my heart
in your palm
like the paper
you press
to your lips

you make the words
you whisper
into the curve of my neck
become butterflies
across my skin

and you draw
with your eyes

kiss me

i've seen the way
you tear
when you're done
 Feb 2014 Victor Lampert
 Feb 2014 Victor Lampert
sorry that I want so much
but I can't help but love
the way your legs tense up
when I go to the place you love so much.
Before the coma of wings and football,
invades my nation's soul.
by the East River will I perambulate
each figure on the walk drawn, that is me,
chatting to the gulls re the river's latest delicacies,
praying the bicyclists, on my body, have mercies,
but I will all the while be silently recording poems,
to tribute the international nation of poets and poetry
 Jan 2014 Victor Lampert
You're such an optimist and that tears me apart because you don't view the world as I do. You don't feel the pain I feel or the sorrow that fills my bones when I'm not in your arms. You don't suddenly cry because the end for us is near and I'm counting the days. You don't fear the emptiness like I do because I've lived it and I don't ever want to fall back into the hole of melancholy. I am scared of what's going to happen to me when you leave and I'm alone at 3 am without you near. When I'm terribly lost and looking for pain. I am scared to be without you.  So when you're 6,000 miles away and forgetting all about the drunken nights and silly laughs we shared. Or the mornings spent in bed making love for hours at end. Or the afternoons where cigarettes and coffee filled our lovely silence. Or when you're looking into the eyes of the beautiful new girl who'll steal your heart and change your whole view on "love". When you simply forget to say that you'll always love me or miss me as much as I will always yearn for you.
Just remember I wasn't ready to be in love, but I still fell.  Oh dear love, I still fell.
*I am hopelessly and endearingly in love with this man.
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