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2.7k · Sep 2015
tori Sep 2015
I shouldn't be in the shower at 4 A.M. trying to scrub your touch from my body and your words from my head.

I shouldn't be laying in bed every night trying to find a part of me where your fingers haven't been.

I shouldn't have to watch you be happy with another soul while mine has been lost since the day you left me.

I shouldn't have to listen to my music at maximum volume trying to drown out your voice from months ago telling me you love me.

I shouldn't have had to lose you.

You should've stayed.
896 · Jun 2015
One With The Stars
tori Jun 2015
When I was younger
I told my parents
That I wanted to touch a star
And they told me
To embrace one
With open arms.
Maybe that's why
When I hold you
And my chest burns,
And my mind spins,
I don't let go.
710 · Oct 2015
We Don't Sleep
tori Oct 2015
Fluorescent lights at 3 A.M.
My thighs are shaking
Your hand is on the steering wheel
My heart is racing
Everything is fast
The world is ours
671 · Jun 2015
tori Jun 2015
Don't you remember the way you'd hold me? The way you'd laugh at me when I got angry, and the way you'd replace my tears with a smile? We used to wake up next to eachother and now I am left staring at my phone for a missed call or, at the very least, a text. The feelings are gone and have been replaced by a sort of emptiness that cannot be filled by another's soul. I believe that pieces of you are lost in the sheets that we used to intertwine ourselves in.
February 21
tori Aug 2015
i know i left you for my own good, but that doesn't stop me from throwing up on my bedroom floor at 4 a.m. when i think about the times you held me there and listed the reasons you loved me.

i know i said i no longer wanted you, but i sleep with your shirt in my arms every night and pretend i can still smell your scent in it.

i know i said i moved on, but my eyes don't shine anymore and my heartbeat seems to have faded to an occasional dull ache compared to the 100mph beats i experienced with you.
609 · Sep 2015
Come Back
tori Sep 2015
I called you at 1:19 A.M.
It rang for 15 seconds.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard you answer.
You hung up immediately.
Everything hurts.
I want to go home.
481 · Jul 2015
tori Jul 2015
The world has stopped.
Slowing down, movement by movement.
Hummingbird heartbeats turn into dull throbs;
And the rush of blood is nothing but hollow veins.
Minds that were once full are now empty;
And the color of the universe has faded to a simple grey.
In the midst of it all, you are there.
Heart beating fast.
Blood rushing.
Mind full.
Screaming color.
438 · Sep 2015
The Stages Of Moving On
tori Sep 2015
My presence has left your heart the way the trees lose their leaves. Slowly and silently.

6 leaves fall, representing the months you came into my life and filled my mind with wishful ideas and mindless dreams.

The rest have fallen, the lively plant now just an array of cold branches, barren to the core.

The snow begins to fall, each snowflake topping the branches one by one. It gets heavier, colder, more feeble, aching to collapse.

After what seems like forever, the thing you promised me once before, the sun shines, and the snow is melted away, along with every memory and good time we've ever had. The leaves are back, now with buds of the flowers with the potential to create something much more beautiful than was there before.

Your presence has left my heart the way the trees lose their leaves. Beautifully and liberated.
334 · Aug 2015
Remember Me
tori Aug 2015
I hope you remember me.
And the way my perfume would stick to your clothes after hours intertwined with one another.
I hope you remember me.
And that time you had a nightmare, so I called you every hour of the night to make sure you were okay.
I hope you remember me.
And the kisses we shared with just eachother, tongues warm and hearts even warmer.
I hope you remember me.
And the red and blue flashes of police lights, the first time you ever saw me cry.
I hope you remember me.
I hope you don't forget me.

— The End —