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The distance between two lines is pointless .
 Aug 2023 Urmila
Mike Hauser
How often have you tried it on for size
Only then to realize
Try as hard as you might
It doesn't fit your busy life

If only then you knew
How it would be affecting you
Sometimes it's best to choose
A different shade of truth

Try your best to simplify
A past that you can't hide
Still, it doesn't make it right
This out of mind out of sight

A battle rages inside of you
Hard pressed to let it loose
Sometimes you just need to use
A different shade of truth

You might find picking sides
Doesn't always make it right
It's hard at times to read the signs
If the blind, follow the blind

Who has control over you
Taught you how to jump through hoops
Think again on how you choose
A different shade of truth
 Aug 2023 Urmila
on a roll
eternal treadmill

one day
time will come
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Shruti Atri
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Shruti Atri
To be haunted
By voices of people
I have known,
But will never meet;

To be drawn
Into worlds
I have explored,
But will never see;

The sheer emotion of reading,
Magnifies and withers across each page;
With ink tearing into our hearts,
Leaving us yearning at each epilogue...
 Apr 2023 Urmila
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Peer into the keyhole.

And seek what you may…

But with your eyes
you will find not,
what it is you seek.

For it must be the heart
that commands this salvage.

I stared up at the mountain
she didn't notice me
this speck of insignificance
with tattered hopes and dreams.

I wondered at her beauty
She didn't notice mine
in silence we both stood there
as her colours marked the time.

In spring she's draped in emerald,
through summer purple hues,
with autumn come the russets
'neath a sky of palest blue.

Winter comes and how she shines
beneath the starlit night!
Embroidered with some evergreen
her robes of ****** white.

I stared up at the mountain
for countless hours, alone
and there, within her shadow
I found comfort, I found home.
Cartref is Welsh for home.
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Joe Cole
No Longer
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Joe Cole
I no longer walk the forest paths and listen to natures call
You see I have a crippled spine and can no more walk at all
You know five years ago I was fit and spry with no more challenges to meet
But now I'm just a broken man who can't control his feet
You see my brain and legs no longer talk, the message can't get through
So now I live in a downstairs flat with just brick and concrete to view
There was no warning that I could see, overnight became a crippled wreck
But what the hell at least I'm still breathing
And so now I have time on my hands, time to write and paint
But those forest trails still fill my mind though the memory grows faint
Luckily I can still walk about 300 metres using a walking stick, imagine that you've had about 15 pints of beer and that will give you an idea of what I look like when I walk. A lot of my time now is spent carving the walking sticks that I need for support. You know I felt pretty miserable when I could no longer carry on with life as it was but then I realised there are thousands of people worse off than me
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Joe Cole
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Joe Cole
These days I still wander the fields and forests
But only from the comfort of my arm chair
On a warm early spring day like today
I can still smell the heady scent of the pine trees
And watch the world class acrobatics of squirrels at play
The fresh green shoots of bluebells brush my boots
As I wander deeper into the forest following unseen paths
I sit under the spreading boughs of a stately oak
For a cigarette and a mug of sweet tea from my flask
My Mollly dog has long gone but Maisie now rest her head on my boot
I'm comfortable here in the woods, happy in my own company with pad and pencil in hand
All of this from the comfort of my arm chair because I can no longer wander in the woods
 Apr 2023 Urmila
Mike Hauser
If all of this looks normal
And never once makes you blink
If you ride the tide to whatever side
Flows into group think

If you do all they tell you to
And then ask them for more
If you play their game and all receive the same
Trophy at the door

If you nod in Bobble Head fashion
With their version of the truth
Never stepping off to question
Then maybe you've been brainwashed too

If you scream out heebie-jeebies
When opposite shows it's hand
And instead of calmly asking
It's more of a demand

If you turn blue when you talk green
And all you see is red
If in your realm of tolerance
You wish the other side was dead

If your blindfold covers both heart and head
On what is the gospel truth
The only conclusion there is left
Is maybe you've been brainwashed too
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