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What is being honest?
When the ones you love are hurt?
You try to be transparent, but you're messy from all the dirt.

A Constant battle of head and heart.
Some things that cross the line.
You conjure up feelings you never knew existed
For Want of something that  never will be mine?

The definition eludes me the more I try to
The emotions that surround me from the moment we met.
Ambition is one thing, as success is another,
Turning new leaves,
with nothing left to uncover.
To live freely without love or be loved with a whole heart.
The grass is never greener when we go back to the start.
Be honest to yourself, to your woman or your man.
If you don't be strong now
prepare to be a part of someone else's plan.
Expectations are what ruins our image of life itself
Though now I lay you down to sleep
I won't be sad, I will not weep
If the pain I feel shall never cease
The love we had will bring me peace

I'll count the memories day by day
Until I too shall pass away
Life's a vapour, a momentary mist
A distant echo the wind has kissed

You're the blessing that grew a smile
But now you walk your final mile
And though we pause the life we've known
Be not afraid, you're not alone

Tears were made to reflect the pain
The reflection fades, but not the stain
And though you're in a better place
This road is rough that I must face

You've heard the words by our dear Lord
"Child enter in to your reward"
So look for me, for in only a while
I too will walk my final mile
 Jul 2015 Valentina Sanchez
YEAR 3085*

Some people will say its a weakness,
But in reality it is not.
Sadness is very powerful, empowering.

It's easy to tap Into.
Into a depth no other energy would travel.
To some its a drug. Addicted to the suffering.

The high after the weep,
It's all energy focused through perspective.
It makes you think. It makes you feel.
The level. Perceptive. Respective.

What other feeling can inspire, yet be named weakness?
Sadness is powerful and create change.

So embrace it. Use it. Love it if its all you think you have.  
Because after the tears, think back, there's always a sense of relief,

After the weep.
Sadness isn't always sad.
All I see are these eyes.
These dark, dark eyes,
floating on a sea of darkness - not connect to a body.

Just there - up close to me.
Pressing against my eyes.
I felt like the eyes had pushed into my own eyes.
Peaked in to my very soul
Breaking my weak spine and mind.

I want to scream
Pray for this to be a dream
But fear has a funny way
Of stopping you doing what you want.

So I do nothing.
And life goes on.

*Oh, but those eyes.
They're in my brain.

They're here to stay.
Hasn't posted in awhile. Something a bit darker. Mel is at it again.
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