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 Jan 2016 Ugo
Chapter eight.
 Jan 2016 Ugo

It's almost like our friendship
Is hanging from a thread
And both of us have scissors
But instead of cutting the string,
We're slicing at our minds instead.
 Jan 2016 Ugo
mike dm
i need it
 Jan 2016 Ugo
mike dm
these are darker days
see them grin

my itsgonnabeOK smiles are beginning to thin

i need something
to keep me


the nondescript licks
that glitchy part of me gone septic
no flora can heal it
see it choke the skies
see it rope up the sun but



a dais for you

write like hell poet
make it hurt

**** me with your words
dm micklow
 Jan 2016 Ugo
Kelley A Vinal
 Jan 2016 Ugo
Kelley A Vinal
Light and dark
The place they meet
Alive with color
Yet hard to see
The words between
The words you speak
Come forth and scorch
The pain beneath
The reaction of your hand on mine
The Sun could never beat
Through every day
And every night
You are within my dreams
Like Jupiter's storms
Or Saturn's rings
You make me feel
Many things
 Jan 2016 Ugo
 Jan 2016 Ugo
You want to be pretty but not too pretty

But does it really change anything?

They **** you if you if you have on too little clothes

They **** you if you have on too much

There are so many excuses

She was asking for it

I was doing her a favor

I’m the victim here

Is there any way to be safe?

Is there any way to know that this isn’t the day that your entire life could change?
They whistle, they shout, they holler at you like you are an animal

But you can’t fight back
Three against one
So you keep walking
Praying they don’t follow you, grab you

Or even stab you because you didn’t return their crude remarks with a thank you
Society says that

We should accept ****** harassment as a compliment

But I don’t need your opinion on my body

I don’t want you looking at me like I am a piece of meat

I am not a ****** object made to please you

I want to live in a world where I don’t have to be afraid of men

Worried that smiling at them is interpreted as an invitation

Or by not means I need to be taught a lesson

I want my son to look at women as what they really are

Beautiful, brilliant creatures

And not by what society tells him they are

Objects, available for your pleasing

I want to be able to watch my daughter walk out of the house and

Not worry that she might never come back because a
 MAN decided that she was there for the taking

But we don’t educate

We don’t teach in our schools how common ****** harassment is

Or the effect that **** has on a woman because a man’s perogative is to get what he wants
Or how every woman is terrified that her body, her self will be taken from her

Because we’re uncomfortable

We don’t speak out because we don’t want to disrupt

I’m tired

I’m tired of these excuses
Inspired by catcalling pretty self explanatory
 Jan 2016 Ugo
Any present moment
I know how you like it.....

Settling for the saccharine sweet.

You'll never get any better than

The real deal

Anything less leaves you so unsatisfied.....You must be so hungry.....
 Jan 2016 Ugo
Seth Milliman
**** all the things I've ever known,
Whether here or at home.
In all this world I've never seen,
Oh what to trade for a spirits gleam.
The smooth rich taste that takes the world away,
Dark or light.
Doesn't matter,
To each their way.
But here one regresses in life's scheme,
All for just a taste of liquors forgetting drink.
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